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Oct 2014
A .
I can still feel your sweet kisses on my lips,
I can see the lids of your eyes closed.
Such passion in your kisses,
As if you had waited years for my lips.
Your hand caressing my cheek,
Such sweet tenderness.
We laid down and indulged in the pleasure of our lips.
Then you pulled away,
Stared at me in a way.
That I had never been stared at before.
All while grabbing my hand and tenderly kissing it.
I miss it.
We were in perfect sync.
Our bodies moved and nothing was retained.
We needed each other.
My mouth grew hungry for your kisses,
You didn't stop either.
I have never felt such feelings when I kiss someone,
Your are the only one.
You make me feel like my body is elevated,
Traveling over me and looking at the beautiful scenery.
I long for you,
I've tried to feel how I feel with you .
But I can't my heart hurts when I try.
My heart belongs to you,
And it's been that way all along.
I was blind to not see where it belonged.
You hate me,
Despise me.
And I'm stuck with this feeling that kills my heart.
It makes me cry.
Why do you kiss me with such passion?
Is it payback?
Is it a lie?
No it isn't a lie,
You can't lie that connection we have,
Those looks you gave me,
It wasn't rehearsed .
Are you punishing me?
Don't punish me , I wouldn't hurt you.
Not again.
It's hard to believe but I really wouldn't.
I always thought of you,
I looked for you.
Now that I found you,
And had you.
You seem to let me go.
Written by
Rhona  21/F/Los Angeles
(21/F/Los Angeles)   
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