There is something to be said For a hideousness so potent That mirrors are perhaps an enemy Or something to be avoided.
There is something to be said For a self-esteem so insubstantial Not even the most excessive false bragging Can repair a single shamble.
There is something to be said For a weight so displeasing That the scale can cause a panic attack Cheats heaving, troubled breathing.
There is something to be said For a body so scarred Not even summer can shorten the sleeves Or remove the stiff collar.
There is something to be said For a voice so deep yet not quiet That it jars the ears, scathes the mind Until it simply remains silent.
There is something to be said For a boredom so immense Not life or love or fun Can spark a sliver of ambition.
There is something to be said For apathy of so great a measure That the thought of suicide Simply requires too much effort.
There is something to be said For a face makeup cannot beautify Not even when applied heavily Does it become pleasing to the eye.
There is something to be said For a personality like a punch to the gut That changes constantly yet remains unpleasant Mimicking every emotion, save love.
There is something to be said For a complete waste of space and air; see Not to be around the bush, it's easier to say: There is something to be said for me.