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"We all have something to say, or something to ask
I don't live in a cage, it's none of your business

Gonna say this clear so you can get it straight
You don't know a thing about me"*

I've lived in this skin
through all the days you haven't
trying to fix me
break down all my walls

these wounds aren't healing
these cuts i'm feeling
this emptiness is filling

each wall is being broken
torn down piece by piece
your beginning to see
who i really am

aren't you scared

"We all have something to say, or something to ask
I don't live in a cage, it's none of your business

Gonna say this clear so you can get it straight
You don't know a thing about me"

I've lived in this skin
through all the days you haven't
trying to fix me
break down all my walls

these wounds aren't healing
these cuts i'm feeling
this emptiness is filling

each wall is being broken
torn down piece by piece
your beginning to see
who i really am

aren't you scared

 Apr 2014 Raven Black
What's Mickey without Minnie?
What's Tigger without Pooh?
What's Donald without Daisy?
What's me without you?

When Peter Pan can't fly
And when Simba never roars
When Alice can't
fit through small doors

And when Dumbo's ears
Are small
And when happily ever after
Isn't true

**That's when I'll stop loving you.
three years passing
slowly and gracefully
i had that feeling
never letting them show

i knew i should have left

within an hour
it was all true
my face wet with tears
i felt like i was burning

she was killing me

that feeling
was real
everything i ever thought
was being shown right to my eyes

i was broken

 Apr 2014 Raven Black
The tears are yours,
the pain is mine
The wounds are yours,
the blood which runs out?
The fears are yours,
the trials are mine
The problem is yours,
Just who the hell am I?
 Apr 2014 Raven Black
A Lorraine
I missed—
Never mind, it was time to let go.
I used to wish I’d never met you
but if I hadn’t,
I wouldn’t have assessed what I wanted or
what I needed.

But I wish you the best,
And to eventually find her.
Treat her better.
Love her better.

But not before I,
Because let’s be honest here:
I’m too sensitive—you said it yourself.
You were never mine; a year’s worth of time
Will make you realize that.
I still love you though,
I’m still here—don’t worry,
it’s strictly platonic.

But don’t forget I was always good to you.
I will always be good to you.
But I’m better to myself now.
And even though it still hurts a little—and
This moment presses ******* the wound
You left,
I don’t regret a **** thing.

— The End —