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 Oct 2011 Pink Taylor
Sage King
I remember
When You were You.
Well, it goes to say that you are still you
But you are no longer You.
Unless you is in reality You
And You was actually you.
And I was blind.
 Oct 2011 Pink Taylor
Roberta Day
I want to sleep forever and reside in my dreams
           To frolic through a collage of different spectacles and scenes
                An escape from the insufferable, cruel world at large
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever so I can live in my dreams
           The ruler of the lands, the queen of all kings
               With nothing to fear but the darkside of the conscience
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever and fight my inner demons
        Provide peace of mind for all bothered and exhausted
              Float on utter bliss; those monsters, I'll never miss
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever and never show sadness again
        Bright, long-lasting smiles on weekly sullen days
             Created and maintained in a variety of ways
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever to erase everything
       I want to sleep forever and feel warmth again
           To bathe myself in content that won't ever end
Let me sleep forever
 Oct 2011 Pink Taylor

Pour yourself into me,
until you are sweet
and I'm on fire.

tongue, tied, valentine

I am listening, it’s just...

(I got distracted) have the


I’m not interested
in cheap nylon confession.
I’d rather unravel
a good quality secret-
Make a beautiful bond
from its thread.


I should warn him:
My soul leaks like a sieve.
Instead I listen silently
to words that steal
my breath.

You and I

You are
And I am
You are
And I am
You are
And I am
You are
And I am
I spent a lonely night,
in the rapture of your words,
yearning to be enveloped,
in the cradle within your arms.
Drowning in this ocean,
the rain that tastes so sweet,
these eyes so brightly blue,
a fire upon my soul.
Dare not break the darkness,
the light that never seeps,
this void surrounds my thoughts,
my heart it shall not speak.
But through the tides i wait,
slowly wait for sleep,
for you are but a dream,
not a memory, never real.
A generation of watching movies,
                      of standing still
                          studying film.
Staring still images into dust,
              appreciating what they could have seen
What class of people
          are those who would sit,
Suddenly they are risen - - socially-
                  Because they think.
A generation of praising emotions
        over hard work
                          and sweat.
         Why do we not value
                   the lifestyle
              of the living stone?
when he took words from me and stole my voice
i had given up the notion of having any choice

my life became a muted scene
i lived each day in a nightmarish dream

when he stole my words from me

reaching down into my throat
he pulled them, one by one by force

my words lay in a puddle on the floor

i left them there, not knowing how to get them back
one day he simply swept them away, they tumbled into a dark crack

now that he is gone, i've pulled them out, washed them off.
i arrange them on a page. but some words, i've noticed, have gone missing.

i wonder did they blow away in the wind? never to be found again?
or are they broken in the dust, waiting for me to find them,
to mend them with my hand

or perhaps they are smashed beyond repair,
and i will have to live my life as such
never being able to say all that i feel,
unable to find the words that can mean so much

--bruised orange
 Oct 2011 Pink Taylor
She is my boomerang,
The sad song I have on replay.

Every now and then,
She escapes me.

I break down thinking I lost her,
Only to have her return.

She's my boomerang,
The song I must of sang, a million times.

A repeated offense until it's a crime,
She's my boomerang.

I can't believe that I don't move,
Instead I just stand here waiting for you.

Every time you come back around,
I catch you and keep you safe and sound.

Only for you to leave me again.

She's my boomerang.
My crippled walking cane.
The cloud that causes rain.
My love who I disdain.
The reason for my pain.

Yet I catch you,


She's my boomerang,
And I know she'll be back again.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool over and over and over again, SHAME ON ME.
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