hiding in the shadows was always a way of life for me. but I grew tiresome and bored of that lifestyle. I've gone on my own path, whether its a path of destruction, or success. it is my path of my own making. I am a ticking time bomb close to exploding. I will be broken down to less than nothing , and when I do I want to do it in solitude. don't try to come to my rescue because this is not something you can fix by hiding it. I am no longer going to allow lies, and secrets control my life. I am not a fragile lap dog. I am a cold, heartless, heartbreaker who deserves solitude while I die and resurrect myself. my life at the moment is already full with things that you cannot protect me from. I am spiraling down a steep mountain losing all control and frankly my dear, I love it. so save yourself the time and tell your loved ones im dead. because indeed my soul is, im just a walking corpse. and if anyone tries to interfere with my life well... I cant be blamed for collateral damage.
sometimes we have to die and be reborn again to escape and rise to a new life. don't be scared to hit rock bottom. we all do.