Take care of your own NEEDS... leave the WANTS to those ...who are trying to lay some kind of claim.... that way, even if it doesn't work out... you're OK.
Trust only in yourself, any one else Earns... theirs in DEGREES, slowly, period.
Believe... that you are fabulous, larger than life!.. those around you will too
And honey, just know... that you scare the hell out of ANYONE... who is in any way insecure, or not comfortable in their own skin.
Be your awesome self and take care of you and yours. Don't filter your opinions Don't edit your reactions you just keep being YOU..
The more confident and secure your are with yourself... the more secure and confident the people that are attracted to you will be....
When it comes to love... ALWAYS, close your eyes, and find someone to love your soul... Someone who... looks at you with love in their eyes. Someone who... makes you feel good about yourself
Look for those who SHOW you, instead of... TELL you.... about who and what they are ...
You have a friends watching and caring that you have never even noticed or thought about... look to the ones who don't rush to .... jump in to the drama, that have been in the background,,, supporting, laughing always there
...be loyal to those who are loyal to you
Do the next right thing no matter if no one is looking. Repeatedly.
When giving advice... always quote an insightful poet or a simple child
Look past reasons through excuses beyond emotions to motives.... and rewards... to be found on both sides.
If you can do... half of these your Life... will just be better... and you shall have accomplished more than most shall ever hope to.
This whole piece was actually written to a friend as a comment on her down-trodden facebook status... turns out to be not too bad in this form too!