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across the street
the sun sequins the sea
the perfect blue sky
smiles and asks

 9h jewel
i need you right now,
like a bass to a guitar -
my thoughts don’t make sense without you.
i need your interpretation,
so i can tell where i'm going.
i need your lips on mine,
like a compass needs magnetic north -
it helps me to navigate home.
title taken from a beatles lyric
 9h jewel
I heard you cry for the first time
And I hope it lasts a little while
There were no tears
Just loss
It's like you're in search of a great sadness
There is none to be found
It's so peaceful here

And yet, you are still looking back
At the person you used to be, that you moved on from.
They carried you well, and they deserve to be mourned.
Regardless their weight
You've always held them lightly.

But others carry you now
And there is a responsibility to being loved
It asks us to be better and we should not refuse.
I think there is something to be said about how growth can feel like moving on from yourself
Silent Echo was an inspiration,
A genius poet with a depth of thought I aspired to have.
Though while he was crude at times,
I never once found fault in his rhymes.
Best wishes to you friend,
And I hope soon I'll read your work once again.
Today I learned that Echo has left the platform, I don't know if that's for now or forever, but I hope it's not the later. He was truly an inspiration to me coming up as a writer and I loved every piece he wrote. He truly helped me improve and my work would not be the same without what I learned from his.
If you'll take the time,
I have several lengthy thoughts,
So many I need to get out,
I'd pay you to listen to me talk.
Not therapy,
There's no doctor that could understand,
The level of this.
When the dark crawls through the corners of the night,
I find my eyes making their own light,
Because I know what I need to write.
But will it be valued,
If nobody takes the time to read it?
I doubt you'll pay attention to them,
So I'll keep my long thoughts in my head,
Because there's not enough ink to ink them all down.
The world moves so fast, nobody has the time for little things it's awful.
 9h jewel
And finally, it's my time to go
Maybe one day I'll realise
That someone out there loves me too
To my best friends
I will miss you.
(4 March 2025)
 9h jewel
you said it yourself
our timeline is getting fuzzy
i’m not sure what your issue is
but for me
i’ve never been sure
where i end
and you begin
and now that you’re gone
i’m not sure
if i got myself back
or if i left with you too
maybe i’ve always been yours
to begin with
 9h jewel
darkness wears two faces
one is void and empty
cold and harsh
leaving nothing
but you and your loneliness
the other is warm and permeates
it engulfs you entirely
cradling you in its arms
lulling you to sleep
humming its tender silence
 9h jewel
Came back
Survived the ride
Plunged into dark
Saw the light

I'm back!!!
I will now be posting
I missed you all
What doesn't **** me makes me stronger *******
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