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322 · Jan 2016
R Jan 2016
One door closes, Another one opens.
*(But I'm scared either way,
so the window seems like
the best option here.)
Oh boy
322 · Apr 2013
Sigh // (10w)
R Apr 2013
I hate looking at you
Knowing you're not *mine.
321 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
you inched your fingers towards mine
and the rule "No PDA" slipped my mind
and I couldn't seem to help but wonder
what God has in store for us.
We talked all night and he's quite possibly one of the most beautiful human beings I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. He says I'm beautiful and that he wants to know me more...morning cannot seem to come soon enough. :)
R Sep 2015
here i am, second guessing myself constantly because your words do not line up with your actions
320 · Sep 2014
Autumn (haiku)
R Sep 2014
Falling for you is
Much easier to do if
You love them fully.
I can't help but fall for you all over again. L<3
319 · Sep 2013
R Sep 2013
Born to be
But I was born
319 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and your voice sounds like heaven at 2am, but my darling I must sleep. my mind can't bear to stay awake anymore and I have much to do when I wake up.
the greatest pleasure is knowing you
319 · Apr 2013
R Apr 2013
319 · Apr 2013
(5w) Sure
R Apr 2013
I'm just
sure anymore.
318 · Mar 2013
R Mar 2013
I don't think you understand what this love consumes of me,
It's an eternal ever glowing fire.

Missing you isn't even an option anymore,
I've grown tired of being without the scent of your skin.

Seeing your eyes is like seeing the stars,
They twinkle and shine so bright.

The smile you have upon your face,
Makes me think of just how bright the sun really is, nothing can compare.
R Jul 2015
your fingertips left bruises,
but I'm used to it.

no time better than the
present, i guess?
I'm done
I've had enough
318 · May 2013
R May 2013
I miss you.
318 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
you say you want us to be together but
I just say I want another hit.
Just let me keep my eyes closed
318 · Apr 2014
Love Facts #3
R Apr 2014
You know you're in Love
when someone catches you
looking at her from across the yard
and snaps a photo of you
gazing at her
318 · Jul 2015
rooftop talks
R Jul 2015
"you're seeing what you want to see"
"no, i'm seeing what's in front of me"
im not playing games anymore, luv
318 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
"Why do you have a dead rose on your window?"
It's funny, because out of the many things I have that are either yours or what you have given to me, I kept the rose and a painting you made me. Those are the only two things in my room that I will allow to remind me of a love that once was there, but is now dead, just like that rose. I couldn't say this out loud, but what I wanted to say was that I have this dead rose on my window to remind me that even the most beautiful of things wither and die, and that love is *no
exception. It's okay to remind yourself of such beautiful things, but living in a fantasy world does not help to heal, it only makes you delusional. I now know why it's always been so hard for me to live in the reality I belong to, and I think it's time to face it.
maybe one day I'll be able to let the rose go.
(no, I didn't get rid of the other things. I just put them away.)
318 · Jun 2015
d II
R Jun 2015
my parents said yes to you coming and
staying in our home here because
you would like to take me to a
dance this year.

they said "they won't do anything,
because we'll make her sleep in
her mothers room."
but then they said nevermind because
they know they can trust me.

"you can see it in her eyes, all she wants is kisses.
she's made it very clear what she wants and
what she doesn't," my aunt said, thank god.

and now all i can think about is
us sleeping in rooms right by each other but
not being able to hold one another but
somehow finding a way to make it
be possible at 2 in the morning when
nobody is awake.

god, i miss you.
i really hope you can come and that this works out. i really, really need it to.
317 · Apr 2013
March 26th, 2013
R Apr 2013
Wait until I fall asleep
I'll be gone soon.
My miseries are endless,
I can't seem to find the moon?

Let the stars come up again,
Tell them that I'm here,
Let them know what's going on,
Just don't tell them what I fear.

Make the sun,
Kiss the morning sky.
The birds will awake,
And they will be ready to fly.

Seems like the atmosphere,
Is drowning in my sorrows.
Don't let them feel my prescience,
Today nor tomorrow.

Let them come and find me,
Show them what you've done.
Maybe then they'll see that,
That they're be no rising sun.

What we had before,
Isn't far away form us.
What you see is love,
A love that you can trust.
317 · Dec 2014
R Dec 2014
Before her I was a still sea of darkness,
Now I am a sea of crashing waves,
And my beautiful sun is overhead.
317 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
Focus on what makes you happy instead of trying to ruin other people's happiness, dear.
Why can't we all just be happy? Together? For one another?
317 · Aug 2013
R Aug 2013
No, not a new teacher crush.
Just a very cool teacher who
wants to understand why
I stare at the walls or
laugh while I cry
or why I feel
the need to
be so
317 · Jan 2015
R Jan 2015
there is a constant happiness flowing from my lips: where did it come from ?
I love it
316 · Jan 2016
R Jan 2016
i'm awaiting my own demise
because if it's not me
then it will most
certainly be
316 · Nov 2015
The Present
R Nov 2015
I became so fixated on the idea of my future rather than enjoying the beautiful life in front of me.*I forgot how to live in the present.
Something I need to remind myself every now and then.
I'm sorry to myself and to those I hurt while being fixated on the future instead of finding a healthy middle ground.
316 · Mar 2016
R Mar 2016
I just wish that I could hear your voice all the time.
Not really poetic, I'm just really infatuated.
315 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
you became my lungs
and without you it was so hard to breathe.
I've got my own set now, I can breathe just fine
314 · Feb 2016
R Feb 2016
I never stopped.
313 · Apr 2014
Love Facts #6
R Apr 2014
You know you're
in Love when
she kisses the
tip of your nose
and you think
that every single
star in the known
Universe was made
in her image.
312 · Mar 2013
Left or Right?
R Mar 2013
The sun goes down,
Another day passes by.
Without him around,
Makes me silently cry.

Drowned in my tears,
Drowned in my sorrow.
I hope it's a better day,
When I wake up tomorrow.

Without his eyes,
I can see fear.
But with them,
I can see clear.

Turning back,
Day by day.
Left or right,
Which is the way?

Letting you go,
Was so hard to handle.
But everyone thought,
Our love was a scandal.

To this day,
I do not know.
Left or right?
Which way to go.
312 · Mar 2016
R Mar 2016
your hands on me feel about as right and equally as wrong as my taste for both women and men is.
i don't know
312 · Dec 2015
R Dec 2015
you bring out whatever feelings are left inside of me
for a friend, who knows whats best better than anyone I've ever known
312 · Sep 2014
Valentine (10w)
R Sep 2014
Will you be my
Valentine again
This year,
My darling?
Please? I love you L<3
312 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
rows of strawberries are bleeding like my heart
nothing seems very real since we're apart
strawberry fields forever
311 · May 2015
R May 2015
Moving on is rarely never not accompanied by sadness and grief.
Just don't let it consume you.
310 · Apr 2015
a little Death
R Apr 2015
she sought Death on a queen size bed
Death is in caps because well, personification of course. Thanks The Neighbourhood.
310 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
when you kissed me it was like i could breathe a bit easier again
I've waited so long
so patiently
for you.
310 · Apr 2013
Forgiveness (10w)
R Apr 2013
I shouldn't forgive
You, but
I love you
Too much.
310 · May 2013
R May 2013
I've drempt of the moment that
You realize the words I write
Actually mean something.
But, in reality
They never really will.
310 · Mar 2014
Leigh II
R Mar 2014
she whispers like the stars
saying an infinite truth
and she kisses like the sun
and endlessly loves
like the moon.
309 · May 2015
R May 2015
and it's about that time,
when kisses become not enough
and touching becomes a need
that burns all the way up your throat
and your fingertips yearn to know
the feeling of someone other than yourself.
309 · Dec 2015
Blood Typing
R Dec 2015
"It's kinda're like a pro at this. Do you not mind blood? A lot of it is coming out..."
"No, I don't mind it at all. It's kind of relaxing, if I'm being honest here."
"Sure hope you're not one of those that think that horizontal is for attention and vertical is for results."
*"Used to."
It'll be two years clean in March and sometimes I'm afraid that I won't make it till then. but i sure as hell will try.
Also, I never thought cutting was for attention. Those were someone else's words, NOT mine.
309 · Jun 2015
drunk texts #1:
R Jun 2015
"why did you kiss me? what were your intentions? i know how i feel and now you know, so i need to know"
just a kiss a on the cheek man, chill
308 · May 2015
R May 2015
Flashes of you go round and round in my mind--
Wisps of hair and the shine of the moonlight on your skin--
the sounds that escaped your mouth and
the way your back arched in the dark--
Words that you've said, or even lack thereof--
The love that held us together, even when things hurt too much--
And the end... the end where I shook with
sadness and fear of the oblivion that
you threw me into.

Will you remember the tears that ran down my face
and the words, *"Just one day more, please?"
Probably not.
308 · Mar 2016
R Mar 2016
He said that he hopes you burn in Hell,
I told him that all I wish is for you to be well.
Burn, baby, burn
308 · Apr 2013
Be mine?
R Apr 2013
"Be mine?"
I asked,
You cringed in

"Why not?"
I dared,
"Tell me?"
I quivered.

You sighed,
Looked at me
And said,
308 · May 2013
James III
R May 2013
I'd give anything to be
Eighteen right now.
To be
Free to
Do as I please.
To travel,
Not only the world but
The secrets within you.
To be able to
Run my fingers through your
Chest hair.
To be able to
Scream your name countless times.
To be able to
Know you in every possible way.

Why is it that I
Always fall for the older guys and
They do the same too?
Not saying all guys do but oh James, I can see it. As for Mike, well, sometimes.
308 · May 2013
Right? (10w)
R May 2013
I don't need medicine to be okay.
I said.
308 · Apr 2013
Weak? Strong? Hmm.
R Apr 2013
Maybe I'm
I'm weak.
Tell me things I don't want to hear.
So I
Cease your speak.

Your voice
Like velvet
Like your skin.

You always find the parts of me,
Somehow you always win.
308 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
And today I felt alive.
Like really alive.
Like everything was going to be okay,
Because it will be okay.
I slept last night and I actually did my work today and I didn't skip any classes AND I'm eating! I also went on an hour long walk with my friend, which was awesome! Today has just be so nice. :)
307 · Aug 2013
R Aug 2013
Letting go sounds so
Easy in my dreams but
In real life it's
Harder than it
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