So if you feel you cannot love me Let me kiss you one last time and in the potion of my tears I'll wipe away the laughter lines of your memory of Our Year All of the Good ones The Stupid The Happy The Dull The Weird Your Beard So that ifwhen you leave me My mark of imperfection must leave you.
Mustn't leave a trace Except for the single crinkle on your face when I made you laugh. You mustn't regret a thing in the past So, if we cannot last, then my memory must leave
Do not grieve That will be my job. So, allow me to rob the food of me before I mould
It'sbetterandworse **this way
Made a couple of days ago. One of the worst things for me about someone important from my childhood is that every good memory is tarnished, and that they'll never accept what I've 'become', and I can never accept what they did. I fear it will happen again.