I don't know when and where our intimacy turned into strictly contact but Its been years and I'd still prefer to shuffle barefoot along broken glass Because I don't remember the last time you kissed me goodbye. You've never asked me to stay the night And your bed is starting to feel more like a concrete slab But your hands are a prison I haven't been able to escape. No matter how much you love someone You can't make them love you back I can't ******* bear to think of you leaning into anyone but me and Now all I can do is speak goodbyes to everyone I meet because Every time I've spoken the word "love" And genuinely meant it It's started to sound more like an apology. I once opened your door to tell you I could not kiss you anymore But you swallowed the words right out of my mouth. Remember the time you told me You wanted to witness a train wreck? Well, look at me now Look at me now.