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Fingers and thumbs tapping out messages
so many texts written, so many read, smiles apart
faces, eyes, feelings, never shared
music videos; lips and music separate
empty sounds, never tugging the heart strings.

Thumbs and fingers keying in distance
so much data, so little experience shared, time apart
laptops, smart phones, processing emptiness
unfeeling, sampling blandness, subtleties lost
empty words, crowding our lives.

Curves, flowing lines and spaces, passion
squashed out are the senses
sweat and smells, laughter lost.

All in the empty kingdom of bits and bytes
reigned by the gods of technology
the mantra being faster, faster
but still
all fingers and thumbs in the affairs of the heart.

As surely as we are propelled forward
into tomorrow
we hurtle
back to the dark ages
the dark castles of aloneness
Empty words, lost in the cells of our separation
all fingers and thumbs.
Fear Is Entering,
Through Every Pore Of My Skin,
Every Breath I Take,
Escapes Black And Trembling,
The Tips Of My Fingers..Cold

Fear Is Wriggling,
Down From My Brain To My Heart,
It Hurts While Beating,
Pushing Worry Through My Veins,
Pumping This Terror To My Soul

This Fear Is Laughing,
Chuckling At My Wide Eyes,
This Fear Is Thirsty,
Lapping At My Sweaty Hands,
As It Cuffs Me To The Wall

Fear Is Taking Hold,
On The Tears That Leave My Eyes,
The Fear Is Piercing,
The Tissues Of My Belly,
It's Here Because.. You're Back

I Hated You, Liked You, Loved You, Hated You, Now I Guess I'm Afraid Of You
Reading to be entertained
Another new comic to the collection
Working to get ahead become a boss
Write to express my feelings
Music to stimule the mind
The gym to tune up the body
Drawing to create my logo
My symbol of rebellion
In the early morning
I feel a hand slowly caress
My body
I'm jolted awake
My body
Is still and cold
Why is my friend of 6 years
Touching me
I just wanted to sleep.
He is married
I just wanted to sleep.
Now I don't want friends
Is it safe to go outside
Every night when I
Lay on my side
I can feel his hand---
I just want to sleep.
Trust only leads
To hurt
I just
To sleep
I saw through the prison bars
A sky too black for risen stars
No way out of this curse
Trapped here for better or worse
I screamed till my lungs gave out
Then I sat with silence all around

Never thought I could be saved
Never thought I could be brave
Never thought I would see the day
Never thought I would find my way

That's when you came
To save me from the flame
Bursting through the sky
Blinding my eyes
Like a comet on fire
Ready to make me a liar
A vessel of desire
Everything I admire
Impossible to expire
Never fails to inspire
When it's down to the wire

She is everything I wish I could be
Everything I wish I could see
Every day
If I had my way
There would be nothing to say
Just be mine today

She hurts like the rest of us
Struggles with the best of us
But someday I will show her love
And it will finally be enough
Though she doesn't yet hear the thunder undone
She will always be to me, my Wonder Woman
 Oct 2013 Rebeca Ana Olvera
**** poetry.
It has never done anything for me,
And likely never will.

 Jun 2013 Rebeca Ana Olvera
I love...
I love the way you dress,
With frills and furling fabrics.
I love the way you walk,
With rhythmic sway and purpose.
I love the way you smile,
With half-curled lips, perked cheeks and laughing eyes.
I love the way you smell,
As if picked fresh from a gardens bed.
I love the way you talk,
So chaotic and disorganized but so sure of yourself.
I love the way you sleep,
Tangled in my arms, head upon my shoulder, soul upon my soul.
I love the way you kiss,
Quivering, curious, tender and wanting.
I love the way you make me feel,
I hate...
I hate the way you dress,
With putrid colors and filthy earthen shapes.
I hate the way you walk,
With spiteful tease and slithering method.
I hate the way you smile,
With twisted jaws, and mocking eyes.
I hate the way you smell,
Like decomposing undergrowth.
I hate the way you talk,
So useless, so pathetic, so unsure.
I hate the way you sleep,
Leaving nothing but perfume on my pillow, taunting me.
I hate the way you kiss,
So distant, uncaring, so primal, so scarce.
I hate the way you make me feel,

 Jun 2013 Rebeca Ana Olvera
She was 17
He was 19
She kept to herself, head always buried in a book
He broke hearts and caused trouble
They met at a train station
She was sitting on the bench, clenching a book
He was leaning up against the brick wall
eyes on his watch
waiting for the train
so he could meet his dealer
The roar of the train echoed in their ears
She got up
Her brown hair blowing back in the wind
He saw her from the corner of his eye
She began to walk towards the train
book still in hand
sun shining through the white lace of her flowing skirt
His eyes stared her up and down now

She begins to run
her light black sandals picking up pace
not even realizing it,
He begins to run too
heart beat rising in his throat
It was as if an angel had slowed down the train
or time itself
She feels the warmth of his arms around her
the trains engine screams at her
He pulls her back, holding her close
they collapse on the platform
watching the train fly past on the tracks
tears fall from her eyes
sparkling like tiny diamonds
He calms her down, brushing the hair out of her face
softly saying in her ear
"shh. you're okay. you're okay."
People talked frantically
dozens of eyes on them
The book she was reading only a feet away
She stops crying for a second
and looks into his blue eyes
He looks back into her light brown eyes
"Why did you save me? Why didn't you just let me go?"
Red and blue lights flash in the background
He feels a warm sensation in his heart
"You wouldn't have known who you would have fallen in love with
and I wouldn't have gotten the chance to buy you coffee"

That, my darlings
is how my Grandmother and Grandfather met
and still together till this day.

love is timeless
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