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Aug 2014
If I close my eyes, I want that to be the day they opens theirs.

Notice this life, my loved ones.
This world is so beautiful.
Every little thing is screaming words of admiration
towards you in every moment.
The leaves fall for you to play in.
The sun travels across space and time
just to land on your shoulders.
Don't curse a sunburn, embrace it.
That's life and life is so beautiful.
Never curse the morning, because it came.
Traffic is not a hassle, it is a moment to look
around and notice and reflect on your day.
In that one moment, hundreds of lives
are sharing one emotion and event,
however hectic or inconvenient,
it is a time to share a smile
or dance to a new song on the radio.

There is no part of life that is innately awful.
Even death is beautiful.
Mourning is beautiful,
it means you felt love
and shared it with somebody.

Every argument is educating you
a little bit more about the mind,
heart, and belief of the other person.

How beautiful that somebody cares enough
about you to try and help you see what they see.
Being a human is the most beautiful thing in the world.
Mistakes are miracles, some how some way.

Yes, bad things happen.
Yes, awful things happen to good people that do not deserve it.
But save your sadness for those few times in your life
(there will probably only be about 2).

Don't waste your sadness on things that don't deserve it.
My baby sister, break-ups are just a step towards finding the person you want to spend the rest of your life with and a good reason to lay in bed with your best friends and eat ice cream.

Brother, not making the team is saving you from wasting hours of your life with people that obviously don't appreciate your talent. Go spend those hours with people who do and be grateful that things worked out the way they did.

Please don't waste a single day.
It is not your job to make others feel happy or loved,
it is only your job to love them the best way you know how.

You can not ever force people to feel any way,
just make sure you are doing your part
so that if they look for an honest answer,
they will be slapped in the face with your unconditional love.

Let life hurt.
Pain is good, it means you're alive.

And lastly, you are flawless, beautiful, perfect
and so is everybody else you will ever meet.

People will do bad things,
but there is always a reason.
This does not mean you shouldn't be just,
or learn that some people are incapable of love.
They are broken. And possibly not healthy for you,
remove them from your life but never from your heart.

Their remnants will remain a reminder.
Don't let anybody make you feel inferior or superior,
but rather just love.

Love the hell out of everybody,
especially yourself
because every piece of you is worth loving.
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