It's been over a month, And still that night replays over in my head. The looks those people gave me, When they seen my scars. How they treated me and looked at me, Like I wasn't human..
I wasn't sure what was going to happen, Everything was a blur.. It all happened in an instant, And I didn't know how to handle it.
I was taken away from my family, And hospitalized for 8 straight days.. I was miles away from home, And there was no possible way out..
But when I was in that place, I learned something about myself, I learned the true value of life.. And that it is full of misery and pain, But without misery and pain, There would be no such thing as happiness.
We all face a war with ourselves, In my case, I had a war with depression.. And it went so far, I landed myself in the hospital.. But it showed me, I wasn't alone in this world, Fighting a battle with depression.
But I'm proud to say, After it all.. I won the battle, And it's finally over. At least, I hope it is...