I'll run away And live in a fantasy Where I sleep in the waves of the ocean I'll rock myself to sleep and hold myself while I cry I'll wipe my own tears away and tell myself it's okay I don't need you to do it
In my fantasy My hair will be dry from the salt My face will be burnt and marked from the harsh sun The sand will cake my feet My skin will be cracked from the heat And the sky will look at me and think My what a beauty I don't need you to tell me that I am
In this world I am the queen of the wind and sand I control the ocean and sun I rule over the moon and stars You have no power here
But yet here you are Taking my hand and dragging me down a road I know so well I'm telling you no But for some reason I'm not running away But walking towards it Nodding my head and smiling
You slow down for me to keep pace You're holding open the door asking You ready? No, I think, I'm not You're not what I want, I think My body is in the car My heart is in the ocean You're waiting, and you're staring You call me beautiful as I stare at my paradise My fantasy
I take a moment to enjoy it I look at the others who took me away from it Their skulls smile as if they know what's about to happen I take a look at you and I can't do it And I expect you, like the others, to start the car But instead