Standing on the edge of life An edge to a great ocean High up in the mountain I stand crystal clear But as cold as ice My mind buried deep in stars As a million winters collect In my frozen belly As I seek to thaw My many icy layers That separate me
Deep hidden strength sits in me As ancient Mammoths Preserved and buried Frosted over , deep in ice So let me wake these Ancient beasts Lying dormant As I drive through The torrid snow The ice separating me With these ancient beasts I push against my ******* forces
Great stresses and forces Conspire all around me As they seek to Twist and tangle me But I am the King of escapology As Houdini has nothing on me As many forces locks and chains Collapse around me I just silently slip away So I invite this world To do its very worst As there is not a box or barrel That I can not escape
As I stand in my crispy coolness I hear the silence Of many hearts As they all sing in chorus REJOIN US , REJOIN US As have I forgotten The value of melting As I stand tenderly waiting waiting On the edge of life's richness As I carry with me All bravery of the most Delicate crocus flower As it keenly breaks The winters snow Waking the silent forest It celebrates all that is new
Seeking now to live life As freely as a fish I am carried in the ocean Almost weightless in this world As I strip down my hidden parts And loose all eye lashes As I embrace this world There is no need to hide As I slip sleekly into This vast ocean Far away from buried self The hermit in me Seeking to almost loose myself In the much buried love Lying deeply in all hearts
My flower beds now released From the deadly sleepy snow I sew new wild pansies Lets bring on the show As all is embraced By rejoining the ocean