I imagine that my words can never be rational. I imagine that my words can never be something you love. I imagine that who I am is something that you will forget. As my mind wonders the pages that I skim. I imagine that you don't even remember my name. I look harder at what I am trying to read. But I still imagine your lipstick smudged smile against the blinding sun I focus on each word in front of me. I begin to read the title of what I want to read. Self...Some how I lose track again. and I imagine the blotted dark night sky against tree tops. You know that one night that we spent together by the lake? That one wonderful night where you told me all the things about you Yes I still remember what you told me How you always loved the sunflowers that grew around the summer and it's amazing how much detail I remember of those times and how I bought a dress of sunflowers the very next day for you. I stop Realizing that I need to stop imagining I need to stop imagining how you are with someone else now I need to stop imagining you wearing that dress for another and how they will hold you while you wear that dress I begin to read the article, even though I didn't finish the title yet I suppose I forgot that I didn't finish the title yet and I skim back to the top of the page Imagining to myself how can I forget that but can not seem to erase the thoughts of you from my brain I think back to what I ate today, and I can't seem to remember My stomach rumbles and with that I am reminded that I have not ate Sadly with that same rumbling I imagine their pet name you gave You called the rumbles rusty as they reminded you of an old rusty man I slam my face near the screen and begin to read the title Self help guide on how to not commit suicide: 10 easy tips and I skip past all 9 till I get to number 1 *It says to imagine doing something else other than reading this article.
Sometimes the best advice is something that you are already doing, there's nothing more hopeless feeling than that. (another poem to delete just here for a little)