Clouds overcast; Light of sun Seep out. Atop this hill, us Below a height Of canopy-sky.
Thought dreamt. It drank long And deep in sleep.
Sun folds into a blanket Of glaring eyes. As if the stars seemed To question me:
"Where have you been In this long dream?"
Always, we have been here Watching trees grow, Letting summers pass, As if waiting For something.
The folded grass Reminds us Of familiarity.
Salt, grass, mud, Water, earth, air.
The wind whispers these things With a steady hand, Brushing the grasslands With water. Gently Leaving its fingerprints In us.
The shallow pond; The way it mirrors the sky Kept us pondering. Perhaps the sky meant for us To be more than just lions. I look into it sometimes to think how I was unable to see the stars that night we drank from it.
Maybe, i'm just not thirsty.
Outside our hill, the winds from the White Mountains still blow, Singing their last verses. I am starting to forget the thought of us being more than just mere lions.
For T. S.
(Paolo Jerome D. Cristobal - 01/11/14)
Version three. The second one seemed rough. But i'm finally happy with this one. I was able to convey the message i wanted. Kept me smiling the rest of the day.