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Two strangers lie skyward
And wonder if their stars are crossed.
He’s gentle and she is soft;
They nudge and shuffle closer
Until they’re equally as lost –
Arm hairs touch,
A sudden rush
From depths of stomach
To somewhere up above.
If we were children,
We would call this love.
To be just one thing
Is a travesty of time
And effort in the making.

Be everything!
Embrace those who do not understand
Play their games, but play yours too
Behind curtains and in sunlit squares
In nightclubs and in conversation

There's infinite again -
Running down its childlike street -

And likewise,
You must let your soul run free.
What joy is sinful?
Show me where that sin is
That animates your lust for life
With sweet beginnings.

There is one rule that you can trust:
Be the sum of everything you are.

Be happy
And free.

And each one of yourselves.
'I don't know what love is.'
You say now.
But I heard you,
You said, 'I Love You.'
I knew it wasn't true.

I am left here. Alone
With my imaginary, serious love.
And sitting in the back of the car,
sitting in the back of the car makes me nervous.
It's not just a name-tag, it's a chore.
It's a chore and you're a bore.
I don't know how long I can be this for.
What is the hardest part
                    Of being alone?
It's the quietness,
A stillness making
What ought have been a home-
a house.
It's filled with beds,
But those lover's nests
Are             Empty.
And the thought is
As occupying as a dream.
A dream you cannot feel
Because the loneliness is keeping you awake

With no one to hold down your fears
         And keep you safe.
You make me smile so easily
almost as easy as the breeze on a fall day,
Knowing it's the least you can expect.

You let me write doodles on you,
Words that usually hurt,
Words about my former heartbreak,
But with you it doesn't hurt.

You call me your friend,
And I try and explain I can't be your friend
I'll like you,
Too late for that.

Every time you laugh I see your dimples,
Indented so deep into your face,
I love them,
They draw the perfect amount of attention to your face,
Those gorgeous dimples help me see your lush lips,
Perhaps they'd like to meet mine one day.

Your one of the few people that aren't afraid to be seen with me,
To be seen talking and laughing with me,
Apparently to some I'm shameful,
But you just continue on making jokes,
Making me laugh.

Each moment I spend with you
I like you a little more,
Liking you has grown easy,
Your the kind of person that can make me happy,
I think your the only one that can make this loneliness fade,
So you should do me a favor and just stay,
Stay and keep the loneliness away.
 Sep 2011 Pink Taylor
 Sep 2011 Pink Taylor
MoB many words.

too many words are not enough

too many words are still too much.

I cannot find a way to cope with my

too many words and your

too few words.

words that wall up any truth from ever reaching me

words so calculatedly cold

words that leave me bitter and empty;

like salt they leave me wanting more.

my words, too many, yours too few.

when did it come to this?

when did it come to this?
Broken smiles
A grin of love
Forever and ever
Until we end
You take my hand
We walk a while
We speak of love
And all that comes
With being here
In this moment

You look deep
Into blue eyes
Nothing can say
What your smile does
When you look
At me like that
But then your mouth
It does not agree
It says you love
But not quite

I am friend
I am yours
But friend alone
To others we turn
When we go
I do not love him
Try as I might
He cannot compare
To anything about you
I love only you
It’s of you I dream
When I sleep at night

For once this is not
Something that makes me crazy
It gives me peace
Agony, yet peace
I can never have you
You don’t want me to
So I’ll have to watch
As another loves you
Never as much as I do

No one ever could
My darling, dearest
Best of all friends
No one could think you
More wonderful than I
It is why I hate them
Those girls you seek
Especially the bad ones
Who so deserve to die
By my own hands
But they make you happy
If just for a time
A happy you won’t
Allow me
To give to you myself

Why I earned this limbo
Only God can tell
It must have been
Something I did
I must have earned
A place in Hell
For my Hell is on earth
It is watching you
Love me with your soul
But nothing more
Pushing me at another
Yet tearing me away
All you do draws me near
It is a home I can live in

No home is perfect
Nothing is kind
I took what you offered
When it was given
So friend I am
And will always be
Until you see
That light in me
When I look in your eyes
Do you see the truth
Behind my broken smile
That I love you
Only you
As long as you want me to

*Author's note:  this is from some years ago
I sought the sunset
The brilliant conclusion
And a star-filled night
I walked the darkness
That edge of madness
I sought the sunset
To be plunged into night
I have walked through it
Moving ever constant
Beating my own path
Towards a new life
A new horizon
I walked through the night
And out the other side
Because I seek the sunrise
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