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 May 2014 Ranger
Fenix Flight
My inner self
Is a small black kitty
with eyes so blue they sparkle
She is energetic and playful
a cute little thing you see

She will pounce on anything she sees
and playfully bite your hands
Mewing loudly
Pretending she is big
and scarry

But don't mess with her
Or she sharp little claws will come out
and MAN oh MAN
are those things sharp
Her little teeth will feel like needles
if you mess with her

So just remember
small adorable things
they can pact a punch
they can be deadly


 May 2014 Ranger
Fenix Flight
 May 2014 Ranger
Fenix Flight
When I am having a long
and frustrating day at work
I just look for a message from you
and my day gets a little better

Never thought we would become friends
But I'm glad we did.
You're a listener when I need to vent
But just know I'm here for you too

And just to show how much a great friend you've become
I've given you a nickname.
I only do this for the people
that have become a part of my life
to the people I hope stick around for a while.

So hey Seshy?
Welcome to my crazy
hectic life
Thanks for being my friend!!!

:-D :-D :-D
**** you know who you are :-P
 May 2014 Ranger
Fenix Flight
 May 2014 Ranger
Fenix Flight
The Razer,
It calls to me,
It tells me its my friend.
I want to believe it
 May 2014 Ranger
without you, oxygen is poison
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