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PSmeltzer Apr 2014
You want me to visit you
But it's so hard sometimes
I tell you but you snap back at me
With an insulting comment to fill my eyes with its salty tears once again.

You ask for support,
But where was mine when I needed it
the most?
Oh yeah, it was being washed down
The drain with the ***** and whiskey passing by your lips every night you weren't here.
Like you always said,
You'll end up dead, in rehab, or in jail if the addiction worsens.
You were right for once.
PSmeltzer Apr 2014
You told me you loved her
And I wanted to cry,
You asked if I was okay
And I said I was fine,
But I really just want
To drown in my tears,
Because you loving another women
Is my biggest fear,
You probably know
But hesitate to ask,
Because I told you before
But the past is the past,
And frightened little me
Afraid to fail,
Secretly wants you to be the
Prince in my fairytale
PSmeltzer Jan 2014
You plant me
In your garden of love.
But why choose me
When there are so many to pick from?
I'm just a lonely flower.
No company to be found.
I water myself with my tears.
So just let me be and let me drown.
I'm just a dark flower.
No color is present here.
I just sit here and worry.
Let me dwell in all my fear.
I'm just a sick flower.
I'm not like all the rest.
I sit here and hurt myself.
And that's my only quest.
I'm just a hurt flower.
With scars to tell my past.
But also present day too.
That old day was not the last.
But I, the lonely, dark, sick, and hurt,
Will try to stand above.
For you love me so dearly,
And forever hold me in your garden of love.
PSmeltzer Jan 2014
May the rich stay poor,
And the poor stay bold,
May the bold stay strong,
And the strong uphold.

May the upholding withhold,
And the withholding receive.
And the receiving give,
And the giving remain in peace.
PSmeltzer Jan 2014
I speak like the past wasn't real,
I speak like I could never feel.
I speak like I could never be,
I speak to what's left of me.

I am no longer complete,
I can no longer repeat,
My actions of defeat,
Which had brought me to my feet.

My life a rock,
And on my door you had knocked.
My life a ticking clock,
But that timer you had blocked.

What's left of me is bold,
What's left of me is no longer cold.
What's left of me is strong,
What's left of me no longer does wrong,

— The End —