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876 · Jul 2013
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2013
Girl you know I'm lost ...Lost in the thrill of it all...
and I was laying with Delilah..when she cut off my hair...
and i was lost inside her...blinded right beside her...
Eve got me to eat her fruit...and I was buried with her...
naked right beside her...bamboozled cuz I need her...
Coaxed by my Queen Esther...Iam Lost...Lost in the thrill of it all...
Girl you know I'm Lost...inside your temple..
Binned by your ribs...Connected at the heel...
Achilles didn't die at will...but was only protect too the heel
Medusa stares inside me...and I freeze up to stone..
My soul is given to her...i am lost inside her
Girl you know I'm lost......Lost, in the thrill of it all..
Robbed by Rebekah...Blessing will never be the same..
Work 14 years to hold Rachel...caught playing silly games
Ill **** just to hold Basheba...but Jezebel is in my bed!!  
Tell me where is Mary.....Mary he isn't dead
I'm just lost...Lost in the thrill of it all...
873 · Apr 2012
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2012
"i Washed It"

                "Not Good enough"

"But i Did i Did"

                    "Wash it again"
'i didn't know
How could i have known"
                     "because I told you not to!!"
"But she said i shoud
that i just let her wet it
i didn't know it was *****"
Full of things that i shouldn't know
plesures of lust, greed, sin
a loss of innocence
I'll do anything to take it back
It wont come off
It wont come off
this dirt wont come off
(cries) tears
What em i to do
....................."Here child let me wash that away for you"....
854 · Jan 2012
Honest Man
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2012
No room for a honest living cuz an Honest man tries,
broke the honest man dies,
while the living are rich with lies...
hidden agenda...
in this slandering propaganda...
You can make it by...
filling your heads with lies...
And while you think your living honest they just watchin you die...
never feeling your cries...
They just say they lived like you but they aint never lived your lives...
So they send out one, send out two, place them side by-by side...
Choose this guy hes just like you, see look him in the eyes...
but he aint never lived your lives...
all he hears is cries...
and the honest man dies...
and rich live on with lies!!!!
Quentin Briscoe Aug 2014
Periodically put pass peoples personal perceptions
Physically Pass Pompous Proprietors possessive profits..
Passive pupils perform persecutor's pineal priorities
Problematic Pastimes produce poorly processed plans..
Police purposely Prosecute pigmented Powerful Personas  
Peers, Perceive, Portray, Procreate Positive Progression  

#micromoments #6x6challenge #PtothesixthPower
Take the 6x6 Challenge!!!!
841 · Jun 2013
Action Figure
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2013
it has Voice action
Thanks Guys....
..........I am Afro Man 24/7
I'm ready to do this..........

But it doesn't work
All Mine does is speak
It don't move
Its joints are concrete

......i'm ready to do this
ready to make a Change.......

It has a strong voice
But his body is strange
I can't throw a punch
its position doesn't change

......Beware Evil doers
Your time ends now...........

It talks a good game
but it doesn't act at all
what good is a action hero
If stands up just to fall........
826 · Sep 2014
Quentin Briscoe Sep 2014
Its Wednesday and you know what it is....
So why are we still talking...

lets do this
see if you can tell me about your day
while my head is between your thighs..
try not to cover my ears...
I bet you can't do it
I bet you'll wrap your legs around my neck
until the earthquakes...
and mumble every word after tell me why.....
And I'll just say
mmmm hmmmmm
causing my lips to become vibrators
breaking damns
that can no longer hold back your oceans..
then I'll ask you again what happened today?

as your rivers runs down my chin
you'll kiss them
saying this happened today
as you place your lips around
my fully erected rod
You say "I'm now in control"
as you put Hoover, Dyson and Whirlpools to shame
leaving me so anxious
to be inside you...
to travel the depths of your seas
and get lost
so that I have no choice but to die there
You are Atlantis
and I am Poseidon
I'll command your waves to shore...
to wipe the land clean
of everything that stress you out
for right now in this moment
its Wednesday
and it is all your thoughts should be about....
820 · Apr 2012
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2012
Her name was Hilary Urma Romalis Thomas.
but they just called her HURT
Her eyes sparkeled with every ray of sun
but her smile never turned the right way.
Tears was what she created for fun
And she never had much to say
I thought that she just might be shy
but they said nope that's just HURT
But I couldn't excpet that answer
It was something so beautiful about her
A mystery I wanted to uncover
A joy I wanted to discover
Asking questions to find out more about her
but they just said that's HURT
So i tried, and I connect
I Linked into her mind
As we begin to interact
Im excited at what I find
I learn that she is kind
But they say that cant be HURT
And I said that is was
it is what she use to be
Before she gaind the Thomas
That added the misery
But now shes in Love with me...
And they say Thank God that you got HURT
815 · Aug 2013
B ella's Thoughts
Quentin Briscoe Aug 2013
Is it wrong I'm attracted to her thoughts..
I mean I saw her mind way before I found her heart
and well I stutter..
trying to speak to her...
I never said to much
just subtle things here and there
so she couldn't her the shaking in my voice..
But she would be my choice..
Bella Sweet perfection
without the B
I say between the lines
you model for me...
Maybe a crush from a boy who hates school..
But would love to learn you....
Maybe you'll read this maybe you won't..
but for you reading this
I'm waiting for your thought....
809 · May 2013
My drug
Quentin Briscoe May 2013
My Drug..
My words injected in my blood...
like a book pull me open watch my letters flood...
Like the ocean, this the see..
The body coated me..
but my crack is my pen...
A blank page is ******...
and spoken word is my ****..
Because its exactly what I need..
To get me high..
I'm talking lifted above the sky..
This is more than just a vision
but word infected poison..
Because it seeps into your brain
makes you go insane
as they push against your skull
this drug is never dull
Once you understand it
you can't live without it...
Jungle fever type of motion
I got me
real bad
I went there
and I can't go back from it
and its causing some commotion
I can use to my advantage,
I could try to save the world
or I could slowly **** myself,
chasing after girl after girl...
see I received this sinful gift
Gave to me from Adam
knowledge in the fruit that Eve handed him
and generations later I sit addicted to gaining wisdom
in the form of words that were accidentally eaten..
807 · Jan 2013
Travel envy
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2013
Why weren't you in my world
As You traveled the world
and left me
You've been to paris, France
With De'Andre and Lance
But You left me
Seen the Lush gardens of Babalyon
and took pictures with your Thawb on
But there no me
Took Leana to Germany
Where Yall were a family
But without me
You can travel the seven seas
Dont excpect me not to envey
Cuz you left me
Home with mommy
and you don't even care
Traveling everywhere
I wonder if you left another somewhere.
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2013
Swooish!!! I snag her...
Off...up up and away...
save her from this life...
keep the perverts away...
a smile
she gives me a smile...
now what do I say...
Never fear...

**** how cliche'!!
But everyone is afraid....
of a Black man in a mask.....

P.S she smells like Honey,
I wonder what she'd do if I licked her?.....
- Psyhco Super Hero
799 · Jan 2018
Ten little Niggaz
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2018
Ten little
Nine little
Eight little .......

Seven little
Six little
Five little.......

Four little
Three little
Two little.....

With a mind..
You ain't think about me..
Thought I would run..
But you ain't seen what I've seen..

I'll be the One..
That entices the other 9...
To Fight back..


Call me Nat

As I place the burner to your throat.
And watch all that talk choke
I just wanted to be free
But you couldn't leave me be..

So now its

One little
Two little
Three little......

Four little
Five little
Six little......

Seven little
Eight little
Nine little.......

Ten ******

Whipping that ***!!!
793 · Jun 2012
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2012
Sweet.....Sweet Drips of syllables...dripping in your ear lobes..honey....slipping through the wax...Till You brain is under attack...Yummm...makes you Hummm...Old hymms of glory...cause the sweet sweet sounds write your story....You subdue to the pleasures of the words...As they tell you things you have never and out out then in...This suduction as only started to begin...Cuz i can eradicate the old thoughts...and fill the holes with sweet spots...tasting better then before...So you wont think to want no oooo's and my ahhh's turn to your oooo's and lala's ..cuz I can have you screaming out Oh My GODs and Allahs...But Just from sweet nector...That I drop into your flower...Cuz With me I'll help you grow...With my sweet words in steady flow...
789 · Jan 2014
6x6 (polar)
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2014
Chick Magnets, Dreads beards and Tattoos
Me; Freeverses, Micro moments, and Haikus
rhythm I can't beat without you..
Melody I can't sing without you...
Feelings I'm all caught and ****...
I'm Just on a polar end....
788 · Aug 2012
Quentin Briscoe Aug 2012
Billy's ******* Pennies
Dont tickle Jenny's Kitty
But Jonny's Fifty Milli
Make ******* Pennies silly
And Jenny's Filthy *****
Loves Jonny's Harry Milli
Even Tho Jonny got A Milli
Other Jenny's
But Billy's Lonely Willie
Only Longs for Jenny's Kitty
But Jenny looks so Silly
Chasing after Jonny's Milli
When Jonny's Chasing Billy's ******* Pennies
785 · May 2013
You've broken my yoke
Quentin Briscoe May 2013
I keep telling myself I'm fine...
that you don't affect my decisions...
because there was a time...
I'd do anything...
for you...
I couldn't even breathe...
I had your ring in my pocket the day you wanted to leave...
You had my heart in your pocket when you walked out of my life...
I was already damaged before You...
You know thanks to what i knew of life...
my fragile shell was only egg like..
and yours was glad wrapped...
impossible to break easy to change...
but easily transparent...
But that one crack destroyed my yoke...
That one sin....
Burnt my hope..
.and it was blackened...
because I started jumping into ocean after ocean trying to find the fountain of youth...
fountain of you...
But every ocean had no water that could quench me like you did...
No woman had no aura that could love me so I hid...
Behind holograms of you...
Hoping they would shield my broken shell.
But everyone was just like you so they all held close the gun...
that would shoot me in the soul...
after all that I had done....
Now I'm just a zombie wandering around with no heart,
no heart...
I lost that warm blooded part...
Now I'm just in search of brains...
because hopefully a smart woman won't live connected to her hearts chains...
And she'll see How much it means to say I love you
because she'll know the definition,
instead of her own missing hearts blinded decisions....
777 · Jul 2012
Its Destiny's fault
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2012
Dont destroy what you have to chase after your past....even if your past has a phater ***..Well maybe you can visit once or twice...naw that isn't right...chasing after pleasure for the cost of your life...or maybe just for the cause of a good time...cuz it seems like theres little good in a good time...but everybody wants one...just to have a lil fun..So if im just looking for a good time does going backwards make me dumb...or can I just use the excuse I was looking for some fun...I mean yeah my present is a gift..but my burdens it cant lift... its tylenol to my pain but I need some extra relief..but that sounds contradicive to my belief...of monotony..creating contraversy...inside the deciding to switch lanes...But i just want to taste it...its like i just became a vegetarien but i want a buger and with meats the only way i can make Im pondering if I should...I dont wanna be thinking that I should have could have would...can your past become your future... or should your present be the picture....Of Jubilee..When do you get to blame destiny...Cuz everybodys looking for a reason..for treason...But they always need a point man to evoke..Destiny you can be my scapegoat...Cuz i want to relapse just a bit..I just want one more high one more hit..and if I again become addicted...I guess my present isn't want Destiny predicted...But i dont want to destory my present it really is a gift..but destiny only made me a man so sometimes I think like this....
769 · Mar 2013
I kill Zombies
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2013
Its dark in here...
the fear..
of being normal
I cant bare..
Cuz i never been formal
only odd
Seen things
Heard some ****
not the regular
the bodies normally present
When there dead..
See lately i've been
a lil ******
so at night I might go
out to play
cuz I can't stand
the light
from the day..
So you walkers
may call me insane
cuz you cant eat
whats inside my brain..
So I'll just shoot
You in the head
because you already dead
lacing up my combat boots
I loot
and find that I may not be the same
but Im not the one that's found insane
See I'm consciously awake
not in your Zombified state
So while you cope with reality
I'll just keep my sanity....
761 · Mar 2016
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2016
Dear journal,
I wake up every morning hoping to be the man I would find worthy enough for my mother...

Dear love,
This is for you...

Dear Lord,
I don't know what's in store for me, but you can see my heart... I pray that you guide me in the direction that leads to Your Will.. I ask for peace and comfort, strength and understanding....

Dear self,
It will all work out. It is in his Hands
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2013
Committing is hard!
I'm afriad of Adultery......
               Way before
759 · Jul 2012
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2012
Even tho i hate it, i want her To Bo$$ me...shhh keep that on the hush somebody might find me...Workin for her love, slavin for her cookies.....or mistake me for her baby, cuz im durling off her *******..Words that i remorse... sounds that get me high...This girl is a course and im just barely getting by...but I Know that she the Bo$$ she think she just a make it even worst my personalized ******...But baby your a Queen...The beauty of my dreams...So i work for you, Your personal maintenance man...Better yet your blessed cuz Im your number one fan..So baby just come Bo$$ me tell me what to do...Cuz I signed a contract and I will Only Work for You!..... #didyoureadthisone
757 · Jun 2013
A voice
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2013
If I had a voice,
I'd sing to you

tell you all the things
I want to do,
And I'd do them

cuz I had a voice

and you had no choice,
but to fall victim...
Quentin Briscoe Aug 2013
**** me, then buy my body parts...
This mind is now for sale..
I paid for unused college credits...
My muscle memory is retaining thoughts..
You can learn something from me...
Take a bite from my flesh...
A 6x6 is 6 lines long
there are 6 words each line
Each line is a Complete thought!!
Every line can stand on its own
Together the suggest one theme!!

I'm helping with starting a new form of poetry This is a task I need your help try to make one  Go!!
750 · Apr 2012
selfish me
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2012
hey check my profile pic empty...pity...but shes there with me..around me..cuz she loves me...But selfish me...envy....cuz I dont have... what you have...No I own love...I know love...Cuz she shows love...But I don't have...what you have...stability...selfish me...Mind set hereditary...Blasphemy....That I can blame family... for faith less actions...of lonely contractions....Selfish me...lonely..cuz i dont have... what you have...unity...but we're doubt that i love her....mentaly...selfish me....
742 · Apr 2013
Organic Soul.....
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2013
I miss my Organic Soul...
                                       And its tuesday...
I'm left without a home...
What do you say...
When I wanna speak a word...but yet no ears have heard... because I've lost my Organic soul...
I Feel so cold...
I guess I could warm on Wednesdays...
                                        But I still feel so alone...
I miss the music in my life...
With no organic soul, I'm not whole..
                                       Just a poet without a mic...
11 years of life and my soul was there every night...
              Cuz it was organic...
                more like magic...
that walt disney never had...
See it was real...
Organic like having a mom and dad...cuz we all got a mom and dad...
But if your was organic you could rock the mom and mom and respect the dad and dad...
See the freedom was unchained...
                                            and the artist had no vian....
Just a vein that made us one...who ever blessed the stage...
Cuz the beauty was organic..
.Athena she never had it...
Just that little scene on Egear Street...Where the world could hear my magic...
I miss my Organic soul...
so I roam the streets without one...
Cuz Nothing could feel as pure as you...
                                                        Its Tuesday And I don't know what to do...
Organic soul was the Dopest!!! Open mic spot in Baltimore, Every Tuesday and ever since Jan of this year it has been no more...I'm lost!!! :(
733 · Mar 2014
item (6x6)
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2014
There's a war for my soul.....
For which side do I aid..
Death will surely choose a Victor...
Half Angel, Half Devil, All Human....
A rope that shall be Pulled
Am I soul or an objective...
733 · Feb 2015
Meaning Faith....
Quentin Briscoe Feb 2015
I was thinking about you
googled your name and
As urban As you aren't...
The most beautiful and amazing girlfriend I could ever ask for. She has a smooth face and kissable lips, and she's crazy and funny. She can make you smile whenever you talk to her, even if you're really depressed. Her hugs are the best in the world.
I sure can't wait to see Imani "
Says the Urban dictionary
And that was you...
to a T
or to a Q which was me
because I remember how
how good you felt to me
Beauty I wanted to hold onto forever
Once I already let it go...
Cuz she gave me Faith to Desire
Words to design..
A feeling I require...
Thanks to Faith
I know how...
Please know that you're special
to me and to them
Urban Word Users
that have deemed you so Worthy
To be the definition of Perfection
longing for Imani....
731 · May 2012
Love Script
Quentin Briscoe May 2012
I cant' write How I feel
Act on whats not real
theres no peace if not resloved
How can I script love,

If Im constantly correcting
your lines your stumbling
I need this to be real,
something you really feel....

Not just words you memorized
actions emotionalized,
but this has to be real
I need you to feel......

Im not looking for an actress
Who's use to her back upon a matress,
Im' looking for a lover
who doesn't just love undercovers,

Show it to me in your eyes
or eles this script is lies,
let me hear it in your voice
as if you had no other choice,

So recite your lines
As if It was inception of the mind,
and as we do embrace
Let passion flow along your face,

and say it....
what I wrote upon your heart
becasue for me this is ture,
"I Love You" .....

Let the world hear it,
Present your debut
And lets throw away this script
Cuz now its just Me and You....
731 · Jul 2014
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2014
This mind is the treasure
You all hold the key
To unlock
this golden nugget
located inside of me...
Verbal emancipation
More than just a copper coin
Its like Fort Knox inside a skull
Located in Illinois.
All I need is one thought,
One Phrase,
one Word,
Might thinks its nothing now
But a billion pennies
Can change a egg in to bird
Boy into a man.
A woman into a Queen
I mean Its all in what you say
Are you living the Dream
or just reliving your dreams
You can unlock the writers block
just live, love, and believe!!....
So as I conjure up a potion
that will leave you spell bound..
I'm A Wizard off the Wall...
that once shot Bullets at your mind...
The good kind Don't worry
Your Kane, Kendricks, Murphy
So You've opened a Door
to a supernatural experience..
Its the PyschoSuperhero
Raw, Brisk, and Delirious
Quentin Briscoe Dec 2015
I'm sick... With a sin...
I can't get rid of...
I'm so deep pressed
With a weight I struggle to lift
I lie to myself...
In a bed of thorns ..
I am the rose ...
Waiting to be killed
I'm the name
Of Love....

Or ****..
I don't know the difference any more...
I thought I found heaven..
But I realized Im still alive...
Or maybe I been closed my eyes...
I just never made it to the sky......

A PsychoSuperhero
722 · Mar 2014
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2014
Im tryin not to be to complex..
life for those who need that...
i find them able...
movements change while
characters remain inplace...
lines that create emotions
about the face...
But dont move whats inside...
becomes simple
we need to collide...
Strecthing love throughout the spot...
for real this time
please you have to stop...
717 · Mar 2012
The Ides of March
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2012
The full Moon Cometh
Brighter then Before,
but cratered with Blood stained hands...

Here i lay Bleeding beneath
hand prints I once teached,
Hands that I once reached
And A Brother I lie beneath.

The full Moon calls for the wolves to bare the're teeth,
Hidden behind the mask of men
I caught full glimplise of the beast,
A Friend.

As 2 rows of 16 fangs pireced into my side
My mouth grew parched,
Oh this Ides of March
Beneath the Blood stained moon, I died
715 · Aug 2013
I don't write Love poems
Quentin Briscoe Aug 2013
I Dream them....
live them...
I breath them...
For love is all around me..
Even in the fear...
Even in the hate...
love is what I hear..
Call me naive..
Cuz Ive never wrote a love poem
I've only breathed
life into a pen...
That created some thing
inspiration from within
Even if you
can't beleive me...
you will read me...
and know love..
exhale a deeper
Cuz theres nothing deeper
then this bottomless pit
That all these lovers
Aimlessly fall in....
714 · Feb 2013
Quentin Briscoe Feb 2013
Still in the mist of finding my purpose...Like why do I stand know I use to think that i was a flower bright and beautiful...that I was something everyone would need...but now I believe they feel the urge to call me a ****...That im growing in unwanted places...And so i look unappealing to many of their faces...Haven’t i preformed a miracle didn't you want me to grow...and now that I've out done my peers you don't want me to show...Yes there are thousands of us and i hope to make more...unique like me because you told me to soar..see they've been nurtured and cared for..Do you see what i've endured...No im not in a field, a valley, a hill top or, tuffit... but i've emerged from the ground...the rough hard moldings that i was around...i stand here bright tall my own lil treat...but em' just a **** if I grow from the street ...and as i try to reach out to others... i loose my bright slowly give myself away in the wind piece by piece by i die where you left me trying to grow out of the cold concrete....But it doesn't end there...See im still in the air...Me this **** have planted some seeds..In the pieces of me..Inspiring more flowers in their places of need!!
the first piece I ever performed in front of a crowd. Do you know any Dandelions
711 · Jul 2013
I had a voice so I told her
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2013
I told her how could heaven survive without her..
For she was that moment
When the sky is blue and the Sun peeks through the clouds..
I told her that angels must envy her smile
because all they have are wings...
but your smile causes men to flight...
I said to her...
You will find comfort in my arms...
Love in my heart
and wisdom in my thoughts...
And I sung
Sweet Gloria
Sweet Sunrise in my night time...
Sweet moonlight in my darkness...
Sweetness in your kiss
You shine....
I told her I'd do better
I promised with a kiss
I sealed her with my sweet song
that went just like this

Sweet Gloria
Sweet Sunrise in my night time
Sweet moonlight in my darkness
Sweetness when I kiss
You shine.....
709 · May 2012
Quentin Briscoe May 2012
Im a different type of lover, sophisticated brotha. But i get down tear it up like no other..Im the game type, proto to be exact...So You can be the one to test something like that...Super slick powers..lasting long hours..energizer bunny fell asleep in the shower...Look at what i' see a normal man...look a lil deeper Im your number one fan...undisputed winner...different type of lover...Once you played with me you wont be looking for no others...Do it to you right...shower you with rice...put rocks on your finger I will lock you down for life....#typeProto
709 · Jul 2013
High... (6x6)
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2013
My** Feet began to slowly rise.....
High was only a confused understatement,  
Was lifted way beyond my soul
Simply Lost In a place Unknown.....
Your Actions made my body fly
Love Has taken me, So High!!!
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2013
I dont look like Handy to you..but its like you draw a face on a ball and call me Wilson...don't think i don't know about your sin...I learned a lot in this world from ****** women...And you aint different...No You aint know saint...hold your complaints...they gon have to wait...You gonna listen to me I ain't no fake...I don't love them..we aint close friends...Im just a man..I know aint no Wilson......The best friend you ever had...Cuz he gives you what you need...until hes all up in your face and his air start to decrease...and his lips start to wear off and eyes disappear...because Your not the only women on the island this year...So whos Handy now...putting your feelings down...I mean I'm just me and he, hes not which one do you want? the Ball you can control...or the man that ***** already Know...You just fakin tho...remember this aint the first time I been a tool...that women wanted to use..A screwdriver thats no Handy...But used by all the not lately -Sign A ****** Super Hero
699 · Jul 2013
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2013
You were the Sun of my Day
The moon of my night
You lit up my life...
Until You brought the moon to my Day
You eclipsed the sun
blocked out the rays
Being the best of both words
Seperate, you should stay
but together
You are destroying
my light
And now outside of happiness
I stand in the shadow of what use to be...
I can still see an outline
But its so faint I can't see
your blinding me
because its just so dark
inside of this heart...
693 · Nov 2014
Becoming Idol
Quentin Briscoe Nov 2014
Complex circulations of electric impulse.... firing in impulsive reaction to there own free will....Yet they do not think...and send out missions and directions to ****... that which was intended to heal...Now I feel all types of unwanted ****... infecting the young....Floating around in unwanted company...Hoping to gain death...Witch is the confusion of calling it blessed....See I've seen them looking around...but the only placed being searched is the ground...CC's of un wanted foes wandering about...In incorrect form yet perfectly round about...They have placed intricate circuits through out the mind...That have been set to detonate in time...Not blow no suicide bombers here...but to carefully inject the inception...Will you be fooled...misconstrued ..deceived to believe...that this is honestly received...or these impulse that have conjugated...To act upon what they feel...instead of what is real..No thought process...not time to progress...Only to stay the same...spreading to brain after brain.....after brain.........are you still >THERE
I love word play but my message is serious....
693 · Sep 2013
Quentin Briscoe Sep 2013

Through the memories of space lies time...time that we never had....but that time never stopped.... nor attempted to freeze in with the winter cold...just continued...moved along without us...and us with out it grew old...Forgetting that each other we were meant hold... So the hour glass ran out...and we grab on to somebody else...Speeding up the progress...of this collapse...That fragile moment we shared...that felt like years...that passed us by...and continued to fly..away..goes the hand of we move into maturity...and time never stops for you and me...more we remorsefully grip the arm of the innocent...and use them to blockade that space...that should be filled each others face..those lines on our faces aren't wrinkles..but a time line of every thought we had..of one another...of every thought we had that we wished time stopped... So we could find a way to share another second...but it never did so we're left with these scars of time..Security behind the heart of the wrong thing...and Freedom in the eyes of that which wont wait...Time slow you did once the perfect moment when we had time to adore...each other..but now we just hide..not wanting to be caught by the innocent.. for if time never stopped the reaction...of our licentious would harm the hearts we hide behind.... and then they to would have to would be forced to blame time...
691 · Feb 2012
time line
Quentin Briscoe Feb 2012
I would like to invite you in to my brain...soft tissue....I dont believe a word that you are saying...Trust issues...That corner over there I store my fizzles...and the half with blood stains..*** pistols...I would love to tell you that I'm sain...mental issues...Nobody really enjoys their I'll miss you...# mybrain2007
Wont you take a trip in my mind...Ice cold..The marvelous things you will find...starting to fold...Just when I though it was was sold....Out of the trees craved of pine...burried my soul...Without she who gave me time...No one to hold...bending my spin... laid in the bed alone, hittin the road...Emptiness Is what you will find...Swallowed me whole...#mymind2008
I want you to watch a film on my heart...Dead Rising...As This beast called love rips it apart...Non remaining....No warning, No signs, just a start...slow racing...they call death like this an art...Dorian's painting...I just couldn't look at my heart...blind filming...As heart beats fell off the chart...your dying...No added sugar taste ****...bad mixing...Its hard to tape together a heart...retaping..... #myheart2009
Looking at me what can you see...a man...laughs at a boy probably...still using his hand...Cuz it hard for the superfical to believe...That love is the plan...Outside viewing of me...Catching a tan...Thats about all you fit your baskets shallow B...finding sand...Cuz that aint nothing solid G...As it falls right through your hands... Buliding on stability.. searching for land... In this shot economy...****** people joining bands... #mylife2010
688 · Aug 2013
Quentin Briscoe Aug 2013
You found your way from heaven
blessed my skin
You have sprung life into
I've missed you
Since you left me
I never got to say
I love you
And then you returned
in her smile
Her Laugh..
You returned in her voice..
And I fell in Love
for you..
taught me love
Showed me Love
and here i fall in it
but just like you...
so far away...
its August
and Im trying to get back to you
but you've left me
back to heaven..
But if I must
to find you...
I'll Die if I have too....
682 · Apr 2012
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2012
Freedom I see..
undisturbed life....that doesn't have to fight..but just be...
What ever it was ment to..What ever it was born to...
created to live, grow, and breathe...Clean air provided at a breeze...
green leaves...and old oak trees..
water and rocks wind blows tall grass...
freedom peacefuly...
undisturbed unity....
That runs from root to root...sounds that never mute...
but our bound for wishing wells...
Just to find equality...
Disturbed unity...
Thats quick to shoot..mouths that never mute..
For Freedom I'll never see....
Disturbed life...
Which means we fight...Cant just let it be....
What it was ment to... What it was born to...
Created to live the breeze...
but bound to our skin...
until peacefully returned to dust again...
found unity...
673 · Jul 2013
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2013
Em ' I Static??..I dont want to be the same...unmoving... But I dont know where to go..I have no google Siri to guide me aloud...But frozen feet...Shock From Static ways....of normal everydays...How I've lost adventure...No Oregon trail surrounded by Amazon river...but a concrete road and wooden desk. A shower head and a full sized bed..The static...Eligible freedom but shocked by metal knobs..Static person...afraid I will never is comfortable here...Lovely..But I want crazy, exciting: almost breath taking...Charismatic...But It seams I remain static....
673 · Jan 2012
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2012
I cant afford to live out side your walls...Be out side the gates...Function with out your laws...Put food on my plate...You support me...for I lean...Control me...tho unseen...coruption of my insinct...For with you i dont need to when you do.... all that i need goo gaga... speach for a grown man... he he hahah...You control my right hand...So I eat with my left...brush my teeth wipe my ***...indentity theft ...As you sit back and laugh...but I cant afford to live outside your walls...function with out your laws..Be outside your gates...I cant put food on my plate...#IknowthatImstrongerthenthis.....
659 · Jul 2013
Survive Inside..
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2013
Emotions become strangled
suffocate and die
deep within my mind
A Bullet couldn't even survive inside of me...
For it hit my fortitude
and shattered!!!
And You fell apart..
Way before
I even let you inside..
I'm like a black hole
sending everything to a place
its never been...
bringing enemies to be friends...
and beginnings to there end...
as far as you can
or you will be ****** in
to a place that has no feelings
and a love that has no friends..
because the only thing to survive
way down deep inside
looks like a mustard seed...
A faith that has been tried..
you find your self tried sometimes...Alone
658 · Mar 2013
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2013
Because it just wouldn't work...
I didn't realize until....
you were screaming my name...
on call, at will...

Because you just wouldn't change...
I cared for you still....
When you hated yourself..
I saw what was Real...

Because it just wouldn't play out..
Even with I love you's
That was just a temporary out...
for your deeper issues..

Because it wasn't meant to be....
I wasn't the way you want me,
didn't say what you need...
But you said you needed me,

Because I was just a selfish Standard,
the root of all men,
the same old lie
told over and over again...

Because You felt so good
You tasted so sweet......
Made me feel strong
So I could lift you off your feet.....

Because of your hair in my face,
Your lips around my tongue,
Your all night energy,
Made me feel young...

Because I could go on for days
about how you were the one.....
but it just wouldn't work out
I was having too much fun....
Quentin Briscoe Sep 2017
In our last episode many moons ago..
Our young hero burned into the sun..
Or so it seemed..
I Jumped in the light of a Flame.. I was consumed.. The darkness over came this superhero dude... Turning him full cycle .. Full ******.. Pressed in a Deep state.. Full idol..
Forgot how to fight back.. Forgot what gave me my power.. In land full of fake light.. I gain my powers from the Son.. The One... So I'm walking out the flame.. Clearing out the smoke.. Back in tho the shine.. Back to saving folk...
Well.. Back to all the girls.. Back to night time... I'm just a Psychosuperhero... Trying save the World...

649 · Dec 2011
one two 4
Quentin Briscoe Dec 2011
She said 1 plus 1 was 4 ,
But i thought it was us.
See that 4 **** brought up the fus
Cant add 2 more to our mix
that aint the way to fix
Our problems.
Sad thats how we had to slove them.

Swinging in my door came ******
thats what she said
honestly I thought that would leave me dead
It took time to see her tricks,
Starten fights to call me a son of *****
The delima,
What more could I do but to deliever.

Time be lost since then
start out fresh took time to begin,
I been on track
she been on her back,
no more drama
****, now she feelin the karma
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