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The night watchman lights his lantern
From his balcony in the sky,
Shining his light on lovers each night,
And when they kiss, you'll hear him sigh

But tonight the moon is worried,
Frantic calls of anguish arise,
And as his light spills on darkened hills,
He starts searching with anxious eyes

The moon scatters beams north and south,
Fearing for the troubled lovers,
Feeling distressed, he looks east and west,
Then weeps for what he discovers

In the dark, a heart-wrenching scene ....
A woman,  alone with her tears,
And while she cries, the moon denies
The sad truth that her heart most fears

Her dearest love has gone missing,
He has not been heard from in weeks,
No word from him, her hope grows dim,
To her heart a fearful voice speaks

O, careless moon, what have you done,
She lost him when you looked away,
Slowly she dies, pain blurs her eyes,
What fate befell him, can you say?

Can you shed no light on her woe?
Please try, send her spirits flying!
He must be found soon, please, dear moon,
Little by little .....  she is dying
How callously this day has come and gone,
Though hoped for, no gifts did it bring to me;
The sun reluctantly announced the dawn,
Not one bird could I find to sing to me

No matter the path, I walked it in vain,
No one offered a kind word nor a smile,
A cheerful spirit was hard to maintain
And became burdensome after a while

Strolling my garden I sought solace there,
While gathering roses, thorns pricked my finger,
Hopelessness and woe hung thick in the air,
With dusk at hand, I chose not to linger

O, the searing pain of being alone,
Doubting, while yet hoping love might find me;
But this day failed me and can not atone
For all these hopeless longings that bind me

I shall not forget nor forgive this day,
Such neglect saddens and tortures my night,
And this chaplet of misery shall lay
Upon my heart like a perilous blight

Contemplating Love's banquet of delights,
I greet each morn with new hope in my heart;
But a thousand days and as many nights
Saw my dreams perish and watched Hope depart

Too long my lonely laments have been sung,
Do I demand too much when I implore
Love's blessing before my death knell is rung?
(This granted, I would ask for nothing more)

"Tomorrow Love will come - be not concerned"
Hope softly sighs.   But my senses are numb.
And yet, as the page from Life's book is turned,
Once again to Hope's deceit I succumb
Rays of a golden sun greet the day,
A warm breeze brushes my cheek in its play,
Fragrant flowers bloom in radiant hue,
Amidst this beauty, I think of you

A wandering bird in hectic flight
Searches for shelter before fall of night,
Then sanctuary comes within view,
When I've lost my way, I think of you

Amorous waves hug a lonely shore;
As avocets scavenge the sandy floor
The moon and stars keep their rendezvous,
In this peaceful realm, I think of you

A dove woos his mate high in a tree,
Together they warble love's symphony
As bees sip the rose's velvet dew;
Seeing love fulfilled, I think of you

Though life may demand its daily toll,
Your love guides me toward my journey's goal;
And when despair spreads its darkest hue --
Love's flame kindles when I think of you
i stopped being the rain
and the sun
that gave you life
and i turned into wildflowers
Stopped on the shore
to snap a picture,
"can you pose more candidly?"
you asked the water,

while the sun scurried
across the sky to duck
behind the horizon for fear
of the ensuing argument.
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