a couple born blind at birth, decided that they would marry and a child they wanted to carry. when an acquaintance of a friend began to question such an affair. he had to question them, he did not care.
how can you marry one another? when you can't even see each other? how do you know if your partner is a beauty or a beast? and any children that you have may come out the same as you. living in darkness, is that what you want for them too?
the blind couple holding hands, and smiles on their faces, walked over to him. the woman asked if she could touch him? and he agreed. she touched the features of his face his hair, his shoulders, and leaned over and inhaled deeply.
she stepped back, and in a soft gentle voice said: you are a man 5'11' in height but you have no clue- no insight. by your features of your face your looks are quite fine your face narrows down to your chin telling me you are slim.
the mark on the bridge of your nose tells me that you wear glasses too.
the smell from your body, tells me that you are a nervous person, and always on the move. and the way you dress, makes you think you're in the groove.
'shocked and dismayed, he did'nt know what to say'
she then said in that same tone. because we are blind from our birth does not mean we can not see. we live in darkness, but love lights up our hearts. and the other senses, we had from the start.
we do everything the same as you and some things, we may do better too.
we dress ourselves, bathe, cook, clean the house too and we know just what to do. as for a child coming into our lives and if the child will live in darkness the same as us. in GOD we put our trust.
embarassed and apologetic, he learned a lesson that day. LOVE AND FAITH, have no boundaries and there is nothing that can not be overcome. if you trust in the FATHERS SON