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Dec 2013 · 347
Renae Dec 2013
Our gift is emotion
pain, grief and the occasional humor
ease what ails
We are unique, unbridled
free to express on a whim
the heavy burden in our minds
We release our cares onto listening ears
making the load easier to carry
In this way we share the weight
Someone expresses thanks
and becomes a  blessing
Making the emotion bearable
creating a smile
In this instance
we are gifts to each other
Dec 2013 · 659
Renae Dec 2013
It's like slowly suffocating from inhaling toxic judgment, lies and even worse, silence. Lonesome longing for what can never take place because naivety only happens once in a lifetime and after your glass heart shatters, the pieces become impossible to pick up. You have to sweep them up as best you can and the tiny shards left behind to linger in the corners of your memory, haunt, never to be forgotten. It is a slow bitter taste that stays on the tongue long after swallowing down the outbursts. It is the tears of pain from the thick smokey air you can cut with a knife.
Dec 2013 · 543
There's a pill for that
Renae Dec 2013
There's a pill for almost everything these days.
For instance there are many pills designed to off the waterworks long enough to please those thinking types.  Need energy? There's a pill for that, now you need to sleep so there's a pill for that. There's even a pill to keep you from thinking too much! There's pills for your skin and pills for your teeth. Pills for your ills.
The irony is, in the end, cancer is the reward.
Venting. I do not take pills btw.
Dec 2013 · 212
when I die
Renae Dec 2013
when I die
I want to be forgotten as if I never existed
I wish for my family to lose my  memory
so they never have to feel the pity
so they can be happy and smile
I wish to be gone in a snap
without machines to support my life
to keep me hanging on

when I die
I just want to be **gone
Dec 2013 · 371
Lost not found
Renae Dec 2013
I stared into the glossy eyes
of a stranger
A master illusionist is he
But they were your eyes
so I misunderstood it all
Dec 2013 · 1.8k
How he loves me
Renae Dec 2013
He loves me he loves me not
He loves me 2,000 miles away
Always loves me at a 3 or 5
but no larger than 8
12 is a turn off; 
 there's never a second glance
So I guess that must mean
there's no second chance
After... I will lose every pound you hate
Dec 2013 · 354
More than you and me
Renae Dec 2013
Of all the blessings life can bring
Nothing could mean more to me
Than to drink life's water free
The greatest blessing is eternity

Yes I'm planted like a tree
My trunk is thick my roots run deep
Drinking from a stream not the sea
I believe in more than you and me

It's so much more than eyes can see
Pure faith in honesty
It's a gift that sets men free
From all the hypocrisy

It's real; it's serious
leaders try to keep it mysterious
for pockets deep and minds delirious
hoping none make sense of the curios

But go ahead and hide from reality
Since it's more comfortable not to think
How sickening it would be
If this system were never ending

No one can hide from the truth
It will happen win or lose
Nothing can stop it from coming true
So it's our choice to choose

I choose life everlasting
Hope and understanding
I chose the gift that sets men free
I believe in more than you and me
Dec 2013 · 296
A little advice to me
Renae Dec 2013
Keep climbing uphill, ignore the rest. Nothing matters but what you let matter. You don't  have to listen to the negative, let the dead ideas and empty words die with them. They are desperate. And though you walk through the valley of death you will fear no evil because it is as good as dead already. It has no meaning and is over. Let them be happy now for a hundred years may be all they ever see, but you know better. Yes you were victimized and fooled, but you stand firm. Stay strong, don't let them get the best of you. They are done. No pleasure is worth it and your Father knows you. He knows you did not ask for this. He knows you did not want it. He knows your heart.
Speaking solely of the darkness that resides in this world world and how it affects me.
Dec 2013 · 213
You know who you are
Renae Dec 2013
I am glad you're gone. You rip my heart out with ease as if I were nothing to you so I am glad. Go, run, you belong there.
Dec 2013 · 573
The leaving
Renae Dec 2013
I wonder of I'll ever get used to the leaving. The rejection stings but it's mostly bearable. It's the leaving I hate the most.
I hate it when my children leave the security of home. My oldest son is 18 now and letting go is difficult at best
Dec 2013 · 451
Don't stop now
Renae Dec 2013
I can no longer pretend; I am blackened by the long journey. Cramped and jagged edges surround my tiny path, as I stagger and grasp trying to keep upright. Falling rocks up ahead make the trail harder to see.
Why did I choose this way? Oh yes I remember now. The other path was definitely an easier trudge, I cannot deny it. I just couldn't fathom the end of it all.
So many chose that path. I was on it once, it was so easy. I remember I could serpentine if I wanted to, I could jump over any obstacles and run right through the trees! Mostly because they were thin and dying. It was broad and spacious! Oh but the end of it all, the end of it all was certain destruction. The bridge was out, there would be nowhere to go and with so many pushing behind them, well I just don't see how anyone would keep their footing.  I've heard the fall is impossible to survive.
So, needless to say, I chose the road less traveled. This road is cramped, It is difficult at best and I've seen very few along the way. I am grateful they are here though; taking this path with me. At times when I've stumbled they offer me a helping hand.....and likewise. I could never have made it this far without them. When we enter in through the narrow gate we will rejoice together!
It is just the uphill climb, the narrow path that is very challenging to follow. Having faith is a must or I am surely going to fall short of finishing. Focus is what I need. I must keep my eyes fixed. There is no going back now, I'm much too far.......I am over half way!
The fog is clearing and I am able to see the end! There is only a short distance, I know I can make it now. Don't slip! I mustn't quit! I will keep moving, keep alert, stay awake. I know it will all be worth it if I stay steady. Don't look back! Just stay straight. Don't stop now.
Matthew 7:14 &15 - "Go in through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones finding it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life and few are the ones finding it."
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
Renae Dec 2013
Simple as I may be
in my effervescent simplicity  
I could not thrive any other way
It's unattractive to you
But it's my everyday
Contentment is what I feel
my happiness is real
For with my simplicity
I change and bend
through the wind and the rain
I keep my head
I can weather the storms  
through it all I keep my faith
I can survive like no other
& this is all for the simple fact
I endure when I suffer
no matter what the attack
Dec 2013 · 261
Your love
Renae Dec 2013
How do I begin when somehow it feels as if it never ends or sometimes as if it never ended....

The taunting smirk of your love leaves me feeling abandoned or at a loss; a bit irritable.....

After all you keep touching my waist and tempting me with that laugh, that smile, those hands...

You come here intoxicated and leave me to sleep alone wanting to be intoxicated too, only with your love.

Love is funny like that, that it's just so upside down. So full of mercy and hope & mystery...
Dec 2013 · 827
Renae Dec 2013
There was a time in my life
when I wasn't such a rigid realist
Before experience told me the truth
And the pain of life took hold
The bliss of ignorance
It once embraced me too
Dreams were fantastic then
Daydreams and love, it was all fun;
wonderful and intriguing
The excitement of life
captivating my very being
I was exhilarated!
Motivated into shape!
Loving my life & myself
it was easy then
but that was before
the experience set in
Dec 2013 · 4.0k
Renae Dec 2013
Always watching
My head hurts  
I cannot understand  
You're after something
that you can't have
That's why you try
to get into my head
Leave me alone
I cry and I beg
You just look at me
and tip your head
then you give me a smile instead
That's when the pressure begins
gripping my temples just like a vice
Grinding my gears,
stopping my wheels
Trying to squeeze out my life
Dec 2013 · 1.0k
Call me crazy
Renae Dec 2013
Nothing felt so surreal as when he called me perfect
Insecurities were lifeless within me
Floating along on a breeze I
danced among the clouds; caught up
Nothing mattered except when he called me baby
I was his and he was mine
In my mind there was no space in-between
Nothing was more ****** than when
he slid his arms around my waist
face in my neck, chills down my spine
hands shivering, short breaths
Nothing was more incredible than that....
Nothing was more upsetting than when he was upset
with me especially
Nothing hurt worse than the names
Than the disappointment
Than the expectations
Nothing was harder than the court orders
Than the shelters
Than the sleepless nights
Nothing was longer than the drive out of state
Than parenting single
Than the not knowing
Nothing stabs like a tear soaked pillow
like confusion
or a broken heart
Nothing makes me feel more like a fool
Than wanting him back
Than missing his laugh
His smile, his charms
Call me crazy
Dec 2013 · 716
The Three Sisters
Renae Dec 2013
Darting up through coral skies
Far & wide across my line of vision
Snow capped
the strong but silent type.
Awe inspiring creation
words cannot describe you
Not enough.
breath taking beauty.
The type we pay to see
though priceless in God's eyes
it was worth every dime spent
every pair of hiking boots.
Drink in the clean pure water
flowing through the trees
trickling down in icy streams
tiny flowers gracing paths
waterfalls in the distance
equalling total amazement
Dec 2013 · 1.7k
Renae Dec 2013
This is unfair
I fight and read
and I get lost in prayer
I try so hard not to fall
It's just so unfair
Endure to the end
but how can I bear
When you constantly
Surround me
You are always there
It seems to be
an impossible task
To allow you in
Is so much to ask
To believe in lies
Is something I cannot do
I cannot trust you enough
To believe in you
Dec 2013 · 379
They don't really care
Renae Dec 2013
Truth is....
it feels better not to think
not to think it through
Not to self examine
Not to ponder ones reflection
Not if it means change
Change is different
Even if it might mean redemption
Even if it would lead to perfection
Dec 2013 · 537
First Snow
Renae Dec 2013
Like tiny delicate white petals floating through the air, they pile up in the formation of thick cozy blankets covering cars and houses. I sit cuddled up in my own with cocoa and fleece feeling safe and sound by an angry fire.
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
Free Will
Renae Dec 2013
My mind travels,  to distant worlds. I am without limit . No boundaries exist no cage could hold me in, I am free to make my own decisions.

You see,  I created this world around me. I do not believe in Hollywood dreams. Although we both bleed although we both breathe, the differences are vast inbetween.

You may sing as beautifully as the waves of the sea, but no song will ever be able to save anybody. You see, I heard it's impossible to please him well, not when you have so much money. It really doesn't matter how beautiful you are honey.

Money changes people when you have too much, it breeds greed and lust and it's never enough!
Power and titles and fame built up high, towering over above what is right.
Above each other, above the law. What happens when it crumbles? What happens when you fall? And you're just another one, just like me.  After everything you've had, could you live so simply?

This is my corner, my sanctuary, my home & my life is my family. Worldwide, I have brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers and everyone listens. Everyone loves straight from the start and it's my free will, this is where I keep my heart.
This poem is about my choice to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses instead of pursuing fame
Dec 2013 · 2.3k
Renae Dec 2013
Lights! Evergreen! Action! Have you ever heard of the feast of fools? Plunging into pleasures takes the stage!Welcome to the Saturnalia! The setting takes place in ancient Rome, Emperors rule and slaves usually bow but not on this solstice festival. Backwards is the trend and nothing is forbidden it is a drunken wild revel! No rules no laws! Children become the authority taking part in drunken brawls! Yule logs burn and mistletoe hangs from the tops of each doorway. Streams of evergreen decorate the home as a lit up tree stands alone all are home as business is closed for the five day party. Slaves gamble and cheat and rule their masters! Unrule is the slogan and *** the master in public displays of unholy affection!  No recognition of marriage for sin is the law, the anticipation of the Saturnalia! A two faced pagan mythical god is to whom they give their allegiance.
Sadly today, not much has changed, only the name of the public acceptance. It now lasts far longer than five days so as to add to the excitement of the masses. Traditions remain alot the same; more suicides occur on the winter solstice. More drunken bouts, more placed in prison for truly unruly behavior. Yet Christian is the title as it masks the scene, with a portrait of a nativity, desperately trying to mask the desires of the popularity at such a sinful occasion. It's all an attempt to make what is obscene okay in the eyes of their Maker.
Dec 2013 · 868
Renae Dec 2013
Without flaw
Worthy of life yet
With untainted love
A sacrifice
Not with judgment
With perfect understanding
Of Sanctification
And human feelings
Dealing with wisdom,
Sealing with patience
With undeserved kindness
The right balance
The only solution
Our Ransom
I believe this needs no explanation
Dec 2013 · 996
Renae Dec 2013
His chin dipped low, eyes lifted, hovering
Scoping me up and down
Perhaps sizing me
Measuring, maybe
I couldn't decide even if I wanted to
But that's the problem
In that moment when our eyes met
I couldn't think
I believed in matrimony,
I believed in the 3 fold cord
I could not imagine betrayal
Understanding was confusing at best
Like layer upon layer of searching thoughts
Thick with textures, lost in a maze of unending questions
Clouding my mind but not my memory
I remember truths while I cannot forget the lie
I never understood what was taking place
Love, lust, punishment, anger....... And for what?
For my honest heart? For obedience and submission?
For loving my husband?
I indulge now in scripture
    I relish in my burning desire
A desire to expose your devilish deception
To expose you
You're evil lust
like the ****** of Baal
Treating someone like me as a temple harlot
disgusting as the Roman bathing pools
You are ungodly..
Nov 2013 · 1.3k
Renae Nov 2013
I picture his fingers
.           lightly dusting over my body
.                    like a feather....  in every curve.

.                          Caressing my every imperfection
.                                  as if I were completely irresistible

.                    I imagine the kisses as pure and honest  
.               as sweet dripping honey,
.                      luscious and inviting, sweet.

.                       Our embrace is graceful, tender,  
.                              thoughtful; delicately wrapping  
.               like a satin fabric
.                       lingering quietly draped
                                                      so so soft............
.                                               ­                    I imagine
Nov 2013 · 1.6k
It's commercial not holy
Renae Nov 2013
Don't be a fool, it's commercial not holy,
Thankful one night, the next in a hurry.
Camp outside don't miss your chance
to fight over that TV even though it's the last
Watch out! You don't want to be trampled in the hurry!
Rushing in at 4 am the scene is so blurry
But you stood in the cold just to find the gold
The treasure sure to bring on the "oooh's"
But there's so many who're jealous
They'll cuss and consume you
No fighting now, tis the season!
But you got to it first so who cares what they do
Even though the debt is rising
Even in your pockets
Can't hide the idea,
there's no safe place to lock it.
The tradition's been there for centuries
If you don't give you won't get
but who really cares who's
in the most debt
We'll pay it off in time to go under again
But each year it gets harder to top your friend
And there's no family member more satisfied with ends
The gift card full of cash now that's the best gift!
For perhaps they can pay off a little
of their overspending
while the stores roll around in their profits of billions
And the average home is filled with silent depression disappointment of expectation meets the realization
There's so many unwanted presents
Then comes the dreaded texting and ignorance
sitting in a room filled with a cold sting of silence
after spending every dime you had in thoughtfulness
All with the very best of intentions
Sad but true
I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses so I don't participate, but I see the news and the youtube videos,  I also see the aftermath from friends and family who do participate.
Nov 2013 · 1.6k
Renae Nov 2013
Stubborn in stature & determined by untamed will, she is unable to stop herself. Like that tornado that blew through Kansas, yes that tornado, it swept Dorothy away to a world nobody and everybody knows of. Maybe there she can find a prescription to fix her. Find her a brain, courage? Maybe even take her home...
Without control she rebels instinctively out of pure spite.
Her words are uttered in a childish fashion as if there were a need for defense.
Health escapes her thoughts, she feels there is no need for care. No need to pay attention to her body, no need for a responsible mind....she'll let the pills take care of that.....or maybe therapy. But that can spin out of control too. Just fill the bottles up like clockwork. If she doesn't smile, perhaps it was the dosage. There is no need to dwell on the questions in her mind, they come and go so quickly.
"How could they not take me seriously?"
"Why don't they listen to me?"
Tears flow as she falls apart then laughs at the funny parts, because so much of it is......funny. But wait!!!! The madness has only just begun! Anger is the horror of it all, adrenaline and a blackness like a veil covers what is true, she appears possessed in a horrid-dark-angry cloud of violence. Hide the knives!!!! Do not give her access to the pills... this is her torment. And alas the depression reigns. No showers today or maybe all week. She does not want to do anything but sleep. Until the dosage is doubled and finally she feels alive once again.
Nov 2013 · 593
Effects of Action
Renae Nov 2013
I am not the best nor am I the worst
I've seen my share of my own mistakes
Like the next, I've lived this tragic miraculous life.
I cannot grasp the thought of the saying so profound expressed in beaming smiles,
fists in the air; protesting in justification:

"You only live once!"

It is not the beginning and end of what is purposed.
How could acceptance be comforting?
I do not accept it, I refuse. That would be too easy.
Too easy to get swept away in pleasures, forgetting realities that surround and overwhelm tiny boxes.
Tiny boxes containing worlds hidden and unrevealed yet exposed to the roaming spirit.
Every home, every sanctuary, every life
is a result of inevitable effects of action.
Nov 2013 · 935
Renae Nov 2013
Tears like waterfalls crash down in never ending emotion. Ripped from reality, doomed, hopless, under mind control; instability everywhere. She wanders through a nightmarish scene. A scoundrel who owns her every move, her thoughts a desperate secret she has to keep. Begging the pain to end, begging for answers to questions she cannot ask. What is love?
Nov 2013 · 622
Renae Nov 2013
I speak of politics,
of kings and leaders
in certain circles
and in a certain sense.
I desire justice
but I do not seek vengeance.
I am not so proud that I would
reach out for such a position.
I despise violent ends
I am just as weak as the next candidate
I could not heal disease
anymore than he could,
I cannot make the blind see,
open deaf ears or bring
back those who've passed in death
any more than she
I could not stop time or reverse old age
  calm a storm or stop a volcano from erupting.
But I know someone
Who can do all these things
Salvation belongs to him
He has set the wheels in motion
The King of all eternity
his word has always come true
And that is why I speak of politics.
Nov 2013 · 1.4k
Renae Nov 2013
Cravings for what we aren't supposed to have
Love is forbidden and nobody cares
Starvation rules
The poor have no chance
  Greed controls
with idle hands
making up rules with no second glance
And the people vote
Raise your hands
the verdict stands
  a hundred years without hope
Question is
will there be any way to cope?
With wars running rampant and poverty
liars and thieves become the kings
The people bow to cloth, people & things
children remain suffering
This is a world of the insane
Forgiveness is difficult when no one is sorry
Confidence and hope are replaced with worry
Faith flies out the window & prayers are hard to say
when injustice rules,... no one feels safe
Nov 2013 · 1.5k
The first
Renae Nov 2013
Do not be misled
He was the first to act demented
The first mental patient
The first *******
Don't fall for the deception
He was the first two face
The first disgrace
a loveless being without heart
He was the first to be thoughtless
The first to show distaste
The first to fall apart
Do not impersonate the first selfish being
One without reason
With nothing to lose  
Please don't opt to choose
to be his possession
please don't hesitate to learn this lesson
He was the first retardation
An abomination
Cursed for eternity without chance of redemption
Who do you want to reflect
The king of imperfect?
The first serial ******
An ancient killer  
skilled at attack
A personality (after death) that will
never come back
Why would anyone want to be
someone like that?
Of course this is about the devil himself
Nov 2013 · 321
Our December
Renae Nov 2013
I can hardly wait for you will finally
show me what you mean
& I,... I'll finally submit to your advances.
I get chills when I think of the seconds turning into hours on the couch with wine glasses, cheese and French bread
curled up with a blanket, stroking fingers, breathing in memories lost in moments
I can hardly handle the time slowly ticking, creeping towards the morning when steam rises from ceramic as the clear view of the mountains connects us in a remembrance of euphoia
I can hardly stand the giddy feeling I get imagining our December, when you love me again
My husband comes to see us in December, but it could happen or maybe not. This is just my fantasy of what I wish could be our December.
Nov 2013 · 691
The popularity contest
Renae Nov 2013
I've come to realize there are no distinguished leaders
it is all just one big popularity contest
The same as high school, only we are older now
Never as wise as we wish, never as smart as we expected
The class clowns and beauty queens still exist
The athletes and the drama club
the choir class soloists taking the stage
The home improvement woodshop workers and the cooking class Betty Crockers whipping up cakes and building houses
The power driven still dream of change yet they cannot seem to get past debating countless opinions and visions but never reaching sensible conclusions
With the end result beings their dream to charge $1,500 a dinner plate & take lavish vacations to cabins in the woods or private resorts.......but only IF ...they gain the popular vote
And the great dragon smiles at his thread of influence, tugging on the strings of the puppets he's created, stealing what has never been his, yet he too wants to win the popularity contest
Nov 2013 · 669
Renae Nov 2013
Pounding the pavement
Looking into blank faces
Talking to brick walls
Looking for a diamond in the rough
only to find a pitch black cave of angry coal
chiseling away at the grime and sometimes
It smears onto me
It seems the impossible task
To make something so ***** shine so bright
Like a needle in the haystack, a collection
Of stolen goods
Trying to play Robin Hood
are we as black on the inside
As we seem on the outside?
Chisel and break and peel away
The black alone to reveal what's true
Bringing out the best in us
Is all we aim to do
Sometimes I feel like teaching the Bible is the hardest most rewarding assignment ever given to mankind. Even for myself. But it is what Jesus did and to be Christian means to follow in Christ's footsteps so I chisel away.
Nov 2013 · 289
I can't
Renae Nov 2013
I can't help it,
I'm falling all over myself
I can hardly get the words out
Don't you understand my frustration?
It's been going on for too long now
I am fatigued
I feel used up
It's not healthy to feel like this
I should be stronger by now
I've been doing it for years
but it gets no easier, the fight drags on
Is this what you call fair?
I guess I deserve whatever you decide
I don't know
I can't help myself
Nov 2013 · 430
Renae Nov 2013
It lingers
Waiting for weakness to kick in
Laughing as we give in
Knowing our desires
we all need...
It's unfair
I want true love
Why does it always end in these games?
I may not ever understand it
But I am made up of it
I am nothing but 100%
purely naive, gullible misunderstood
Nov 2013 · 547
Letting go
Renae Nov 2013
I am releasing my grip
from the unforeseen consequence
cornered choices of my yesteryears
Relaxing my shoulders
shake off the weight
past actions done in haste
no longer serpentine
back and forth with indecision
With one last exhale
drop the heavy burden
of worries
hear a loud crash
insecurities smash
Into pieces on the floor
Light as air now
take a step up
every motion I take,
mind is clear
I resolve to
place my best foot forward
with each step
Nov 2013 · 521
I feel like writing
Renae Nov 2013
I feel like writing
I don't really know what will spill out
Bleeding through my fingers onto this
blank canvas
Not always with an effortless flow
I want to open myself up
To let my honesty out with intelligent wit
With confident tones of inspiration
I feel like exploring myself
Like finding a burried treasure, long lost
Inside memories, imagination,
I get lost reading about other intriguing
made up scenarios and personalities
I swim in an endless sea of emotion
Drowning in dreams untold
Fighting to find the right portrayal
I wonder if I will achieve my goals
But for now,...
I just feel like writing
Nov 2013 · 982
Renae Nov 2013
Your mind is sharp like that tack on my stairs I forgot about yesterday when it pricked my heel and left a trail of blood drops on the carpet.
I picked it up and placed it on the counter but it dropped again back to the stairway where it will lie in wait for another victim
How words can cause a storm to brew and minds to wander to places untrue and vividly destructive
Blatant in ignorance tripping through mataphores and unreal resonating
I should have looked away but I kept on listening to your blind lust and misunderstanding
***** ***** ***** my conscience, my knowledge of what you will never understand, until darkness consumes you and I weep. For your mind has shattered.
Nov 2013 · 1.4k
Liar how could you?
Renae Nov 2013
Liar how could you
Wreck love and laughter
Wreck happiness
Liar how could you
Blame innocence
Use insecurity as an excuse
Emotion to trap your prey
Use compliments as hooks
on this ground of which you play
Liar how could you?
Use your time to trick pure hearts
to ruin righteous people
and fill them full of scars
But you are a liar
life is unfairness
For you deny the truth
so your downfall is this...
Oct 2013 · 567
You wish
Renae Oct 2013
You wish
Yeah you wish you could
I know better and I'm fine.
Never again so don't even try
To come around here acting like
I'll melt like ice
I laugh, I am past  the giddy feeling
It's been years since I fell for your deception
I know more than you wanted
I opened my eyes
Too late? Well isn't that what you wish
Still I ache for yesterday but the future
Is before me.
I am not the fool you wanted
like you wish
In your dreams you fooled me
Was I smarter than you wished I would be?
I was distant on purpose
I think he wishes I didn't know the truth
Oct 2013 · 501
The heart
Renae Oct 2013
How could you call it like it is? Not once, not even once was your thinking on the right track, but you swore you knew everything there was to know.
Anything, everything that might break me down.
You swore I was easy.
Easy to tear apart
Easy to break
Easy to read
Easy to bend
And the last one might be true, I bend like the willow tree but I stay rooted.
You're treacherous, you would have me believing ridiculous things,
Then condemn me for listening to you. My war is within me.
It is as if I were my own worst enemy, you crave what I refuse, you tempt me constantly with death dealing things;"Eat a little more, just one more drink, you don't need to do those things today, spend your money on this instead." You would have me find shelter in a box desperately reaching out for sympathy by the side of the road only to make sure I know it's my own fault. How is it, I need you? That there is no me without you. Feeling would be non existent. But you know this, better than I do.
Oct 2013 · 510
Renae Oct 2013
I can see it plain as day
Your transparency
Using scare tactics like power
But yours is scanty
You hate it when the stars
refuse to shine
Your light grows too dim
Darkness consumes you
Until there is no hope for you
Withering melting into nothing
Into a dark abyss in bitter hate
What will you do?
When the reality hits it hits so hard
You've never encountered
such an amazing storm as this!
Oh wait, you have.
You know it can happen.
You remember from before
It was the first time you fell.
Only difference this time is
there is no return to power.
Devil or Demon, I can't decide because he is transparent
Oct 2013 · 1.0k
Renae Oct 2013
I am an imperfect reflection of love
I crave justice for the innocent
Ones who need it most, who deserve it.
Longing to erase scars unasked for, abuse uncalled for.
I am a stubborn iron pole planted deep in the ground
unmovable in my quest for peace.
Unwavering in the wind, standing strong through storms;
I cannot be penetrated by powerful strikes.
I am numb to the ice cold and I stay cool in the heat
I fight battles in silence.
Words can be powerful mechanisms
when falling on listening ears, then again
twisted words turn hope into fear, fear of the unknown.
Can a hardened heart learn to love an enemy?
What is peace anyway if not to learn to be at peace.
This is the one poem I've written that truly describes me as I see myself and what I aim to be.
Oct 2013 · 3.1k
Renae Oct 2013
I read never to trust in our own understanding and I believe that.
So I continue learning from the only source or line possible, a faithful and discrete slave, one who does not lie; one who is consistent and continually searching and researching for truth.
It is not something within me, but external I listen to. 
A light that grows ever brighter through a humble channel and it makes sense.
I enjoy a feast of knowledge, a wonderful stream I can drink from and my roots stay strong because of it. Grateful and privileged I endure in a state of joy.
This poem expresses my gratitude for knowledge given by Christ through a streamline we call the anointed or faithful and discreet slave.
Aug 2013 · 284
Over you
Renae Aug 2013
I am sad, I am discouraged
but isn't that what you wanted anyway?
Does it make you smile to see me cry?
I bend from sheer emotional exhaustion
I am sick to my stomach with pain and you laugh you laugh at my crisis
so I ask you how can I care?
How could I even glance your way?
Never again will I fall for you
or believe in your lies
you have decieved me for the last time
and I am finally over you
Aug 2013 · 534
Renae Aug 2013
Words twist and turn
lies magnify
people get caught up
when  their after
a piece of the pie
life is a maze
love is a concept
everyone believes what
is easy to digest
"if it sounds good tell us
consequence is what we don't want."
There seems to be just one thing
everyone forgot
"Love Jehovah your God with all your
mind soul & heart"
then love eachother but that comes after
it seems we're backwards
But who's keeping track
of the ever after?
May 2013 · 2.0k
Renae May 2013
Please tell me what it's all about?
I’ve never felt so insecure
So much confusion trying to blind me
I remember my foundation is sure
And that’s when I open my eyes

I focus, then I realize
We’re headed towards the paradise
so I remember the promises I’ve come to know
and the reality of what’s been told,

He cannot lie to us
He makes His name known to everyone
Then He causes to become
He causes to become

Could you imagine peace?
Peace of mind within your thoughts?
Peace inside your heart
Peace within the animal kingdom?
An earth with no borders
Humanity with freedom
It’s coming

He cannot lie to us
He makes His name known to everyone
Then He causes to become
Oh yes He causes to become

No more rich dictators
No more wealthy entertainers
Only beauty will surround us
Because happiness has found us

Watch closely this system’s going down
We can’t wait!
No more wars to hurt the masses
No more famine crisis
No more poor or middle classes

He cannot lie to us
He makes His name known to everyone
Then He causes to become
Oh yes He causes to become*

(Hebrews 6:18 : "So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable, because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us")
The name Jehovah means "He causes to become"
Aug 2011 · 516
Renae Aug 2011
I'll never understand it
I'll never know why
somehow we've stayed together
after all of this time
tearing each other apart
with so many fights
words rip at the heart
so many sleepless nights
I reject you
I'm cruel
We say things
We don't mean
I'm sorry
I forgive you
will you forgive me?
and you do
it's that simple
I guess we were meant to be
so many storms come in
violent winds strike
this house must be made of stone
if it's strong enough to survive
imperfect together
you slip I fall
to really love each other
I guess you have to risk it all
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