touch~teach her eyelashes
with my index finger,
her toes ask why
they must, no choice,
my heart answers,
one, one, one
The truths that sway
within my hands,
my body follows,
am music borne,
we each of us
sway differently,
because my hand traces,
my beloved's waist,
soon enough,
never soon enough,
we are
two, two, two
no no not religious,
but miracles observed
quite regular
two becomes one,
emerald melded,
a yellow blonde, how extraordinary,
his blue eyes, lately
gray flecked,
blue and yellow
combined make
emerald melded,
thus two becomes one,
one becomes
a recombinant color,
and new is now
three, three, three
three that rhymes
not with me,
or her,
but the three that rhymes
with me and thee
which makes
three, three, three, thee
for life
Oct 18 2014