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11.9k · Oct 2012
Rickie Louis Oct 2012
I've seen love in a million faces,
almost caught her in a million places,
but she's so illusive,
can't be subdued,
before you know it,
she'll have you fooled.
She'll feed your heart, and lift it up,
then seemingly she's had enough.
From heights you'll fall,
a downward spiral,
she'll pierce your soul,
and hold you liable.
she'll tear you open, inside out,
make you wish you had a doubt.
Force you to beg,
and plead for mercy,
and wish this quench was never thirsty.
When fairy tales are all but over,
and these dragons can't be slayed,
it's then you wake to face the nightmare,
of being loves hopeless slave.
4.3k · Oct 2011
One peace of heart
Rickie Louis Oct 2011
One heart,
born in whole,
Free from all captivity.
Not a slave,
nor care,
Beating for one,

Two hearts,
one of the other,
made to feed and grow.
Beating for me,

Torn hearts, inseparable, separated.
Lost to the world,
by choice of deception.
The curse begins.

The seeking heart,
Beats for another.
One piece lost,
Destined to recover.
Absent of nurture,
Wicked, wicked,
Repelled, repulsed, shamed.
over and over again,

weirdness and awkward.
With a childs desperate heart.
Hopelessly hopeful,
Helplessly lost.

Found love,
Beautiful love,
lasting love.
My lover,
Deception, infidelity,
Another piece lost.

The cycle continues.
The seeking heart,
Desperate to replace,
What was lost long ago.
Ten times over.

Realization, awakening, awareness.
This piece left,
Peace of heart,
Beats for one,
It's my own.
No longer captive,
Nor a seeking slave.
This last piece,
Freed for me.
My first, non-rhyming poem. Enjoy, my love summed up! Please feel free to critique or compliment!
4.2k · Sep 2011
Rickie Louis Sep 2011
I just saw a humming bird,
   Whispering a humble word.
     You say, "no, that's so absurd,
       to be humbled by a bird,
       let alone it whisper words".
     Delusional as it may seem,
  This bird it whispered things to me.
Said, "take it slow" with humming wings    
"Abolish all unneeded things".
   Said, "life is now" as it zoomed by,  
   "Without this nectar life'd be dry"..
     said, "take a drink and take it slow,
    let it sit then let it flow.
  Tickle your tongue, and soft your humm, Simplicity will keep you young".
3.9k · Dec 2016
Unedited desires
Rickie Louis Dec 2016
Here I lie wide awake,
thoughts pouring through my mind.
How sweet the touch your body,
when craving after mine.

Playful eyes and dancing toes,
wrestling to shed our clothes.
You bite my neck and I taste yours,
we slowly kiss, our tongues explore.

I toss and turn, try to ignore,
these visions now vibrate my core,
the chance I'd take if you were near,
to breathe you in as though you're here.

Lips running down your heartfelt chest,
caressing them along your breast,
excitfull moans begin to flow,
the further down I go below.

With grace I trace, my love expands,
this sanctioned sin, no reprimands.
You feel me now, passions run deep,
quietly your sounds they speak,
and as they do,
I follow through,
through the depths of reaching you.

As inner thighs,
quiver and quake,
salty sweet your taste I take,
your fingers running through my hair,
you pace my face,
and steady,
You groan in ecstasy,
your love receives the best of me.
I slowly give my all to you,
with rhythm we begin to move,
clasping our hands, you sway your hips,
you raise them up, as we eclipse.

It echos through these deep elations,
driving in intense sensations.

Entangled we begin to dance,
form beads of tropical romance.
You rain on me, and I on you,
our bodies moist like sultry dew.

Tell me now, where have I gone,
this feels like some celestial bond.
I'm but alone, in my own bed,
yet here you are inside my head.

Joining rapid beating hearts,
pulsating through our tender parts.
Increasingly your warm breath's felt,
together we begin to melt...

I must expel this lustrous notion,
to sinfully vow my devotion.
How can it be, to have not met,
yet yarn for you, without regret.
Perhaps one day I'll feel once more,
reality vibrate my core.

3.5k · Jul 2011
Greedy as I.
Rickie Louis Jul 2011
I am greedy,
Greedier than greed,
Motive lies,
Behind each deed,
All I do,
That motivation,
Is to,
One thing,
It's behind,
My being,
My smile,
My hello,
All my well wishes,
It's all that I know,
It's my worth,
To me,
It's first,
More than gold,
It cannot be,
Or sold,
It is very rarely,
As it seems,
And when it's not,
It plagues me,
It's my own,
Heart disease,
I do not disagree,
I deserve this,
With all my greed.
3.4k · Jan 2012
Jigsaw puzzle
Rickie Louis Jan 2012
It seems as we get older, a piece of us gets lost.
Desires fill our hearts, it seems those pieces are the cost.
What must we do to find them, or fill that broken void.
Do we ever get them back, or are they just destroyed.
As age creeps up, and time ticks by, and awkwardness begins,
It's hope I find a heart like mine, who's pieces just fit in.
An old unfinished thought..
3.1k · Sep 2011
eMotional mOnsters
Rickie Louis Sep 2011
I'm so stricken, and I don't know what to do.
Like a sickness is killing me,
I'll blame it all on you.
There's a feeling deep inside of me,
That's clawing its way out,
and the pain I can't handle it,
this monsters name is doubt.
He's a beast who stays caged,
with his brothers down below,
within recess of my mind,
and the dungeons of my soul,
jealousy and anger and pride to say a few,
if their free in your mind,
their whispers will consume.
and they come as their called,
by their name they break free,
running rampid like a truth,
it's the truth thats killing me.
2.9k · Sep 2011
Rickie Louis Sep 2011
I could tell you of a story, of this flower that I saw.
Growing in a little crack, this flower had it all.
It's beauty got me thinking, how ****** we forget.
It isn't where we come from, it's that we never quit.
The struggles that this flower faced, no quiver nor a fall.
It rose above the chances,
through this crack that was so small.
The only will was life, and the chance that it may "be".
Exist in ways intended, and truly live as free.
This dandelions beauty, gives me the strength to know,
content with where I'm rooted, 
 and will to always grow.
2.3k · Feb 2012
Grounds keeper
Rickie Louis Feb 2012
Imagine grass,
tall bright green grass.
Each individual blade,
Swaying freely in everlasting fields.
Harmonious, peaceful, simple.
Now imagine,
a lawnmower,
cutting down,
and controlling the grass.
No more does it sway freely.
Religion is my lawnmower.
2.3k · Nov 2014
Rickie Louis Nov 2014
I feel apart of me's gone missing,
I don't care if it comes back.
The love I have's bled empty,
I'm afraid it's turning black.    
I'm finished always wishing,
With beggars knees so sore.
The shooting stars are missing,
My hope is gone for more.      

I find I'm always focused,
Dwelling further down a hole.
As misery is lurking,          
I'm a broken hearted mole.
I'm blinded and I'm searching,
By the one thing I can't find.
It's a warm place for my heart,
But it's messing with my mind.
Sorry for all the sappy poetry. It is what it is I guess.
1.9k · Sep 2011
Rickie Louis Sep 2011
If all were created,
before a finger lifted,
all'd be done...
Before a single word be said,
Every creeping crawling thing'd be dead.
No speaking laws, or slaughtered alters,
Or sacrificing ****** daughters.
No ill lessons, of omnipotence,
Omnipresence or deviance,
The vastness of life and time,
Are much too large, to be defined,
By one who's greatness greater than all,
To know we're here, or rule at all,
It's too far fetched to believe it's true,
There's one above, all around, watching you.
And say a god of sorts is real,
Say christ is god what would you feel,
To know his book is spoken true,
To be applied in all you do,
Word for word and verse by verse,
Forever there to be rehersed,
With jealousy and angry might,
His reasons are, beyond our sight,
His omnipotence we can't define,
His intelegence, beyond our mind,
******, ****, and slavery,
plagues and death, so hard to see,
The fact he made this all for us,
From each bright star, and nucleus,
just to cast us in a pit,
A fiery hell, a suffrage.
None of it, It makes no sense,
And think most don't believe in chance.
Now close your eyes, and just believe,
Blindly follow each page you read,
For faith is something you must have,
To not see past this broken path,
Of lies and hopes in false intent,
It's god who man came to invent.
Here's a law he wrote himself,
One of ten, to show us help,
And thou shalt worship one alone,
But now there's christ who claims his thrown.
A contradiction from the start,
O how this truth broke my poor heart,
He created all in just six days,
A sabbath rest I'm so amazed.
A day to gods a thousand years,
So look at this, And shed no tears,
He made us in all knowing ways,
But so confused within just days,
He changed his mind, his laws and story,
Then sent one down to claim his glory,
Then Lucifer, what was the point,
His purity, god did anoint,
Then jealousy and pride bestode,
But then again god had forebode,
Let alone freewill was not,
An angel had no choice to taunt,
Made to fill specific needs,
The devil had no other deeds,
God knows all, from start to end,
So if he's real, he's not a friend,
He doesn't love, or know all,
Or have salvation, when we fall.
A deity he is not,
Especially with how he taught.
There're better ways to plan a path,
Simplicity is easy math,
But who am I, I'm just a man,
Created by his clumsy hand.
I didn't wanna stop writing this one! So much to say on this topic.. Thanks for stopping by, I have plenty more to read if you enjoyed this. :) Don't forget to like or comment!
Rickie Louis Jan 2012
A waking moment, when eyes first open.
Like a newborn experiencing sight for the first time.
Blinding curiosity illuminating a fight for understanding.
Pure at first, as each new sensation overwhelms the senses.
As each new day comes and goes,
turning into weeks,
and years;
shaping our perspectives.
We slowly lose that sight we once had,
a forceful forging becomes of us.
Is who we are simply what we've seen?
It seems as each clip of life is impressed upon us,
we become less individual in the since of freewill,
and moreso as a carbon copy of impulses and reactions.
Lessons of life are gained after rigorous testing of wills, fates and virtues.
Mistakes as high as moutian peeks can be reached in moments,
Whilst the treck down seem to never end.
Lost deep in a forest that repeats itself,
over and over leading back to that peak.
Within these trials of heartache, triumphs, and shame.
When does redemption come to save our souls?
An awaking moment, when eyes first open.
Like a newborn experiencing sight for the first time.
Blinding curiosity illuminating a fight for understanding.
An understanding beyond the senses,
beyond what can be seen and felt thru this battle life creates.
A struggle for redemption for what has been seen and done,
in the moments before these eyes had true vision.
A redemption that is dreamt with open eyes under sunny skies,
and soundly under starlight; but it seems sometimes as tho,
no matter the destination desired for that clean slate in life,  
I find myself fixed, like a switch on the wall.
As tho we can be empowered, only to be turned off.
Is the desire for redemption caused by switching on,
and rewarded by flipping back off with oblivious eyes?
1.7k · Apr 2013
Fun guys, fungi.
Rickie Louis Apr 2013
Primordial network,
networking mycelium,
mycelia working,
working primitively,
primitive connections,
connecting chemically,
chemical reactions,
reacting pleasantly,
pleasant visuals,
visual enhancements,
enhancing hallucinations,
hallucinating vividly,
vivid reality,
reality bending,
bending light,
lightly colorful,
coloured full,
fully spiritual,
spirit elevated,
elevated God,
Gods flesh,
flesh Devine,
Devine mind.
A lil myco word play, enjoy.
1.6k · Jun 2011
Never enough.
Rickie Louis Jun 2011
We have our allotment,
our bit and our share,
an instant, a moment,
it can seem so unfair.

I'm running and chasing,
I'm trying to subdue,
theres no way to stop it,
it can quickly allude.

It's often just wasted,
or squandered away,
and feel so eternal,
like a long lonely day.

The cost,
you can't buy it,
and it's easily misused,
It's treasured and priceless,
and can never be reused.

No matter,
how badly,
you try and hold on,
you can't even touch it,
then it's suddenly gone.

So just make the best,
and do what you can,
sieze every small moment,
in this very small span.
1.5k · Sep 2011
Simple deception
Rickie Louis Sep 2011
I've been in love, and loved only one,
all of them lovers, but loved of them none.
To blame, a desire, of them seems to me,
a projection from liars, who they seem to be.
But soon these sparks fade, oblivion subsides,
it's many were confused, or it's lies they confide.
All beyond reason, Unwilling to bend,
as if they are hiding, it's then they defend.
illogic so blinding, but so plain to see,
the same who once kissed, It's themselves they deceive.
To them like a game, With revolving rules,
at first they are common, then suddenly fooled.
But down to a truth, and wisdom to be,
dishonesty floats, and facades soon are seen.
The one that I loved, like a princess or goddess a fairytail, it is I who was modest.
It's now that I realize, it's I who is broke,
so willingly hopeless, my own heart I choke.
1.5k · Oct 2011
the knight
Rickie Louis Oct 2011
I draw my sword and brace my shield,
like a shining knight armored in the shining night,
I ascend the peaks of hearts.
Battling now only the weight that which I believe protects me,
I slowly shed myself to bear the journey that lies ahead..
One piece at time my armor falls to the ground,
risking abrasions and damage delt in future waging hearts.
I soon become naked of all but the plate that hides my chest..
As I search through the valleys,
deep in the crest,
I feel it's beating.
Warmth soon takes me, leading me to it.
With each hopeful stride of my double edged sword,
I find I'm only slaying shadows of demons that once dwelt within.
As each war's waged my heart becomes exposed and weary through what once protected it.
Soon I find myself faced at the entrance,
as I slowly descend down jagged and torn pieces,
I feel the raging heat of it's breath burning and searing flames engulfing me,
I feel it all around me.
I place my shield overhead, hoping it's truth protects me.
Then I lunge,
swinging right then left using the weight of the sword that once hindered,
striking only cavern walls, it seemingly alludes me.
Remembering stories of those before,
I begin to hold doubt and realize through past pains this dragon won't be slayed let alone captured,
I'm only battling myself.
As my journey comes to an end I turn,
I suddenly see it, staring directly into it,
I see it's no beast at all.  
I know in that moment,
I'm nothing more than consumed by hopes of what already lives within,
and blinded by what was expected.
This dragon that I chase (love), has alredy slayed me.
Of course another poem about the trials of finding love, but first letting go of your armour, and realizing there's love within stronger than any that could be found.
1.4k · Jun 2011
Filthy friends.
Rickie Louis Jun 2011
I smell something and it really stinks,
like truth from liars,
I cant believe.
It's putredness defying spray,
it's lingering won't go away,
it follows me,
I cant allude,
and all my friends they can't subdue,
their noses burn,
and eyes they water,
water yes I need some water,
to clean my self,
and start again,
cause people don't like filthy friends.
1.3k · Jun 2011
The fort.
Rickie Louis Jun 2011
I’m building this fort one block at a time,
as fast as I can, I‘m running behind,
Three blocks go up, then two fall down,
I’m not too far up off the ground,
If only I had hands to help,
this fort might withstand damage dealt.
I swear sometimes, I am alone,
these people here, this can’t be home.
Disguised as friends, to take from me,
things I’d give them openly.
No matter what I do or say,
to help someone in this same way,
It seems as though I end up standing,
with fortress blocks so condescending,
What exactly do I mean,
that greed has taken self-esteem.
Hope in hearts are infiltrated,
trusting blocks disintegrated.
Loyalty is put to shame,
cause their rules play another game.
Hollow blocks of truth degrade,
and think the friend you would have made.
It could be there, but you can‘t see,
until that day, my enemy.
I’ll not give up, I’m building back,
these fortress walls, I’ll double stack.
My calloused heart, won’t be the same,
but this will not, define my name.
I’ll still be here, building up,
so kindness just might be enough.
And one day bring those helping hands,
to build this fort with our great plans.
Now two blocks up at a time,
with dignity, we will shine,
we will make it to the top,
until that day, I will not stop.
1.3k · Sep 2011
The storming of hearts
Rickie Louis Sep 2011
Over casted skies, hughed faintly by these city lights,  
power lines and treetops, distract the view, but not quite.
Just enough to see, beyond houses and horizon,  
this sadly painted sky, it is not colored with the season.

I look into your eyes, there's a hint there's something not right,
eyeliner and makeup, slightly covers up the hindsight,
But thru it I can see,  beyond the smiles and the reason,
Its look inside your eyes, it's as though I do not please them.

Trees waving in the wind, changing course throughout the evening,
like the calm before a storm, mother natures heavy breathing.
Then rain begins to pour, ions crashing from the ground,
brightly lighting up the scene, with a devastating sound.

Words flying thru the air, given alternating meaning,
defensively we scorn, imply intentions so deceiving,
within we become torn, as hearts lost cannot be found,
why can't our love be free, without these tensions all around..

Dawn turns to morn, as the birds begin to sing,
And the night of the storm, had ended violently,
Branches and leafs scattered in the flooded field,
It's a night to remember, new beginnings can rebuild.
This is yet to be finished, lots of tweaking needed to set it in all fairness..
1.2k · Jan 2012
Rickie Louis Jan 2012
It's two am, and here again, I'm lying wide awake.
Procrastinations all to blame, for granted life's at stake.
Like binding chains, that freely hang, nor keeping me tied down.
It's motivation that's not here, it never has been found.
Anxiously I pace around, I chase illusive sleep.
Initiative is all to give, but restlessness I keep.
Repeatedly I ask myself, when will it all change, will I finally shed these chains, to keep me from the same?
I close my eyes and fall to sleep at two am agian, with promises upon myself to find that new begin.
Another midnight revelation shedding light my way, giving me precise direction, lost each waking day.
1.1k · Apr 2013
Rickie Louis Apr 2013
My best friend is killing me within each and every breath.
Since I was just a child it's been planning on my death.
So long as I recall it's been the only friend around,
Taking all my stress and always there to calm me down.
So many friends have come and gone alike with all the years,
So many times to pick me up and help me fight my tears.
Had I known the fight, I'd take back every strike and strife.
Escaping every anxious moment isn't worth my life.
Eighteen years has come and gone and now I'm twenty-nine.
And death should be my strongest vice to get you off my mind.
And still I sit with you my friend these days make me regret,
The moment I decided to light up that cigarette.
1.1k · Mar 2012
seek to destroy
Rickie Louis Mar 2012
I think I need to be more understanding to others intentions,
and not my own inserted perception of what I think others are intending.
Me and my over active imagination like to play to much with hypothesis, theories, and probabilities.
When often,
truth can be spoken without being tested.
I swear sometimes I break things down so much,
when it comes to putting it back together,
I find I've built a monster to fear and seek to destroy.
If you look at it right,
you'll see I'll only destroy myself in the end.
1.1k · Jun 2011
Rickie Louis Jun 2011
Days like today,
make it hard,
hard to stay on track,
so hard to keep on moving
and hard to not look back.

Days like today remind me,
that only I'm to blame,
For all of the mistakes I've made,
creating all this shame!

This day it only makes me re-gret,
some things I have done,
Pretending I'm the person that,
I'm trying to become!

Fooling those around me and,
convincing them a lie.
These aren't my true intentions,
but some things I still do hide.

I dream the day that I am changed,
and do not have to run,
or pretend that I am someone else,
and foolish me is done!

It's pride I want in knowing that,
I'm loved for being me,
not judged in my confusion or
accused in some degree.

If I could start this life again,
the chance I'd pass it by.
I know not much would really change,
no point to even try.

If I could cut away right now,
this ugly part from me,
the part that hurts us all the most,
that no one else can see,

To cut my human nature out,
to stop all of the pain,
I'd only hand the knife to you,
cause I've caused you the same!
1.0k · Feb 2012
Trial and error
Rickie Louis Feb 2012
With each our own, upon a thrown, of thorns our souls reside. With each new tear our hearts they bear the past with open eyes. With lessons tried, and tears we've cried from wisdom, we've succumb. Our time will say to run or stay, each choice its own demise.
1.0k · Sep 2011
Her touch..
Rickie Louis Sep 2011
Impetuously copacetic,
as a zephyr to the soul,
with chills she'll send,
feels good till end,
but soon you're left there cold.
Rickie Louis Jul 2015
The road is paved with emotional landmines encircling my every move.
And every sign that comes down this highway seems to remind me of you.
Almost as though I have been down this road, but the view is all but the same.
I'm not driving in circles, but some how it swirls back into painful war games.
Explosions, implosions, dismembered emotions at what point will it all end?
What do we gain when love turns to pain and hearts can no longer mend.
A friend gave me a line and told me it was the start of my next poem. So this is what it is.
Rickie Louis Jun 2011
The cold reality of life,
is that it's completely unfair,
the cards we're dealt,
like a losing pair,
some of us,
we can never win for loosing,
hell some of us,
can't even try to live by choosing.
It's like some of us were born in a cruel deficit,  
with an impossible expectation to just climb right out of it.
It's like trying to win a predetermined losing battle,
with all odds against us,
climbin up a broken ladder.
1000 · Jun 2011
What I want.
Rickie Louis Jun 2011
I dont wanna lie, or be lied to,
I wanna girl, who'll always stay true,
Call me Clyde, with a Juliet,
and Eva, better yet,
Just call me ******,
with Bonnie by my side,
Forever with me,
until the day I die,
Call me romantic or even insane,
Too many people,
are always playin games,
I want some truth,
and maybe dignity,
something thats real,
we'll call reality,
I know you get me,
I know that you can read,
All of these signs,  
I know that you can see.
I'm almost jaded,
these women I can't stand,
Its like my heart,
always gives them upper hand,
I'm always taken,
for a train ride,
We'll call it crazy train,
this train will soon collide,
Into this heart,
but you should realize,
it's wrapped in steel,
it's happened over time,
it's indestructible,
unless you get inside,
it takes a key,
give me yours, and you'll get mine.
994 · Sep 2016
Rickie Louis Sep 2016
Give me a woman who's loving
Ill take any who'll care
Give me a woman who'll sit down and listen
One who is actually there

Im seeking a love that won't falter
Given we're all on our knees
Im seeking a love that can stand back up
One resistant of all this disease..

I'm seeing so many who glisten
These people so sparkling cool
They add up to false advertisement
Who seemingly take me a fool.

No warranty false expectations
Just bid you a fair well adieu.
Once things get shaky and different
They're off to find something brand new.
943 · Aug 2013
the only problem
Rickie Louis Aug 2013
The only problem with colliding in love, is the down ward spiral from the heights above.

The only problem with that first long kiss, are all the others later that seem to have been missed.

The only problem with taking that chance, is gaining all the baggage of a faulty romance.

The only problem with colliding in love, is you're crashing two lives and expecting no blood.

The only problem with that first long kiss, is the thought it's self sustainable with a byproduct of bliss.

The only problem with taking that chance, is gambling in that moment betting all upon a glance.
914 · Jan 2012
Unending thought..
Rickie Louis Jan 2012
We'll all live on forever..
Like the energy within us,
never ending...............continuous.
Weaving and winding forever on end,
coming and going, colliding, again.
Thru all probabilities of chance,
like a copacetic electric dance,
connected eternal we're never alone,
it's just for a moment this instants our home.
It is, what was, has been, will be,
each step we take is destiny.
This is just my point of view,
but you are me and I am you,
Our essence one but many too.
Simply like a shooting star,
a piece of it within my heart,
another piece is within you.
Perhaps that star was us that flew.
The meaning of this life to me,
is very simply just to be.
Complacent, yet eager to learn,
to feel, to live,  to love, and yearn.
To look inside ourselves and see,
That God is you and God is me.
Tho, we go, we GROW, a p a r t.
A path that goes without a start.
With each new breaths a new begin,
within this loop we're spinning in.
My mind is scattered on this one, keep getting lost in thought, will edit later when I have more time.. Suggestions welcome. :)
900 · Mar 2012
Imma tree
Rickie Louis Mar 2012
My leaves have fallen color gone,
this season sings a sorrowed song.
Each branch and finger lingers bare,
where once a luscious life was shared.
With every breeze that passes thru,
within cold nights of bitter blue,  
and as each leaf makes it below,
this truth in life feeds me to grow.
I'll sit and wait,
fight thru
the gloom,
cause soon
I know new
life will bloom.
856 · Jan 2017
Rickie Louis Jan 2017
No depth,
you're hollow,
you're empty inside.

It's no wonder you wallow...
Society has you,
you're destined to follow.

Adrift and aimless,
pathetic and nameless,
you're not even shameless,
with shame you're aware,

but you're not..

You can't even care you're so self diluted,
you're blind as a bat,
and your conscience is muted.

Let's hear you refute it..

Despute it..

It's all just a game, I know.
Another song and dance to show.

I'm not impressed.
Not in the least.

I get it.

Lifes your buffet,
and it's all you can eat,
but retreat,
and know I'm no feat,
I repeat,
you will never defeat,
with a virtue to cheat.
You're merely transparent with all that deceit.
A girl I know.
835 · Jun 2011
Rickie Louis Jun 2011
Love is complicated,
somewhat like a seed,
with out the proper nutrients,
that plant won't grow and breed!
I want to be your soil,
free of all the weeds,
I want to be your sun and rain,
without impurities.
I pray someday I'll have it,
Someday I will see,
time is all I'll ever have,
to plant my litte tree!
My first poem.
830 · Jun 2011
Sweet dreams.
Rickie Louis Jun 2011
As I stare into the sky,
I watch this star go flying by,
something I'v seen a time or two,
but never thought wishes come true,
so here's a chance I'll take it now,
I'll close my eyes and think of how,
I'd wish upon this shooting star,
to take me to a place so far,
away from here I'm so displaced,
somewhere the heart goes not to waste,
but wishing to this shooting star,
is just a thought thats gone to far,
instead I'll close my eyes and dream,
dream with all this heart in me,
that one day I will make it home,
a place I'll never be alone,
a place my eyes have never seen,
a place so far thats just a dream,
so as this shooting star flys high,
this wish I'll let it pass me by,
'cause wishing to this shooting star,
is further than a dream by far!
820 · Nov 2011
Rickie Louis Nov 2011
Beautiful hazel, blue, and green.
A calming oasis I'd never foreseen.
Peering deep reflecting two,
A futures dream I hold for you.
Smooth and soft colored pale,
The touch unlike a love that'd fail.
Wavy coils bouncing around,
a chipper laugh a welcoming sound,
My son you give me something more,
Your little heart I'll forever adore.
778 · Dec 2016
Friend (acrostic)
Rickie Louis Dec 2016
Before you know, you're in your thirties,
Recalling all the days that'd come and gone,
Immixed with nostalgia memories,
Tedious friendships that lasted,
Temporary ones that passed,
Although it's difficult to differentiate,
None I've had with real substance,
Yet here you are, always there...
Picking me up from my self desolation,
Reassuring that I have some value,
Insisting there's worth,
Commiserating my woes,
Everything that defines a friend.
I appreciate you, even tho I'm so self-absorbed.
756 · Dec 2016
Dreaming out loud
Rickie Louis Dec 2016
There's a yearning in my soul. A sudden dramatic anticipation. To connect, to reflect, to know your joys and woes. Your sorrows and your hopes.
Even for a day..
A minute..
A moment..
A memory to behold!
I don't expect forever, truly forever is untold, but life has unexpectedly introduced our weary souls. Bestow to me your story. I promise I'm no judge. I am too a victim seeking nothing more than love. A piece of me I'll give you. I'll surly accept yours. To feel in life is purpose, to neglect that is absurd.  Let your heart be open, let it carry you away. The pain you've too long squandered, let's relinquish it today.
Forsaken as we are. Despite our pieces scattered adrift this lonely road. We are still yet hopeful, daydreamers may we be, come to me within your sleep. Let me hold you as you close your eyes, as you slip into this thought, no matter the distance, feel me. A fairytale perhaps. Do we not deserve just one? Take this piece of peace. Find solace and let it thrive. Let this moment be, and long into the next to be a guide. The worst at most will this just fade. The best at least is an eternal embrace.
713 · Oct 2012
Rickie Louis Oct 2012
I'm not a wishful thinker,
but with the cold reality,
faith seems to be the only warmth in life..
Then again I'd rather be cold than lie to myself.
704 · Nov 2016
Rickie Louis Nov 2016
Sometimes I'm filled with an overwhelming sadness
It's like a Madness
but not the kind with rage

It's almost like i have a deficit of joy
A black hole
Or a reoccurring void

It's like that feeling when you're far away from home
But I'm home
Yet here with you's alone

When it comes it is impossible to hide
There's no pride
No ego to confide

It's then i seek for some kind of affirmation
Acting out this sickening deprivation
My desperation

I'm not alone
..My misery calls me home..
Nothings ever finished.
687 · Feb 2012
city dreams
Rickie Louis Feb 2012
I have an undieing urge in life to roam.
An overwhelming desire to experience, and explore, but I feel so confined by city walls.
As tho I'm bound by stirrups of hollow currency and debt I didn't ask for.
Psychologically enslaved, driven like a power horse towards false dreams of open pastures,
herded by the motives of others prosperity.
Where is that life that was intended for me, it seems the very sense of freedom is bought and pacification is all they really sell.
Like a dream chaser, I say to myself, one day.
662 · Sep 2011
follow me in fallacy
Rickie Louis Sep 2011
There are no lyrics for this song inside my head.
so it's best sometimes expressed in my own words,
of using others expressions, mine's as well,
so I'll place each word on these lines as my pens,
to try to draw exactly what I want to show,
so please keep up and follow if you really wanna,
or shake your head and smile, or simply just pretend.
imaginations greatest when you're only playing,
is what you call yourself, in times that you need.
not exactly being one within your selfish,
is what I'm seeing now as I begin to speak,
listen to me dearly now my hearts becoming,
is what you call me now within my time of need,
friend is who I tried to be when your hearts who I,
me full of ******* with your insincere concerns,
cause in the end I'll be here as this bridge you try to,
it all away and stand there sifting thru the ash.
I tried to ***** the fire as you quickly stuck that,
me with intentions and perhaps you just may see,
that life can be more meaningful without some,
628 · Mar 2017
Rickie Louis Mar 2017
I wish I knew the color of your eyes, but easily I imagine they're beautiful. I wouldn't close mine for even a second,  not a single blinks worth missing. I'd travel as far as they'd let me go,  I wonder if I could get lost? Or how soft your skin, your hair, or lips; to feel them on my finger tips. To know your imperfections. Lord, to be your last confession. To feel your body pressing mine, it makes me ache and leave my mind.  I see your inner beauty, a certain devine serenation. You'd lull me to my dreams I'm sure, and time would just become this blur. I wish I knew your scent,  so as I make my way thru this mundane life; I'd stumble across your fragrant so sweet, reminiscent is where I'd be. I'm not too concerned with how small or how tall, how narrow or wide, but the tenderness of your soul. Mmm.. I can already envision how heavenly you must be, now this would make me complete..
something I found in my notes
628 · Nov 2017
Lucifer (10w)
Rickie Louis Nov 2017
Hearts perish for the devil,
For heavens in her eyes..
625 · Apr 2013
mutual (first haiku)
Rickie Louis Apr 2013
She said to me go,
without hesitation I left her standing there,
without hesitation our hearts collapsed.
620 · Mar 2013
Rickie Louis Mar 2013
Nothing is sacred,
nor does it last forever.
No two can make it,
without hearts being severed.

Desperation plagues,
once truth in lies unfold,
neglected love evades,
once blame is what takes hold.

love begins to pass,
like the petals of a rose,
once given to a lover,
when two hearts began to grow.

Promises are broken,
once they pass thru lying lips.
love cannot be spoken,
or be grasped with finger tips.

Eyes are bound to wander,
if they aren't fixed soul to soul,
and sinking ships are destined,
once relationships turn cold.
605 · Jul 2015
Parabolic applesauce
Rickie Louis Jul 2015
There's an apple in a tree that I want so miserably
and I jump and I climb, but I just can't seem to reach,
and I know everyday that the tree's a lil taller,
but that apple is so red and it isn't getting smaller.
So I try even more and I give it all I've got,
while I imagine how it'd taste and I know it'd hit the spot.
Then one day the apple falls upon my weary feet so tired,
just to hold it in my hands only to find it had expired.
It is then I look around
just to see how easily
it'd had been to take a moment
and see other apple trees,
because I've been within a forest
and my stomach had deceived me
and my eyes they had ignored it,
just to get that one to please me.
595 · Sep 2011
I beLIEve
Rickie Louis Sep 2011
There are times that I believe,
               and times that I'm deceived,
and there are times I believe I'm deceived.
587 · Dec 2016
longsuffering in vein
Rickie Louis Dec 2016
I relish the best in you,
Endured the worst,
Now you're gone,
My love's dispersed.

adjective: longsuffering
having or showing patience in spite of troubles, especially those caused by other people.
"his long-suffering wife"
synonyms: patient, forbearing, tolerant, uncomplaining, stoic, stoical, resigned; easygoing, indulgent, charitable, accommodating, forgiving, understanding

in vain
phrase of vain
without success or a result.
"they waited in vain for a response"
synonyms: unsuccessfully, without success, to no avail, to no purpose, fruitlessly
"they tried in vain to save him"

562 · Dec 2016
nostalgic expectations
Rickie Louis Dec 2016
i know how i look
with my rose tented glasses
im not naive nor gullible
just convincing myself to believe
i know it's a set up
pehaps a little foolish
but the highs i reach
are worth the lows beneath
there's nothing that can stop
how i wish to see
i would rather not admit
the sad truth of reality
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