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I have these feelings raging inside of me
I hide them in fear someone might find out
I mean I still have feelings for someone else
I love someone else
It hurts because I think of him everyday
He graduates this year
He is so beautiful
He is hidden
I cry myself to sleep
thinking about what he did to me
I loved him
He said he loved me
He didn’t
He let me go
he let me fall
he didn’t give a **** that I was so broken
HE blamed me for his pain
I did nothing
I was there for him
He was so **** unhealthy for me
I came back each time he pushed me away
I hear his voice
I hear him singing our songs
I lost him
I don’t know him
He’s NOT the Miles I fell in love with
I felt connected to you my love
you felt the same
or so I thought
You said words that I want to forget but I can not
You cut me deeper than any sword could
I am bordering breaking down again
the only person who knew
who knew what actually happened is no longer in my life
I tried to end my life again
It was to much to handle
my parents pulled me out because they thought it was to much for me to handle.
it wasn’t I swear
I loved it there
Now I’m as broken as can be I hate the place
that I’m at  
I remember you
you were my forever
I’m saying goodbye
and this is my final goodbye
Good bye
Miles Jacob Higgins
you will forever be in my heart
It’s 2am and you’re in my head
I hate you I swear I do
I love you
I thought you loved me
we know what happened next
I fell
I died on the inside
then you come sneaking right back up next to me
You say you’re sorry
I fall for it every time
I miss you I do
I love you
I love you I know I probably sound like a love sick
crazed person
I miss you you with all my heart
I need you
I’m giving up on finding you
you are still my everything
you are my liar
my favorite liar
I’ve lost you again and again
It’s over this time
It’s done
I’m letting you go
I have to let go
I’m going to fly away
you’ve taken away one too many things
from me
leave me alone you monster
you dragged me down while I was already drowning
It was my time to fly
you broke my wings
you stole them from me
now I’m trapped in this hell we call earth
all alone
toxic to everything I touch
that’s the monster you’ve created
a toxic shadow
that’s me

— The End —