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Swagger, swagger
walks in the man


Swagger, swagger
where is the man

with the long hair
and sad eyes?

who sang, staring
into your soul

Swagger, swagger
is all he is now

or maybe,
that is all he can muster.
I walked
along the path

it was a good day


but then we
locked eyes

and I spent an eternity in hers.
Leave it all on the floor
your blood
your sweat
your tears

Leave it all
your hopes,
and dreams

bare your soul
in all its awful ****** glory

take everything

every cry of exhaustion
of pain
of fear
of disappointment

whatever they throw at you
take it
to be great is to risk weakness

a thousand-fold
every movement
every effort
every waking moment

in stark defiance
of insurmountable odds
of a defeat that seems destined,
of odds against.

Regret is for tomorrow
and this moment


it is for me
maybe not for you but

it's too late now
I've been sending
calling for you

for who knows how long
sending from across
this eternal black space

but now
I hoped
this distance seems beyond me

I wanted to share with you
my hopes, dreams,
my light

I wonder what will reach you?

I’m sending you off
My dear
To beyond the sea

A place where
I have long have not been
It is a much different place now


My dear
I know you are strong, intelligent
And resourceful

But above all, I trust you

Be the person I raised you to be
Be the person I know you can be
Be all my hopes and dreams

Be safe…

As you set off, beyond the sea
Till you can’t walk
Till you are sore,
Yet still smiling
from the thrilling experience,
Till you are sweating pleasure
from every pore.
Till your breath murmurs
my first name with every inhale
Till my voice is the only sound
your ears need to hear.

i would
rest my head on your breast
and listen
Enjoy the sweet tunes composed by
every noted word you harmonize

Tales of your life stories before they became entwined with mine
Narratives about your dreams
About who breaks your glassy heart
And what tickles your eye-ducts
into opening a flood of tears.

an inner world of wishes
she deserves beautiful things,
The Nubian Queen,
Sunflower Child.

~ New-Black-SoUl #NBS
inspired and dedicated to my muse - a banquet of beauty, a model of black excellence and a colourful character and a bubbly spirit. God bless her soul.
(c) 2016. Phila Dyasi. All Rights Reserved. Intellectual property of author.
Oh it is sad
To be happy
To celebrate
Without you

The smiles
The laughter
The merriment
Cannot feel as true as they should

But perhaps the worst is
Despite my grayness
Despite the sorrow
It could be worse

For you
I live on the precipice
Leaning in over the edge
And I see

All the wonder
All the splendor
That we will achieve

But it is not my place to take us there
To where our potential lies
To undergo the journey


I am relegated
Bound by time
To be an observer

Never has it been so ruinous to be alive now
I was not the never-was
I was the never-could
See the forest for the trees
I told myself
You’ve been staring at the same one
All your life

Out of all the trees you could see
You had to see this one
And only this one

For all the lush green pines
The strong old oaks
The verdant maples
You see this… thing

And it ruins
It sours
It burns
Everything good

See the forest for the trees
And maybe then…

Maybe you’ll be alright
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