Don't you know the feeling? Hating what makes you feel alive? Don't you love the adrenaline? It should have killed you, but you survived. How many years have gone by since that day? Has the thought ever crossed your mind? Through all of my taunting and singing and loving and needing, I've always wanted to die.
I make exchanges with the devils, So God will forget my sins, The list will keep on growing, But I refuse to let Satan win. I still have hope in this life, But all the same I'm numb, You don't deserve to see this, The monster I've become.
I'm not afraid of dying, Just of losing you, A life without you is meaningless, There's nothing I can do, So I will hold your hand tightly, Guide you into the light, Because even in the darkness, Your soul is burning bright.
Three notes to three very important people in my life. The first: A wake up call. The second: An apology. The third: A recognition.