Feathers glimmer and shine As though covered in fish oil I lubricate the brain As I slip through the sky With a frictionless flicker My lightening wings Brain waves rapidly fluctuate Perfect balance held Between left and right Each wing a hemisphere As they beat and beat Accelerating into hyper speed 80 to a hundred or more Beats per second
As though injected With a sonic speed Synapses bursting and exploding Exponentially connecting Blistering wing speed I become electric My circuits exploring Rippling and flickering through paper My brain comes alive Flashing multicolored lights Like the cities nights
But still spaces collect around me As I am buffered from the world Perfectly still though standing On an invisible ledge I hold my mind in place While I hum in space Head down I drop my beak Into a funnel of concentration As I tunnel into trumpets Penetrating deep I flower In new knowledge
Polar aspects of mind Released through coherent communication Set free with coordination I seek to marry chalk and cheese As I hold the balance Between two worlds Flashing synapses firing And combusting Against pointed concentration My mind juggles two ***** Expanding into their fullness Expressing vibrant color
My slippery slender beak Slips and slides in As I flutter through pages I discover new unexpected surprises Problems solved, Startling adventures And puzzles completed I find the sugary syrup The delicate delicious sweet spot With the thrill of falling domino's Spilling and cascading Many ripples fanning out Through my mind I find freedom
Each ripple massaging my mind I am catapulted into outer space I dance from fact to golden fact As I am propelled forward on stardust My momentum shoots me forward I bounce and bounce My mind becoming unbounded I enjoy this great Hummingbird delight