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Oct 2014
You tell me I need to lose weight,
so I do,
lest I grow wide.
You tell me I need to eat more,
so I do,
lest I die.

You tell me I need to focus on studies,
so I do,
to make it to a good school.
You tell me I need not focus too much,
so I don't,
I can have some fun too.

You tell me to make more friends,
so I do,
my empathy stretches to three.
You tell me not to worry about others,
so I don't,
only to worry about me.

You tell me not to boast or brag,
so I don't,
my work should not be compared.
You tell me I should be more like her,
now I'm confused,
two different meanings, so you dared.

Why must you confuse me?
Which is it that you want?
In a world of black and white,
my world,
you make no sense,
but for so long,
I've tried
to make due.

Trust me,
I'm really trying to.

Being two things at once,
has become a game,
don't take me for a dunce,
it is my mind I cannot tame.

So be happy with what you created,
for I am both, the good and the bad.

It's all on you.
So make up your mind,
are you happy
or sad?
alex grey
Written by
alex grey  22/CA
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