my skin feels like a sunset after you touch it composed of only the color of your lips 3am phone calls and the pattern of your fingerprints my body pressed against yours feels like an eclipse the light flooding from behind darkness until it's gone completely and i'm blinded i feel like i've been given water for the first time in years after we kiss and my hair feels like sunlight when you tangle your hands in it im completely infatuated with your heavy breathing when we're together but also your tiny breaths while you're asleep i could collapse full force into your body and not even care how many bones i broke because i'd feel at home even when you're not around i feel your presence in my mind and i find comfort in the eat we make brief yet playful eye contact before we go our separate ways to class i love to squeeze your sides and see you smile at me but i also love to kiss your neck and feel you pulling my body closer to yours you love so effortlessly and i couldn't be more content with what we have