Pride The sin from which all others arise Like the ocean from which dinosaurs came A feeling so delightful it must be sin The feeling I get When I tell others About You
Envy How can you be just that beautiful You're a spider silk spiral of shining eyes and glowing heart I'm a bitter rebellion with everything to lose A smile graces your lips while profanity steals mine
Greed You, you, and you An auction of hearts and I want them all A symphony of I love you's and ringing laughs I want you all to myself but that's A bit Much
Gluttony You ignited in me a fire that ravaged Every *****, bone and tissue Spreading from my heart to my stomach to my mind I want to devour you To hear you cry For me Alone
Sloth The silence in winter and the drizzling spring rain Can no better describe How I long to lie with you Our bodies melting together like church candles A prayer of quiet touches and sinful words But no movement Just us
Wrath Who has done this to you You've been wronged and dear god save me because My blood is on fire for a stranger A boiling in my veins struggling to escape By means of tongue and nail and teeth The one who's hurt you Forever stilled
Lust I crave you Every nerve in my body is electrified and your touch Is all I need to release the storm I need you in the most primal way A chorus of gasps and groans and high pitched words Frenzied movements unplanned and unspoken