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 Mar 2020 Polar
The Falls
 Mar 2020 Polar
a falling wall deep and thunderous, oh what mountains you have moved

standing at the base of your beauty your presence flows through me, unknowingly it always has

sometimes I duck underneath, a safe place of awe that reaches the stars

peering through the effervescent curtain of falling light, I see the world I know... sometimes
absent this certainty I found

such clarity in your descent, such purpose in your unknown destination replenishing my well along the way.
 Mar 2020 Polar
Irving MacPherson
It's been so long now since
I've touched a pen to paper
But life goes on  and still this crazy world keeps spinning 'round

I wanted to say something profound
But the words wouldn't slip off the pen
I tried to follow life around but was told I had to stand in front

The next time I think about writing a poem
I'll know that if I really had anything to say
People wouldn't listen anyway
 Mar 2020 Polar
Thomas P Owens Sr
i lost sight of her
somewhere along the way
like sleeping through a storm
her tears falling, unseen
crashed like silent raindrops
and washed away the road
we walked in different directions
intending to meet at the same location
destinations and destinies
yet never one
...and the same
 Mar 2020 Polar
Thomas P Owens Sr
grey dusk
blue tomorrow
fade to black
back to sorrow
take my heart
but never borrow
this love is all but spent
yet possibly deadly
it empties streets
makes us quarantine
cities  regions  nations
hits us unprepared
reminds us that pandemics
can also happen in our time

a few days ago I walked downtown
a strange quietness filled the air
made me react to noises and sounds
I had not even noticed
when streets were full with people and cars

     even the wail of distant ambulance sirens
     sounded louder and more ominous

I only saw occasional joggers
a few women airing their pet dogs
more bicycled food deliveries than usual

they hardly acknowledged my existence
glances did not meet
my friendly nods were rarely returned

we have all become solitary strangers
keeping their safe distance
pandemic quietness emptiness distance strangers
 Mar 2020 Polar
Etched in time
 Mar 2020 Polar
my heart won’t let my mind
forget, that beautiful stillness
when we met

I questioned if it was really
there, it’s still with me after
all these years

always strongest when I’m
calm, seamlessly flowing
through my palms

I breathe it in and carry-on
 Mar 2020 Polar
Irving MacPherson
My wife and I
we talk about all
the good times we've had
and about what good times
tomorrow will bring
When we see others
not understanding
what a gift life is
we hang our heads and cry
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