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From a flowering plant
From a naive heart
Harvested and opened
Roasted and transformed
Broken and darkened
By life
By process
Ground into powder


Boiled and burned


Not even a fraction
Of what it once was
But the result

                                 ­    Beautiful

Experienced differently
Suffered through

Drink up.
When I say that I love you,
I mean that right now,
in this moment,
I am in love with you.
I mean that I care about you.
I mean, that right now,
in this moment,
I would like to be with you for the long run.
I mean that right now,
in this moment,
I can see myself being with you forever.

When I say that I love you,
I do NOT mean that I can promise that I WILL love you forever.
It only means that right now,
in this moment,
I would like to try.
I do NOT mean that I think loving you will be easy.
It only means that right now,
in this moment,
I think it will be worth it.
I do NOT mean that I expect you to always agree with me.
I do NOT mean that I expect you to love me in exactly the same way.
I ONLY mean that I hope that you can try
to love me too.
"There is so much beauty in the trying and in the failing and in the trying again."
This morning I cried
Because the blanket you gave me
No longer smells like you.

That scent you had asked me to describe
But I couldn't.
I said something generic.
"It smells good. You smell good."

I guess it's weird to tell a person they smell like home.

You tell me not to worry.
You promise you'll be back.
Back to sleep under that blanket with me.

I believe you with my whole heart.
Just as I've done everything with you—

My head, however,
Isn't so sure.
He asked me what my favorite season was and I replied quite simply.
The season where the grass stays green and the ocean fades blue.
The season where I rest and no longer await you.

Your hand will cup mine and like winters cold kiss
you’ll hold forever and in time we dismiss…
all the ideas that the heat can melt away my sin
when I want is to revel within
your summer soaked skin and your winter eyes
I wait for you to find our compromise.
my favorite season is the one where the trees fall green and you and i are lost between.
The leaves that breathe new life to the day,
and oh of course your tender way.
You love the cold and that bone chilling flavor
and you love the way youll have me now and later.
But I love the south in all its glory
burning heat in the summer pulling sheets in the morning
I can feel seasons changing and I run from the air
I want to feel life that I do not feel there
You ask my favorite season and its the one where I melt
it is the season you let me undo your black belt.
I loved your skin in the winter so cold
but I love the way radiate the heat so bold
Ask me my favorite season and it’ll be you for all of these reasons.
She came in like a lion. Long wild hair everywhere, loud and outlandish. She was outspoken and shameless, so settled in her own skin.  You couldn’t not see her, not hear her, not want a part of her to be inside of you. Vibrant and never ending. There were memories jam packed behind her eyes, things you knew that she was dying to forget. But she was stronger for them, better for them. She grew from every tragedy. If you were lucky she might whisper them to you alone in the safety of darkness, but in the light of day she would never show weakness. No, she was all over the room, opinions, and laughter, hand motions and impressions, spinning like the Tasmanian Devil of Human Emotion. Everywhere, and spreading like wildfire. There was no stopping her, no controlling the wildcat inside of her. She came in like a lion. She roared and everyone listened.
Twelve are the months of darkness:
twelve the months of perennial winter,
in this world immersed
in the arctic of the Spirit;

Forty are the days of penance,
forty of fasting, yet our torment lasts:
is mortal sin washed?
of the heart, not carne?

Light, here we have, but
Light is what we need, lost our lives
frozen and dark,
in the penumbra of the Spirit.

And grace comes knocking -
but when David rises over darkness
we are with Saul, comes
ben-Joseph, we are with David.
Thoughts on Lent:  And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bride-chamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast (Matthew 9:15, KJ Bible)
some people
are like dried red chillies -
dangerous looking.
when in hot oil
they jump, splutter,
threaten and make a lot of noise
but then
you realize
that their heat is impotent
as the seeds inside
are quite dead

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
   Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
There is a cave down below
That is waiting to be discovered
There is a cave filled with peril
But there are hidden treasures inside
There is a cavern
A ravine that has a special source
That springs up once we have
Discovered it
It is the spririt that
Lies in all of our souls
The spirit that flows
If we know where to find it
Giving forth its riches
To all who are willing to seek
Are you ready for love
Could you really accept it
If it came to you today
Could you accept yourself
Could you love completely
Loving with your whole soul
If love were to come to you
Could you look deep inside
And find the love that is waiting there
Tucked inside your soul
Just waiting to come out
Could you feel and receive love
Could you give it back completely
Without hesitation or regret
if the answer is yes
Don't be afraid to give love
We all need to feel loved
If you are truly ready to receive
Open up your heart and let love in
Love without fear
Allow the love
To settle in your heart
Until love becomes all you know
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