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 Aug 2012 Preech
hurt never hurt so much
it's in the songs we cry
in the silent screams
that let our demons
where we hide

pain causes more pain
like a dull and rusty knife
cutting away vestiges
of a heart that pretends
it beats
with life

wishes are lollies
in candy dishes
a folly
that they taste
as sweet as they look

dirt is thrown
diverting a hurt
to atone
shredding the pages
of an unread book
 Aug 2012 Preech
it's time to change my skirt
I'll just unbutton my shirt
change my skin until I hurt
covered in blushes and dirt

You'll stand there staring at me
waiting to become someone else
I can't undo what you see
until I become myself

Who's waiting for me to become me?
Why do I feel the  need to be free?
Who's waiting for me under the tree?
Is there an escape across the sea?

I don't want to dance as nobody
you don't want me to dance alone
I was once dressed and somebody
just waiting for the tossed bone

parting mouths on open tongues
parting thighs on open thumbs
parting sighs on open promises
parting cries on closed kisses

I changed my skirt
and opened my shirt
my new costume
makes me more
or less
but I guess
I'm more to inhale
Your next breath
to exhale
is why I'm standing
in front of you
 Aug 2012 Preech
There is a place I used to know quite well,
It rained quite often, I love those smells,
On occasion I was visited by some I love,
They would venture down from a place above,
I would smile as they slowly reached my essence,
They would stand aghast, mouths agape in reverence,
At the ramparts around us for it was a castle,
But when I think back I have fought my last battles,
The place I once knew is now in a state of decay,
The shrines to things lost always force you to pay,
For my friends that once came no more exhale the day,
This place is long forgotten, shrouded in doubt,
When I try to return it just kicks me out,
No longer can I feast with my brothers,
Because the place I once knew is cursed by my lovers,
They like to pretend I no longer exist,
I tried to end it; I put up my fist,
But the thing that most haunts me is the lack of your kiss,
But no more will I envy you, your carefree bliss,
For the last time has come when I think of your eyes,
Because every time I sleep my dream slowly dies.
 Aug 2012 Preech
Luke R E Webster
The lady,
She is wise,
But good god,
The lady is dozy.

She eats with her hands,
Her humour is bland,
Her laughter is canned,
Her emotion is ham.

Excuse me

The lady,
She is neat,
But my lord,
The woman's deadly.

She tends to ride side saddle,
Floats without a paddle,
She often will straddle
All that will addle.

But alas,

Though the lady has dangers,
Needs warning of strangers,
The lady has conquered,
The art of my heart.
A light hearted effort, with humour and love :)
 Aug 2012 Preech
Rums got me runnin'
back into those arms.

Behind them
head light eyes,
a different story.

This fifths got me
walkin' the plank.
"Captains" orders.
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