Scrambling across the tiled rooftop, I avoided peering down. The sight of charcoaled pavement emerged as an unbecoming comrade to this city’s easy skyline.
One cord. One hand. A fear of falling in another My attempt at a Sunday Night Football twisted to the anticipation of a roadside tackle from the opposite team below
The view from up here was my only peace A great inhale of chilled air filling the bottom corners of my lungs You are safe. You will not fall. You are content and happy up here.
And that is what scared me the most.
The roof groaned at my passing weight I stood at the brink of it all. Admiring the city inside me the metro, the lights, the busy buildings It was filthy and a little unbecoming but I was lucky. Nothing was wrong.
Then I slipped off the edge of the rooftop.
Gripping at the pipes that rimmed the building, the hooks of my fingers rioted for a savior. Sprouting blood like fireworks on a holiday I begged not to fall. The pipes wailed as my legs reached further for the ground, like a child stretching towards their mother’s arms I cried at how simple it was - To let go or to bring myself up not knowing if my will could get me up to the rooftop
I thought hard for us all - my only undoing - Then I unclasped my broken fingers and fell down onto the concrete.
November 7, 2013 3:59 pm Revised: December 9, 2013 1:53
(Inspired by "Traveling through the Dark" - William E. Stafford)