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1.5k · Oct 2013
Her day
Quentin Briscoe Oct 2013
It was on this day years ago..
That a piece of me began..
lived 30 years of my Exsistance..
before I ever was created..

Learning Lessons that would guide me
making decisions that would mold me..
You straight A! Bowling Queen
You Drama Class, Afro swag

Making memories for bed time stories
Reminding me of my history
The pieces my genes reenacted
that I just couldn't seem to recall

The muse of my creation
she who place life into this world
Strongest thing I've ever seen..
Before I could understand a thing..

Thank you for your amazingness
your gentle heart and friendliness
I would never be a piece of me
If you never were All you could ever be!!

Happy Birthday Momma!!!
1.5k · Mar 2012
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2012
Am I concealed to the 6 people that listen,
5 people the qoute them, and 9 people that dis him..
19 all together cuz one of them does it all...
What Im asking are my word confined to this Wall..
Just pretty Ivy...
that grows recklessly...
all around the ends...
like tattoo'd skin..
But it never leaves yet it blossoms...
Not recieved tho it's awesome..
To the ears of the world, to the hearts of man...
May my words spread through the world like Ivy covering more then this wall, but the LAND...
1.5k · Dec 2012
it will heal
Quentin Briscoe Dec 2012
tho blind, broken fist, have once punched through walls....broken legs, once walk through the air...and a broken heart, once loved...A heart once loved...will be broken...and then be plastered back together... stitched by a string...soldered by fire...however, it will heal...and it will never forget its to love... because as long as you live it wont forget how to matter how you feel it wont forget to no matter how abused, how battered, how small it might will never for get how to love, cant you see...
1.5k · Apr 2012
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2012
Pastime with me...
and let us run the bases...
Crave our name in trees....
and stare in each other faces...
See we wont be safe...
until we get to home....
But Im not at haste...
Just dont leave me alone....
So pass the time with me...
You feel the butterflies...
How happy we will be...
As the time flies...
So let us have these momments
around second base
These precious little seconds
Theres no need to race
kisses send me high
Im glad that you are near
together we can fly
together with no fear
If life was not a game
I wouldn't need to score
cuz im not the same
just want you and nothing more
So pastime with me
care seems evanescence
Running through life free
let us bass in loves essence
Pastime with me
giddy and innocent
smiles full of glee
love is so intimate
As home is right there
Love has won its try
naked and rare
Let us pass time By.........
1.5k · May 2014
English 6x6
Quentin Briscoe May 2014
Thank You to the English Language...
So many different combinations of Six!!
I could Six On for Years...
Clever Phrases, Witty Punchlines, mindless cliches
I can six away your fears...
Universal Latin I six silky Satin
Support my movement Write A 6x6.
6lines 6words each line
Each line can stand on its own.
So the poem can be read in any order
1.4k · Aug 2014
My first name is Brown
Quentin Briscoe Aug 2014
I was born wrapped in a black body bag.... They call that to lighten my appearance they try to remember me as a white outline.. chalked......upon asphalt.... and say it was this *** fault.... I was only known as an A...4.0 but I never made the cut... as I got my first F....Foolish Acts....Of being born Black... Or Incomplete...As I lay holed in the street...I hate the facts...that I will be a *****...even tho I know better...But my Ipod teaches me to ***** better... to be a NWA....a ***** with Attitude.... Not a NWP....a Negus With Pride... So I walk in stride... influenced like my ancestors... by music...rhythm and beats... See the devil knows what you'll bop to... rock to... So he muffled the sounds of Love and Peace...and Boosted the way of the streets... hoods.. and Lifeless...  So that You would automatically see me as ratchetness... When I could have grew to be the very definition of peace... Now I'm just another problem... and you'll never see me as a victim... only the agitator...because You've listed to the same beats, watched the same feeds and ingested all the fabrications as truths...They have taken it to far making the stereotypes WorldStars  And All I ever did was become what you wanted me to be in the first place....A Pale Lifeless outline of white Dust....That you will inhale without justice... #IamBrown
1.4k · Aug 2013
Writing Ideas
Quentin Briscoe Aug 2013
I want to touch you with my words..
I want to spill myself in verbs...
Creating one sound
About one Noun..
I want these emotions to be heard...
Thought about then felt..
Translated then yelled
I want me to be memories..
Recited scriptures on the tips of your tongue..
I want this to be Fun...
Me explained in dictionaries..
You reviled in song...
I sing of you in rhythm..
This verse...
one untitled song
And you will love it's tune..
Adding power to these feelings
I adverb my love inside...
To many adjectives to describe..
The sight inside my eyes...
I want to create us memories..
Dreams that fall ideas..
Let my words surround you...
Releasing all your fears..
Touching you with every syllable
Accenting every R..
Pronouncing all my Ps and Qs
Our details will be the fuse..
Light the match with your sweet lips
Lets us burn in pages
But our memories and dreams
Are now Ideas
Words thought without a Fear...
1.3k · Feb 2013
Ladies (10w)
Quentin Briscoe Feb 2013
Hips, Thighs,

Thank God,
Zumba, Zumba
1.3k · Nov 2014
Quentin Briscoe Nov 2014
Fall prey to my words and you may be my Hagar???
Fall in Love with my Existence and I just may make you Sarah....
But are you strong enough to mother nations..
because I birth emotions, inspiration, creation....
Because God lives inside of me...
I can move mountains..
bring rivers from you peaks...
and make you weak...
then build you up high...
I'm that guy...
but are you that Queen?
that will make me Want to give you the world
And Outcast my Seeds....
I've always imagined Sarah as Foreva...
Birthing Miracles  
far greater than Mine...
Bending time...
and blowing my mind..
But You I have yet to Find
Or Have I
and its just not Foreva's
1.3k · Apr 2013
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2013
Fading away...
you say..
is that what I do....
slowly disappear on you...
Until I become transparent...
Has that become evident...
That I'm in the room but no longer here..
Right beside you and not even near...
But here I am touching skin...
how does that feel...
Trying to make it go with in....
I thought that I was real...
I'm losing all my colored soul...
Inside of this black hole...
An here we go once again..
I'm fading away my friend..

So Fly Me Back to so called home...
Or just answer the phone....
Cuz where I am I need a hug
or just a wine filled jug..
But that wont work cuz im not here..
I've faded like your crying tears...
So look away I'm just a thought..
a memory of a past forgot...
1.3k · Jun 2013
"parental advisory"
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2013
I love to hear the songs my mother listened to...
For when she was advising
that was what was playing...
"The love and happiness"
That Al Green stuff.
That stevie wonder,
Off the Wall,
Fat Luther Stuff
I want to hear a band
back up a love ballad...
Because When My mother advised
She showed me good music....

But now my uncle had a baby
A real NWA
sowing his seed
to that "face down *** up thats the way I like to...."
and well thats what he advised
because all throughout the house
it was "All the way live"
And now my cousin got a baby...
Two Chains sounds way better than One..
And since muppet babies don't come on
the lil man hears Wacka Flacka Flame
When the radio comes on
See the labels say it best
Parental advisory
So the music they suggest
will be what rules
1.3k · Apr 2012
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2012
I must say that in the course of my life I’ve seen

The battered nature of a Queen,

I witnessed the unrested stress

Placed upon the shoulders of a Princess,

As she slowly absorbs life’s punches

I still see her in the highest of the Duchess,

Encountered that mind of that which might seem crazy

While in all holding up the demeanor of a Lady,

I place myself in the spot for her to see what I can bring

That I carry myself in the presence of a King,

And as I try to rescues her from what makes her tense

I failed attempts of a Kiss so I never turn into her Prince,

As each moment I dreamed of her has only been in fluke

I  can’t find the means to win to become her Duke,

And even through the gifts of attention and being adored

Forgetting that on this land, with love, I'am more than a peasant but a Lord,
1.2k · Aug 2013
"Des(s)ert" in the ghetto
Quentin Briscoe Aug 2013
walks over dry asphalt
in the blistering summer sun
blister on top of blister
skin red and flakey
Heat rashes
are worth it
when momma gives me a dollar
after the white truck says
1.2k · Sep 2012
Violets are Blue
Quentin Briscoe Sep 2012
Roses are Red
and I am Blue
Violets are Violet idiots
and Violence is subtle
until you turn Blue
or black
but I was born like that
and he was born with a turbin
and she was born with a veil
And then there were those born pale
...But what ever the matter they were born
believing that roses are red and violets are blue
not that I should love you too..
But just my brothers and sisters...
not anything different..
and I should beat a Violet till it turns Blue...
Becasue thats what it should do...
No matter if im black, Pale, muslim or hindu
I will beat a Violet blue...
And Keep all roses red
Cuz I still haven't Got to I love you!!
1.2k · Mar 2013
The Grind
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2013
the grind...of a child with such imagination...that he can do anything with a cardboard box, a broom stick, and some determenation...sail the seven seas and those two big oceans... slay a dragon on his faithful steed in one swing motion...and rock every home with a song on the tv screen...making all the little girls screem...And to him this aint a dream...but his grind...something he did all the time..his 9 to 5 or his 9 to 9 cuz at night it was bed time...mission after mission damsel after damsel...rocking every mic from his mom's broom handle...they told him about heros, preached stories of kings and showed him the stars...I want to be who they are...but the world aint his imagination..he wasn't born into the position...And he bled from 9 to 5 doing things not of his creation...until he said I believe in Me...I will become all three!!..Think my grind is silly.... playtime will become my reality!!
1.2k · Apr 2012
Lois Lane
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2012
Blank man......
Mind full of emptiness..
Aqua man..
Mind full of water...
Bat man...
Mind full of wealth...
Super man
Mind full of Lois Lane...

Speeding stoping amtrak trains...
And she still on his brain
Do you want that love
do you desire that love
Well my name is Clark Kent
And I can acquire that Love
Super human love
Kind that God sent
and save you from it all.

You just be yourself
Dont ever have to change
And I'll provide you wealth
For nothings out of range
All the creatures in the sea
Will envy you and me
Cuz they will never have
this love that makes us glad

This super human love
speeding train feeling
Polar bear hugs
No baby your not dreaming
As I stated once before
My name is Quentin Briscoe
And Im your superman
Your one and only hero....
1.2k · Sep 2012
Quentin Briscoe Sep 2012
I can picture You embeded in my skin...tattooed sin...As I flex you move...a gyrating women...grip closer to me...speep ink into my viens...Send your poison to my brain...make it say your name...stamped by your mission to own control me...grab me by the horns and hold on, bull ride me...and constipate my body so i'll never ******* you...brand me with the emblem of beauty...its your duty, to use me as your mirror on the wall to get cutesy...Im enchanted...when Im branded...fantasized when Im alone..but your embeded in my we'll always be at home...and the fairest in the land will have a blackend tone...cuz even tho snow is still sparkles when its dark at night...
1.2k · Dec 2011
Quentin Briscoe Dec 2011
Blowing like a hurrican...
You got *****, she got game...
managing the both of them...
jugglin and polishin...
she shine em up hair and all...
Yea shes just glad you had a ball...
man watch out shawty sick...
tosie pops she loves to lick...
so how many does it take...
she'll find out just you wait...
lil red riding hood...
at grandma's house she blew it good...
This big bad wolf I ate her Great...
Taste so good, Regurgitate#
1.2k · Mar 2012
Pa trick
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2012
With my fiddle I play...
and My Mug I shall drink...
with My feet i will dance...
and My mind shall not think...
I will sing of good times of now and of then...
and celebrate life with the bestest of men...
O'Charlie O'Malley and Jamison brew...
Baileys O'Reilly and a guinness or two...
Through out the day and in to the night....
No worries today to drunk for a fight...
St.Patty is here..
Now grab me a beer!!!
1.1k · Sep 2013
Quentin Briscoe Sep 2013
I'm trying to fight the urges...
but I just want to feel your skin..
bare and bold against my ...Stress...
*** relieve the tension...
Please ****** my flesh...
I'm a sucker for passion....
and the taste of your breast...
My desires I try to ration...
But they're too many to compress...
Temptress You are Woman...
Man we just follow...
Its in our nature to be near you...
For You were made for fellow...
I smell pheromones in the air blowing off your hair...
and I'm just fiend for a taste...
hands below the.... wait...
will you let me...
Fall into the sin...
Because if you're just as weak as me...
Then that drop will begin...
and Here it will be morning...
your breast against my chest...
You drool below my shoulder..
luscious thighs cover my body like a blanket...
as we are caught naked...
And them I'm left to wonder how many times have you fell weak...
Because I mentioned my urges were many....
But you haven't said a word as you lie under red sheets...
All inside my arms...tomorrow will you be?
because I trying to fight the urges...
But why are you fighting me...
1.1k · Oct 2012
Merrier,I Marry Her
Quentin Briscoe Oct 2012
I really want to marry her...
But they say the more the merrier....
So I grab as much junk as I can maybe that will make me happier...
But All I really want is to marry her...
But I spent all my money on some junk...
that was finely pack inside a trunk...
Thinking that my little bit of bucks, finaly brought me luck...
but in my heart I want to marry her...
Society tells me bury her...
In pyrimads made for celopatra...
and ****** every woman that was created with her stature...
I'd be labled King...
With big bells that ding aling...
but all I get is singers that never sing, numbers that never ring...
But I do know a left hand thats looking for a ring..
And I just want to marry her...
Never seemed so scarrier...
I'd be giving up all this junk thats located in my area...
This pawned shopped ***** that i could get for cheap...
Goregous on the out side but the relationship is weak...
But see I found a strong bond, its bout time to cash in...
its like putting a penny up front and getting back a million...
See to me Love is wealth...
and being rich is in good health...
but if all i have is money...
then all this junk is pretty...
and I'll never find a diamond in the rough....
playing with all this stuff...
Cuz I really want to marry her..
.wake up everyday with her...
all I'll ever want is her...
Shes everything I need and more, and so with more then junk Im merrier...
I Marry Her...
1.1k · Mar 2014
Writing Love
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2014
I want our words to make love....
Let us wine and dine in pen...
Ill kiss you from the page...
We'll create no biblical sins...

So poetic
that my physical is pathetic
I mean I fumble words around you..
But when I create, I'm no fool

Subdue you...
underneath you..
I'll ***** you...
Make your feet move..

Give you shakespear cues...
Show you which way to play...
As I write out scenes of love
That last for hours into days...

I'm no genius Just a lover
That gets off to syllables
I passion write in purple
Cause the red is full of bulls...

Let our I's Collide
As we make human i Ts
Saving Graces for our diner
for in each other we both feed..

I'm sure to say I do
If you read a little deeper...
But don't read too fast
cuz I'm know to be a sleeper...

Silence is my killer
Verbal language is my gun
As I have no set targets
go on killing sprees for fun..

Im a ******
Leave women lifeless in bedrooms
Bathrooms, car seats, tee pees and Breakrooms...
Let us have a pow wow...

For I'll empty life into you...
Birth a new prince...
All in the way he touched you..
While leaving no finger prints..

Let Our words..
make Love....
Feel Death...
and Receive Life...

For I Created this to tell you
I want your soul tonight...
but every time you'll read this
You'll know that love is Write...
1.1k · Apr 2015
We are not the negatives..
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2015
We are Hurt....
We are Fed Up....
We are proud...
We are Beautiful....
We are Not The Negatives...

We are Baltimore....

We matter....
1.1k · Jan 2012
nickel and dimed
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2012
Thoughts.. You've been nickled and dimed...hassled and crimed...robbed at point blank range...Me too. us The 30 an under...No magic card given by Tom Joyner...We missed out on Odell's, And now get the Owells...institution tuition...constitution divison...We reap what was sown, by the rich and the grown...And given the jobs that our kids should own...Whats 13 dollars when rent is 8 bills...whats flat land when all we got is hills...Nickled and dimed...and their crying for themselevs...greedy money suckers with library shelves..Im you with jingles and bells..protest and yells..that nobody hears..but everybody fears..quaterly robbed...nickled and if it was ok to be hassled and crimed..#weinthistogether
Quentin Briscoe Sep 2014
The weight upon my back is heavy
Im weak, carrying around
extra weight....
You know my super power
aint super strength..
But saving souls...
and bodies..
I love killing bodies
Killer bodies
Im a sucker for
but this one on my back,
I gotta get it off my back
but I love it when its there
but its so heavy
Its hard to save them others
when You got 5 legs...
I'm ******
Now get on your knees..
And **** my boot...
Your sick
And I hold the serum...

A Psychosuperhero
1.1k · Feb 2012
Side Views
Quentin Briscoe Feb 2012
And yet they pop up
3685 strong
in lil blue letters after a pic in a thong
Side views
amazing optical contact
I dont even know you...
but you dont fail to appear
those side views
attracting every dude...
why we have 123 friends in common
With your 4000 comments
Lips like gummy worms
breast like cup cakes with a cherry on top
can these side views stop...
For you werent my main focus..
you beautiful flowers reminding me of lotus..
For you always come back again
untill we are friends...
And through out my path of life I met some of you..
and you met me too..
but i tell you this i hate being a side view..
Make me your center profile
definitly worth while...
but you'll never prove
just place me in the line with other dudes
who never look you in eyes
cuz there stuck on your thighs..
side views...
yes you got some hips
but your only appealing to my stick
On the side of my profile
getting me to go wild
when I all I need is whats infront of me
And i keep getting caught in what my peripheral sees..
Cuz I can sometimes go wrong
with these right
side views..
1.1k · Oct 2013
Six You (6x6)
Quentin Briscoe Oct 2013
I wish to lay in you...
Divide and Conquer parts of you...
Call me Hannibal, Ill eat you....  
There's an elephant trunk between you...
Believe the judge I'll rule you..
Sit back while I six you....
1.0k · Jan 2013
dont care
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2013
The Sweet life....
You never shed a tear.
not even when your father died
the only water to touch your face
was from the crystal blue ocean
that you swam in everymorning...
billion dollar collar
making calls to CEO's
playing golf on Thursday mornings.
driving cars like UFO's
Not a care for the world
living in paridise
No affection for a soul
snake eyes on the dice
taking from the poor
and giving to yourself
calling women ******
and glorify yourself
Never shed a tear
don't care about the world......

never fall a tier
in your own little world...
1.0k · Jul 2013
She needs Molly
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2013
See the Molly had her singin happy days for happy ways...
little did she know she'd end up in alleyways...
selling body for protection...
have *** with no protection....
food and water became a luxury...
because Molly was necessary...
and little sherry from south Philly
changed her name to something silly. ..
cuz them happy days got so scary
that she lost all parts of Sherry...
Sweatin in her sleep..
****** on the streets...
Because Tommy wanted money,
she got more than she could hope.....
so he could keep her coming,
back he gave her Molly lace with dope....
1.0k · Jun 2012
Im the Potter's clay
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2012
I was created..In my mothers womb..From dirt and of Clay...
A piece of art...In the potters shop...molded in ways...
A shape shifter...A color fusion...of what ever he may...
From light fair skin...
to a darker colored state...I will be what ever the potter shapes....
From one form to another again...
I wont stay the same until Im perfect for him...
And even at what I believe to be my Finest...
He can ball me back to clay...And remind me he is the artist..
.And he loves each piece he has created..
for none has been out weighted....
I just want to be pefect in his sight..Even If im ugly in yours...
For maybe he will put me on display inside of heavens doors..
mold me form me..Im yours to maintian...
I know Im just clay...
So I'll let you have your way...
987 · Jan 2014
Loves Deadly Sins
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2014 Lust.....
So I have no choice but to desire you...
I want all of you....
Even when I've had enough...
I'll take my good old time...
If you leave me....
What ever has your time...
To say You're all mine.....

You will be the Life in me.....
The Love in me...
The Death of me...
For this is what love causes me to do...
Inhuman things...
that I just can't control...
Because I was born in the world...
But you hold my soul....
Seven ways to heaven....
I'll die without the 8th...
For these are all inside my body...
But for Love I had to wait...
So Inhuman...
987 · Mar 2013
Early Morning....
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2013
Early Morning ****
with mascara on her eyes
switchin side to side
and so much love inside
Beauty in your pocket
You just choose to flaunt it
Early in the morning
Lookin so good
Stirring those desires
given morning wood
thighs starting fires
on the way back to your hood
"how you doin love"
"sweetheart whats your name"
"baby where you going"
"I could love you girl for days",
Early morning walking
through these early morning talkings
you just love the feeling
all this great attention,
to bad with all this passion
they don't get to see your passion
they just catchin this emotions
going through the motions
but your fish nets do the trick
Early morning catchin
bringing in the money
without going through the actions
See I know where your coming from
I know where you been
i know whats in your pocketbook
Can you count the men
Early morning issues
after last nights rendezvous
Sleep your day away,
Sleep your day away...
977 · Oct 2012
rotten apples
Quentin Briscoe Oct 2012
the blessing of sin to grow up with men...
that think just like me...
to fall from a tree and land at the trunk...
and right there rot my seeds...
For an apple's an apple..
there is no appeal...
that could make this fact unreal...
so i just fall in line...
to follow the lineage..
of all these rotten apple peals...
973 · Aug 2012
Quentin Briscoe Aug 2012
Yo this girl is Dangerous...
**** this girl is raw,
im talking beast among the flesh...
and In the Flesh I'm in Awe...
Im hard down to my core,
Yet her skin is soft...
Dangers writin on the floor,
in some blood letters crossed...
Buts shes passion in her fashion
definitly a work of art...
but her gift aint everlasting
so she needs love inside her heart...
but the road her curves are making,
cause these breaks to start shakin..
and i crash into here Waves,
cause dangerous, she aint waitin...
Pounding deep into her core,
Dangerous just ask for more..
Drawing wings on my back...
as i color the floor...
My wood is under attack,
her walls are caving in....
The cause of Effect,
She keeps on comin....
Harder Screaming
Dangerous starts to call...
Im high,
way too weak
to dangerous i might fall....
970 · Jul 2013
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2013
yesterday I thought of you...
world, and how I would take you over!!!
creating diabolical schemes...
mischievous mischief...
i believed in something..

and then a red head redbone
fumbled into my thoughts...
Asking "what are we going to do today..."
and I say a walk on the beach
a picnic in the sand..
and then....
it hit me...
I'll drop to one knee..
And take over your Whole World!!!
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2013
She tussled and fought,
squirmed and wiggled,
the ends of her hairs
oh how they tickled.
She smelled of sugar and spice
like purple haze,
remy martin,
and bubblicious ,
the sins of life...
Everything nice.
Her lips drove me crazy
I could smell the cherry
dying to be burst,
I'm going to save this one
as she fights
I squeeze,
As she bites
I likes,

A woman...
I found a woman
Cuz she won't
just give it up....

How to keep her safe????
thats gonna be hard to explain,
I can see it in her face......
953 · Jul 2014
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2014
Evergreens with Pine tops

and little ceaders too,

Sap brown, and moss ground,

with patchy skys of blue.

Serenity is,

peaceful secenery of,

dreams that do come true

and sweet portraits of love.

All made well by you

pictures of a better day

All with rays of sun

old memories of gray.

Lovey smell of fresh

Laid getently on me

mind clear,free of fear

Around Me, Serenity
950 · May 2012
Memorial Day
Quentin Briscoe May 2012
Holiday!! Holiday!!
A Day off of Work
Yay Yay
A Holiday!!!

But he remembers
The Gray stone
called Granite
As You take life for granted

Party!! Party!!
Who having a Cookout
Yay Yay
A Holiday!!!

They just told him
This is your dad
Just a name
On a concrete slab

Happy!!! Happy!!
Chillin Out
Yay Yay
A Holiday!!

But he burns a candle
Places a rose
kneels to pray
On Memorial Day....
939 · Jan 2012
Lincon,Jackson, Franklin
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2012
To live my life with out you guys thats my biggest fear

And Im steady failing in my efforts to get you hear


Look at it here, Now

this green faced man

burning my hand

Keep you around,how?


Old white men i dont want to see

Even tho without you i cant eat

Philantropist providing me with a place to sleep

But I cant keep you around me


You run through my fingers

for hopes to gain more

as my posession walk out the front door

Left from my pockets lint still lingers


Dead men of honor

that I loose on the battle field

with hopes to have my accounts filled

only leaves Fields of horror


As Me, My Hands and I's

Loose sight of saving

and look for Winnings

Assasination of the living, hope dies

As You leave myside I shed my many tears

Lincon,Jackson,Frankilin,I just cant keep you near
Quentin Briscoe May 2013
Her Breaths are running short,
there is blood everywhere.....

I guess this is the end....

PS. I'm still looking for friends.....

-signed A ****** SUPER HERO
Quentin Briscoe Feb 2015
Did you know I am black...
Have you listened to His story....
My mother's hands planted me strong..
I have roots of strange fruits
Swinging, But Winds can't move me..
Sweetly I darken as I ripen...

I believe in The Masters plan..
I speak master of no Man..
I pray that He Rewrites His-tory
Things Only the #Master would demand..
Don't be moved by howling hounds..
I Stand firm upon shakend ground..

Hands up, around my royal stem.
Feet dangle until a breathless end..
One pulls back as ropes tighten..
I think of what could've been..
Come get a taste of sin..
I feed the hunger of men..

Look at me strangely Like deformity
My skin bares no such impurity
I am the son of Light
Burnt in the bossom of RA
My power supersedes this hanging state..
I transcended every time I'm consumed..

You only have days to repent..
Hell has cold places for hatred
Now that heavens a breath away..
Don't hunt what you don't eat..
There is blood on the leaves
As you planted gardens of death..

One hangs on as Strange fruit..
Memories linger in the frozen air..
I believe we share some roots..
Tears water the branches we break..
Stories that can't end as His-tory
Dangling Fruits From the popular trees..
932 · Apr 2012
My space
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2012
At this momment I'm currently in myspace....the area around me that you cant penetrate...I Dont get to close to your tend to regurgitate...garbage from the's a stupid *** stupid stupid ***...pollution...that we find to be revolution.. we came from wadding in the water...and being born by the river...What we over comming screaming *** *** ***...throwing out this paper shake it... fast fast fast...What happend to the love make it last last last...Love and happiness see thats the past past past...See we use to be 360 plus active and well we just 360 plus a little more the rounded...Hey my people hey my friends...Come and join myspace...We can have a chance to win...Just Come close to MY face...
929 · Jul 2013
I need to be poppin Pills
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2013
Forget Your kind words
I feel Like ****
You with bad breath...

I saw the barrel flash
but it didn't
end me
just rearranged

My life looks like
a *******
Go ahead
Google it...

and I feel like
Cold sores

Cuz I don't need
your candy
I need ******* Medication
My life ***** right now but I feel bad not because it ***** but because I know somebody has it worse!!!!
926 · Feb 2012
Twist and Collide
Quentin Briscoe Feb 2012
I can feel what’s inside
bodies twist and collide
there’s no need for a potion
bodies stir a commotion….

This is more then a treat
bodies move with our feet
heart beating with haste
bodies give us a taste…..

of souls adaptation
bodies moving in action
We do more then prance
bodies destined to dance…..

Its the passion inside them
bodies searching for rhythm
see our passions alive
bodies twist and collide….

this the motion of oceans
bodies stir a commotion
see we live for a beat
bodies move with our feet….

or just by moving our waste
bodies give us a taste
Of sweet satisfaction
bodies moving in action…

This cant be by chance
bodies destined to dance
It's our reason for livin
bodies searching for rhythm…

but lost in your face
bodies dancing in place
Inside your alive (as)
Bodies twist and collide.
908 · Feb 2013
broke artis
Quentin Briscoe Feb 2013
Broke artis and this here not my day job...Poor Marvin...and some how I still work hard...Yet Starvin...To create something to feed y'all...burnt change to make a phone call...Space rockets...That would be the mission...Good fuel...Feeding intuition...or maybe just a mule and take it old school...Grow my own Words...with my mind on the soil...I just make it taste good..Broke artis start to Spoil..
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2013
Vivid Imagination but this right here is real....
How sympathetic can one man feel...
I'm a runner... living i'm crawling...****** feet...
I'm a walker...standing proud...on my knees...running crowd...
I'm a bystander.... filled with joy...knocked to the ground...A ****** toy....
Screams I hear...Screams We hear...Its the screams we fear...
That means the terrors near...getting closer...
So now we pray...When we should have been praying before...
Just because we don't hear no screams doesn't me terror ain't at the door...
Or across the Ocean, across the Seas...
Red, Dead, Black and Blinding...
Because you can't hear the screams..
But I been praying for family...For my dreams...
I never stop asking God for peace...even when I can't hear the screams...
America I beg you take the time to hear the screams...
Because just like you care for those bombs on Boston's streets...
these a school in Syria with bodies across the street....
Theres a Home destroyed in the middle east...
or a town massacred in Mali..
Pray not just today but tomorrow...Pray not just right now but forever...
Because this will be forgotten by you who didn't hear...
This wound will heal for those who didn't lose a limb...didn't bleed a tear...
But tomorrow terror will claim another life...
and how much will you care...
because CNN didn't have a chopper in the air...
Wicked Won't Stop Coming!! But we feel the need to stop praying...
The time is coming...Never stop praying...
"Jesus thank you that our screams haven't got any louder!! But keep those who were affected. Heal those that were wounded and wrap your arms around the families of the deceased. We pray that you allow us to find those responsible. We pray that this unites even more and allows us to become a closer and more unified country. Keep watch over our streets at night. Allow us to be able to love our brother and sister so that we want to do them no harm. That we learn to forgive one another and love each other no matter our differences. Bless those over seas fighting for us and our freedom and bless and keep those overseas that have to deal with violence and cruelty on an everyday basis. Keep your arms around them and give them a sense of peace. I know it sounds like we just ask and ask and ask, but know we are grateful for all of your blessing and mercy!!! In Jesus name We Pray Now and Forever! Amen"
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2013
always on my mind.... you i never met....tell me why is that...
lets never press rewind... that i might regret...I'll tell why is that...
the past was never kind... the present isn't set... yes we can change that...
All i need is time to find...  you I never met... How would you like that...
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2014
I'm trying really hard not to knock you off your feet...
Cuz i just want be that man your father said i should be..
But that man I could never be...
Cuz there's a complex in my brain...
and it causes me to cheat...
see that's what you call it...
I call myself a hero....
Save all the girls...
but right now I'm at zero...
Signed- A ****** SuperHero
893 · Jun 2012
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2012
That word makes me nervous...
but tell me more....
You know I had a dream about that once
and I woke up all wet...
sweat drenced My floor...
But that was just a dream...
And my friends and I made a bet...
About Using golden Horses
And I lost...
Cuz to me they were just a dream...
Vibrations were just heard through voice..
Cuz I'm not ready to give what it cost...
I keep my parts private...
Locked in a box of chasity..
Not ever to be a charity
but golden shiny platter..
That will be held with respect...

that word makes me nervous....
for my wife.....
cuz what if she knows...
what she likes...
But I lost the Bet...
And only had dreams, waking up
887 · Sep 2013
Mayday Mayday..
Quentin Briscoe Sep 2013
I'm the flight attended and this plane is going down!!!!!.....
No control....
Because of Pilot Jones....
We hitting homes...
Bout to crash and burn...
If I only learned to fly...
I guess death is the lesson learned...
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