I told that when I came out of my mother's womb I was singing. I was told that I whenever I talk I speak as if I'm telling a story. When I tried out for every solo in middle school and never got it. Notice: That never stopped me from singing. When my best friend ignored my words of wisdom, or told me she didn't get it. Notice: That never stopped me from writing. Those plenty of times I've sprained my ankle or was too weak to run another mile. Notice: It never stopped me from running. I'm stubborn and that could be a good thing and a bad thing. I was told by my own family "Shut up, no one cares." Notice: That didn't stop me from having a voice. I was afraid to go outside because I was afraid I'd need an ambulance. Notice: I still went outside. See when I was a baby I never tried new things. I didn't take risks. But I was told that when I came out of my mother's womb I was singing. Singing to the heavens, singing to the sky, singing all the angel's goodbye. Notice: Nothing has ever stopped me from believing in myself.
This is a story of me. And I hope my poetry will and stories will teach someone someday.