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216 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
I've realized that maybe you fell out of love with me because I wasn't in love with myself anymore. I doubted the love you had for me, so it made me doubt the love for myself. It wasn't just you, it was me too.
I'm sorry I could only see your faults, I was at fault as well.
216 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
I've been trying to remember Him in all things, and surely He has helped me. Finding solace seems easier, and knowing His unending love seems plausible now. Do not forget Him, please don't. He died for me and you, isn't that enough?
216 · Mar 2015
What will you regret more?
R Mar 2015
Staying or leaving?
Just read this and thought it was worth sharing.
216 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
tell me that our love won't fade
in deep waters i'll try to wade

i know you're scared about me going away
but i promised you that i was here to stay
216 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
how many seas will i have to sail till i feel at home again?
216 · Sep 2015
The Crisis (1)
R Sep 2015
"Tyranny, like Hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."
-Thomas Paine
was doing some APUSH homework and i fell in love with this quote
216 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
You take me in uncharted waters,
and I know things will be okay.
She's like the moonlight guiding me home.
She's becoming such an amazing friend, I'm so grateful.
216 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
Loving can change your soul.
215 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i want you,
oh dear,
i need you.
there's something
i must do and
it doesn't include

215 · Feb 2015
R Feb 2015
God is in need of my soul
I need to be found
215 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
**** i am so weak
why am i letting my thoughts get to me?
i don't want to, but i want to and
i can't seem to decide if i just
miss the feeling of a blade on my skin or
i just miss feeling.
im so numb and dead and empty
please ignore this, it will be better in the morning
215 · May 2015
R May 2015
I don't think real love could be phased that easily; it wouldn't be able to get taken off of the pedestal without a fight.
This probably makes no sense but I'm not putting down everything else that goes with it for fear I'll start to ramble.
R May 2015
I know the difference between love and lust, trust me, i do.
But we have to stop talking about love like its the only feeling
you're allowed to have.
Maybe I want a little fun, a little adventure, a little... Lust.
Maybe I want neither, and I just want to explore who I am attracted to.
Maybe I do want love, but just not from you anymore.
Whatever it may be, we need to stop pretending like love is the only feeling you're allowed to have.
I think then we will begin to be truthful to ourselves and our feelings.
I know I'm not in love. Just know it's not lust either. I have a crush or two, big deal  Ever care to think that these poems aren't just about one guy? I have different relationships being built, but you wouldn't know anything about that because you care too little to ask for the truth from me. So, instead of pretending to be some high and mighty and better than I am person, remember who the hell you are and that you make mistakes too, because I'm sick of acting like I'm the only one who does.
215 · May 2015
R May 2015
I'm such a **** up.
****, I'm sorry.
215 · May 2015
R May 2015
We all start from the bottom.
But now I'm slowly relearning how to climb back to the top.
R Mar 2015
But I'd die if I tried.
Quite Literally.
214 · Oct 2014
R Oct 2014
I see fire burning where I know I can put her out with one touch.
Writing prompt L<3
214 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
We bounce around the subject of us.
Whether it's because we just started being romantic with one another or
because we're trying to feel things out,
we're just "iffy" on this subject.
We want more, but asking is scary, and you're not one to be forward.
You brought it up though, sort of stuttering when you asked, "Is there an us?"
I smiled at the thought, because I've never been much into boys. At least, I've never been completely attracted to them. But I am completely to attracted to you, and you make me so happy.
Why wouldn't I want there to be an "us"?
"I would think so."
"We already act like we are together, and one of my friends is practically begging me to ask you out already."
"I don't want you to ask me to be your girlfriend because one of your friends keeps bugging you. I want you to ask me because you really like me and because I make you happy too."
"I do really like you and God Rachel, you make me extremely happy."
"I know, and I feel the same way."
"Just know that I will, okay?"
"And I'm the oblivious one?"
"Oh shut up."
"Make me."
"No, cmon, tell me what you meant by 'just know that I will'."
"Just know that I will ask you to be my girlfriend."
"Okay. Just know that this isn't a rush or a race. I'm enjoying getting to know you and being what we are now. Yes, I'd love to date you, and I'm looking forward to that. But, I don't want you to feel rushed. I want you to feel ready, just like how I want to feel ready too."
"Sounds like a plan."
"I like you, Rachel."
"I like you too, Brock."
Me: "we should go to sleep"
Him: "maybe, but I want to stay up a bit longer."
Me: "why?"
Him: "because I love talking to you."
214 · May 2015
R May 2015
hot tears roll down my cheeks
as I try to scrub away the cells
that have known your toxic touch
and the cells that have felt your soft kiss
because I can't take it anymore
I simply cannot take this feeling
I've been touched by too many and
I just can't take it anymore.
I do not ever want to be touched again,
not by him nor her nor anyone else on this
godforsaken planet...
not even myself.
forgive me father for I have sinned, I have been touched by many and loved by few. Let me say my prayers now upon this pew. I need to reconcile, can you hear my sorrow? Oh god, oh god, I'm not sure I want to live for tomorrow.
214 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
You let me drown
213 · Apr 2014
L (V) 20w
R Apr 2014
She looked at me with wonder
as she felt the stars inside of me
BOOM to create another
Big Bang.
I wish I could've stayed. The feelings inside of me were overwhelmingly beautiful.... She's beautiful.
213 · May 2015
R May 2015
I'm surprised I haven't thrown up what's left of my heart yet
I'm sick
213 · May 2015
R May 2015
and he says he wants to touch my heart,
but I have built a shield that is impenetrable
because of her.
don't let them in, don't them see
213 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i guess that's yet another difference between he and i to add to the list
212 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
And somehow through all of this chaos, I still think you're worth it.
Every single **** second of it.
212 · May 2015
R May 2015
you tried to understand me on your couch that night, but the parts of me worth understanding were already too far gone, and because i wasn't interesting enough to you anymore, you left. that's what everyone does, after all. they just leave because i'm not who they thought i was, and I'm sorry for that, i'm just trying to be who i need to be for myself right now. i'm sorry i'm not enough for everyone else anymore.
should i even be sorry?
212 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
and last i checked, you wanted it just as much as i did.
slightly annoyed
but its fine
212 · Sep 2015
open hearts
R Sep 2015
You are like freshly drawn curtains by my window
with the sun creeping in at 6 in the morning and your sleepy mumbles
in my ear.
You look over at me with your tired eyes and your sweet smile.
You say goodmorning, stretch, and then rub Daisy's head and say "hello baby, I love you so much".
You wake me up in the middle of the night, and it's okay, because it's nice knowing that you're there and that you're not so far away.
Your breathing is breathe like you can't get enough air when your fall asleep, like you need more and more.
At first, your breathing slows right when you're falling asleep...
And then it speeds up and gets very heavy...very deep.
You are incredible. I am constantly amazed by your words and your actions.
You surprise me every night, and I know that I can trust you with everything.
I have told you almost everything already...
You offer up yourself and I kindly open up my hands and my heart to
recieve what you wish to give to me.
I want to be as kind as possible with you, because I know it's what you deserve, and I know it is who am I now.
I promise that I will constantly be truthful and loyal, because this friendship is worth everything I can and will give.
Daisy is his cat, if anyone cares
I don't mean to write about him so just kind of happens...
212 · Apr 2014
R Apr 2014
I haven't cried in the
tub in a really long time.
Guess it was just time to
let it all out of my system.
my birthday is tomorrow hmm
211 · Mar 2013
R Mar 2013
I'm       But
Fall-     They
Ing       Don't
For       Know
Your    Me
Eyes     Yet.
211 · Apr 2014
R Apr 2014
He lurks in the back of my mind
And he makes me miss him so much more.
211 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and I wonder if you feel it too.
my heart hurts
211 · Jun 2015
what I've learned:
R Jun 2015
Love is never a dependency.
Oh, how my heart aches at 3am
211 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i can't see myself without you.
210 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and I hate the way I tend to overstep boundaries, it's yet another thing I have to learn
my bad
R Sep 2015
My ghost
Where'd you go?
What happened to the soul that you used to be?
210 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
he's the boy who wants to show me the oceans
and I'm the girl who wants to show him the stars

he has oceans in his eyes, boy, I'm a goner
R May 2015
just be kind, just be kind
don't pay me any mind
I just don't want my heart to break
anymore this time,
this time
I want to write the word "around" around this poem, but I can't seem to.
210 · Dec 2015
R Dec 2015
baby, i know what i am and the life i live:
i sin and i sin and i sin and i sin.
don't act like we all don't know.
but there is a difference between
the sinner who works to change
and the sinner who just keeps
on sinning.
while listening to Angel//The Weeknd and working out today, I was able to see some things more clearly.
Isn't it crazy how you can see who you want to be, and as you become closer to God, He starts to tell you/show you how to be that person?
It's truly amazing.
I have some things to work on, but through Him I can do anything.
210 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
i want to disappear into the sun and plant myself in the soil that surrounds me
i wish to grow like a flower and to hum like the bees that pollinate the world around me
i know i will be more than just a girl with flowers in her hair
i am a part of nature, i am God's creation
210 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
he said i melted in his arms
and i said "no, not a chance"
so he grinned and said
"oh? you don't believe me?"
and he did it
once again, excuse this poem, trying something new with my writings
209 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
Ritual//Ellie Goulding
209 · May 2015
R May 2015
"He gives me the shakes, you know, and I want to see the world with him... I've never wanted that before."*
Oh boy, do I understand.
He makes me quiver with just his smile, and I've only just started becoming hopeful for my future again. No, not because of him. But, maybe the thought of him in my future makes things just slightly bearable. I have such a bright one, after all. Why shouldn't I be hopefully for the road ahead of me?
i want to know him and the way the summer sun shines on his skin
I'm just rambling and I'm absolutely exhausted, but insomnia calls and i answer, sadly.
209 · May 2013
Winter Days
R May 2013
You look like
A winter day
To me.

I love winter days.
209 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
and nothing is stopping me now, baby.
i know i'll have you soon enough and
i promise that this will start off right.
ay guess who has a chance??? THIS GIRL
oh i feel so good right now its insane!!!!!
wish me luck :)
209 · May 2015
I had a dream
R May 2015
last night I dreamt that
I had just enough confidence
to ask you on a date
I said "it can just be platonic"
because I just want to know you,
that's all I want to do
(I think so, at least).
You said, "yes,
Of course Rebecca!" with your goofy smile
and we rode off in your Jeep.

But now I'm back to reality and
I had asked you earlier what kind of
music you liked and you simply shrugged.
You let me go through your ITunes and
I saw that you really listened to everything.
You had every genre known to man in your phone
and that only made me like you more.
I accidentally touched your knee
and you "accidentally" got too close to me.
She said we were both flirting,
But we both denied it.
And you became all bashful
and I wanted to take your glasses off
so I could get that cute little stray eyelash on your upper cheek.
I said, "Guess what I'm doing tomorrow?"
and you quietly whispered, "me".
She and I looked at you in confusion
and you simply said, "Oh, I was talking about something I saw on my phone..."
And she said, "Sure... Stop flirting. It's weird."
And I sunk down into my chair
because I haven't even thought of him like that.
But in my dream,
It ended with a kiss, a touch.
It's almost as if his hands have already explored me.
I hope its not just a sad dream.
Sad Dream// Sky Ferreira
Calls me Rebecca because that's what he thought my name was, and it's sort of just clicked haha. This crush needs to go ugh.
209 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
please don't tell me i ruined this too
why do i always **** everything up ****
209 · May 2015
I need to grow
R May 2015
You left me because it's what you said that I needed to grow,
but what I needed most in that moment was you and your love
that you stopped giving me so slowly and then all at once.
I was living off of you like you were a drug,
and I think that's why you needed to leave.
The thought of us suffocated you,
and the thought of you being without me choked me.
You pushed me headfirst into the ocean that is you and
the further you pushed me, the more I drowned.
Because we are (were?) connected,
you started drowning too.
You started coughing up water and gasping for air.
That's the worst kind of love, I think.
Believing you're the best for them, while in reality
you're the worst thing that they could ever be faced with.
You stopped helping me grow in January.
I knew it, but I couldn't face it.
I had hope for February,
after all, we had just made a year...
But even the best of times cannot overshadow
the love that had been lost during that cold, harsh month.
And March, well to hell with that month.
Everything awful usually happens in that month,
and I knew it was coming.
I was a fool in love to believe you still loved me all the same
like you did just a few months before.
I was a ******* fool to believe that you tried.
Maybe soon I'll be able to breathe,
but as for now,
I need to get out of here and to be surrounded by
stimulating minds and intelligent conversations.
I just need to get away.
I wrote this with a point in mind, but I sort of just steered away from it in the end because it hurts too much.
If you love someone set them free, but when you don't love them and you let them go, what is it called then?
208 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and if the waves can be calm during a storm, so can i
Went to the lakefront today with my beautiful friend Jo and it was so wonderful, so peaceful.
208 · Nov 2015
happy thanksgiving
R Nov 2015
it's weird...being grateful, even for those who have hurt you.
being grateful for those who you love now is beautiful.
being grateful in general because you are alive.
it's weird to me.
but it's the most powerful emotion we have.
and I am absolutely full of gratitude today.
thank you God for
I love y'all, happy thanksgiving!
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