It's like I have been Letting the beaten path Take hold of my marionette strings Through every step onto the grassy field And every hug And every smile Has been half from love and happiness And half from my autopilot tendencies The truth is I don't want to be sad I am ready This is life And it demands to move forward
You can either see that life is full of lasts Or see it is full of firsts That was my first high school graduation And now it is the first time I am ready Fully capable to spread my wings And all of that corny ******* But it's all true
There comes a time in life when you must decide Do I fly or fall? And I have been planning to soar The past is beautiful And I'm sure nostalgia will eventually come Knocking on my heart's door soon enough Striking with pangs of emptiness For the realization that childhood is over But it's not lost or forgotten It is simply time to move on Holding those memories in the most central part of our souls
I will miss it all I'm sure But firsts are always too exciting to think about the possibility for lasts.