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I saw you across the room and I almost fell over
Just like the first time
The first touch was electric
the first kiss was magic
You made me forget things I worked years to forget
I made you remember things you didn't want to
I lied constantly you saw right through the lies
you knew me
you knew the lies when I couldn't remember what lies had become truth and what had't
You make things so clear yet when I try and express them they are all over the place
you are my forever
you are him
What if you knew the real me what would you think of me?
Stab your knife into me once again
I’m done fighting with your lies
I’m trying to find myself
Please don’t let me go
Please don’t let me fall
Please don’t do it again
I’m already drowning don’t drag me down with you

Please I’m just sad romantic
Let me show you the real me
What would you do
My wounds are open
Please stitch them up and heal them with your tears

I am not over you  
I messed up one too many times please understand
I’m hiding in a place where you won’t be able to find me
I’m trying to tell you how I feel
I’m sorry my message is to hidden

Please crack my code
I want you to know me
My words aren’t the best but let me tell it to you in song
I swear you are the one for me

Your words cut me like knives
please why won’t you heal me
You have me in prison
This is prison
Set me free  
Why won’t you do it for me?
It’s funny how we love people.
We stab them in the back.
We cheat on them.
Most of all we lie.
We lie because we’re afraid to hurt someone and tell the truth.
Finding out the truth after the lie hurts the most.
It ******* *****.
Unrequited love stabs and kills you day after day
It’s funny how we say we love someone that we don’t
It’s funny love.
Isn’t it?
I remember the day
that day is clear
until that night
you came to spend the night
I had asked you to homecoming
you took things to far you started rubbing yourself
you wanted to be touched
I gave in
When in came to my turn you slowly took things off
despite my struggle to keep my clothes on
you slowly started touching slithering your tongue on my body
I said Stop
I said NO
You kept going
You said nothing happened
you said I made it up
I wish to god that it wasn't real
it is
I am haunted my you
your touch still lingers on my skin
I'm afraid of getting hurt again
Did me saying no give you the right away to keep going?
should I have said yes
someone tell me
am I the one at fault
Please Does NO mean anything to you?
I see you everywhere
you said I was beautiful?
but did I mean anything to you
I lived for you
you were the only thing keeping me here
I needed you
I needed you not to blame me for you hurting yourself
I needed you to stop pushing me away
I need you to keep your promises
I needed you to not hurt me the way you did
I needed a lot of things
but I needed you
All I wanted was you
Nothing else
Just me and you
but like everyone else we both succumbed to the demons intertwining us
we fell apart
and succumbed to the demons
Love it’s a funny thing
we stab those we love the most in the back
we tug them every which way
we push them away in hope that they love us enough to come back to us
I’m a book hidden with secrets
I am often misinterpreted as something I am not
and people miss the things that are real
I have no place in this world
I want to look away from the pain
I want it to be over
I’m living on sinking sand
with every move I sink in further and further
I want it to be over
I want it to go away
I want a lot of things
None of them will ever happen
I lost everything
I want people to see me for the real me
I say I’m a *****
I am
On the outside
on the inside I regret every **** word I say
I am dying slowly
each day I die a little more
One day I will die
Each scar has a story
I would tell them but each are interpreted in the wrong way
people call me that
I try to tell them why but that just makes things worse
Is it over yet
the answer is no
This battle will never over
I’m sinking deeper
I am a lot of things
I am
I am
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