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Aug 2018 · 111
my favorite song is you
q Aug 2018
i only listen to other people's playlists
it is not because i don't like other music
it is because listening to your playlist
is almost the same as being with you
because i can feel your heartbeat through the speakers
your pulse through the floor shaking
your laugh through the guitar riff
because my favorite song is you
Aug 2018 · 280
q Aug 2018
the sky opened into a torrential downpour
i could not see the lights ahead of us
all i could see was you and the rain
but i was not afraid
i slowed down but i kept driving
you laughed and sang and shouted
when the rain cleared
and we drove into blue skys
i was thankful that the drive was with you
you have always helped me get through the rain
Aug 2018 · 117
when you say "i love you"
q Aug 2018
i'm sorry that when you say
i love you
i have to pause
before i can say it back
i need you to know
i am not hesitating
i am not unsure
i am not confused
when you say
i love you
my heart beats
outside of my chest
and i have to pull it in
before i can say
i love you back
Aug 2018 · 376
q Aug 2018
the smell of lavender reminds of waiting
the smoke fills the air
violet lights illuminate my room
my lamp flickers
my phone does not ring
the smell of lavender reminds me of waiting
waiting for you
Aug 2018 · 105
q Aug 2018
sometimes when i hear your heart beat
it sounds like a siren
and i don’t know whether
i should pull over
or speed away
i am scared of loving too hard
i am scared of not being loved hard enough
i am scared i will never find balance
i’m scared i will always hear a siren
and i will never hear a heart beat
Aug 2018 · 141
shooting star
q Aug 2018
you were there the first time
i saw a shooting star
i remember the moon's glow
your hair, your eyes, your smile
my heart, racing inside my chest
i remember the stones
cold beneath my bare feet
the wind blowing hard
the goosebumps on my arm
i remember not caring at all
i could have been freezing
i'm sure i would not have noticed
i remember smiling so much
my cheeks began to hurt
hearing your heart pound
with my head pressed against your chest
i remember the stars being brighter
than i have ever seen
i remember
how could i forget
Aug 2018 · 172
q Aug 2018
i am afraid to love you
i love abundantly and unapologetically
i am afraid to hold you
i might never want to let go
i am afraid to be with you
i know that i can be overwhelming
i am afraid to leave you
i don't know what comes next
q Aug 2018
when my old best friend
casually says
while i sit in the front seat of her car
texting my girlfriend
i feel my stomach flip
i sit
in her car
i do not try to correct her
i try to erase the conversation
we had about queer parents
i try to erase our memories
from when we were children
i try not to hate myself
for being hopeful that one day
she could change
i try to remember
that i am not in the wrong
she is
but i can feel the hatred
burning my skin and
cutting me open
i know that if i take too deep of a breath
i will break down
and i don't know
where to go from here
is it wrong for me to hope
one day she will be better
how do i stop
holding on
and on
to the plans we made as children
to stand up at each others weddings
is it wrong of me
to so badly want
to forgive her
Aug 2018 · 151
i wish i could help you
q Aug 2018
when she says
"i wish i could help you"
why do i hear
"i wish i could fix you"
Aug 2018 · 662
is you
q Aug 2018
you can't always tell me
how much you love me
i can't tell if you have a hard time saying it
because of me
or because of you
i have no trouble telling you i love you
i write poems and paint pictures
expressing myself has never been hard
i think that's why it is easier for you
to not be able to hold my hand
as we walk down the street
to not be able to kiss me in public
to not be able to show me you love me
but when it's just us
and we get to be alone
i can feel your heart beat like a car alarm
and i watch your nose scrunch
as your cheeks melt into a smile
everything else falls to the side
nothing else has mattered
and all that i need
is you

— The End —