I wish I had said sorry and known how to act because if I would've done that we might be different.
I wish she had gone and taken me with her but when I think of him I see the pictures
I wish I hadn't been so jealous maybe if I wasn't no one would notice me
I wish I knew what those looks meant instead of just guessing
She wishes she knew what those feelings meant but would that have stopped her from taking those pills?
She seems happy but when she gets home her wishes go away in her mind to haunt
As she drifted off to sleep those wishes came back into reality
The apology she said no to changed to yes
The pictures became life as she left her body
She drifted along looking for one person before she left
When she found him she saw his wishes
"I wish she knew how much I care."
These words in his mind drove her back to find
The body she discarded and left behind
As she returned she forgot his wishes, but in her mind she waited patiently for him to say his wishes
I wish I knew what happened but I myself am lost
waiting and waiting for my own to wish
Hey guys this is my first poem and it deals with a lot of personal issues so it was a challenge for me to share but I hope everyone who reads it will get some kind of message.