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 Jan 2014 Reagan
Krista Richards
Words spill effortlessly from your perfect mouth...

And I catch myself wishing I could lick them from you...

It's no wonder...


Light a fire in hearts when rooms spin...

Like a carnival ride ...
I never could hide...
from the likes of a deep feeling love warrior dressed in stripes
Telling of battles fought ...

Not always won...
But always well played...

And as you blink away a happy tear...
Makes me wanna serenade you to sleep every night for infinity...
 Jan 2014 Reagan
Hear My Plea
 Jan 2014 Reagan
hear my plea
let me die
i don't want to live
because all i can seem to do
is destroy
all that is good
25 words.

© Mela 2014
 Jan 2014 Reagan
Krista Richards
Every cell in my body screams

I love you

I can feel it sweeping from my toes
As the wave of energy reaches my heart
I feel I could explode
Tears well in my eyes
And fall helplessly down each side of my face
And I begin to whisper in the dark

I love you
I love you
I love you

I will love you so completely
So perfectly, all of you, just as you are
For all eternity
With a love that's deep and strong
Your name my favorite song
Passion dripping from each kiss
Forever in my fingertips
As close to you as I can be
Adoring you eternally
O, Lord forgotten please accept
Me upon my mission bereft,
I look to the stars in darkness and cry,
And teeming with demons I ask you why,
And how I can be rid of myself,
How may I ask you for help?
Please remain with me where others have left,
Please linger with me as I conquer each step,
Forgive my wrath, forgive my hatred,
Please stay in my destitute heart, my Savior.
In all my life I shall remember my words,
About the others who walk with the heard.
Nunquam animadverto paradisum,
Omnes perdes qui scitus I,
In nomine Patris et Filii,
Et Spiritus Sancti.
 Jan 2014 Reagan
Ralph Albors
She liked flowers a lot. And so, she planted.
She tended her garden, each and everyday.
But the flowers didn't seem to bloom, or prosper.

"Maybe the holes aren't big enough," she thought
And so she dug bigger ones, thinking,
"The bigger the hole, the healthier the flowers."

After a while, the garden was trashed
by people that didn't seem care.
Flowers never grew, and the soil became sterile.
She was found with a puddle of blood around her,
deep trenches in in her garden.
 Jan 2014 Reagan
A constant stream of justifiable lies. Contorts what I want from my life.
What used to seem impossible is now my reality
but I'm not so sure I want it anymore
because it is different
so different than what I thought it would be

Is it worth the games I'm forced to play in order to dream?

Today is hard but tomorrow will be worse because I will wake up to hate
reflected back at myself

There are so many things I should do. There are so many things I should want.
Do we not define our own success? Each to their own version of happiness?

But all I keep thinking is
I shouldn't be eating
Fear has been eating me up inside.
I'm a dancer who is  not sure she can stand another glance in the mirror.
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