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Aarya 1h
You were a quiet soul, dancing in shades
a vivid art in an old museum appreciated,
yet so silent, it never moved away
a river so deep I could drown in mere seconds,
Yet so calm, yet so still
Now I stand here in awe, bedazzled
gazing, you the whispers in the wind
thundering through the air when embraced
you were the verses written so deep
the book whispers faded
with secrets untold, tales unopened
who knew you had a hidden spark,
a spark that shone so bright
Not in the sun, I say, but in the night
Aarya 13h
If you had hurt me
I would be in bits and pieces
Still and all, I would have all of me,
But you shattered  me, you crushed me,
So unreservedly,
I am afraid I will never find all of me again,
yet still, you question “Did I hurt you?”
hurt? It’s too blunt, it’s too little
You obliged me to love you so much
I started hating myself
you made me hate being alive,
I got obsessed with digging my own grave
Yet, even now, it flatters me
The courage you had
To query, whether I was “hurt”
it still, does fascinates me,
how you walked away,
with a “sorry” without any chains
after you disoriented, discarded
shattered and scattered me..
just a piece

— The End —