I speak, therefore I ****. Complacent in my seat of ancient learning, I can and will undo your fragile notions, your vapid little dreams; I'll pierce your ego with a word. Your ego is absurd.
I sleep in blameless peace. Reclining on my cloud of contemplation, I can and do lampoon your trite devotions, tug on their fraying seams; I'll take your confidence away with everything I say.
You're weaker than I am, Regurgitated clichés haunt your writing, you know it's true You wear the same emotions; no common sense redeems the foolish things you write - till I slay them with spite.
Inspired by a war of words between an editor and ex-co-editor of an anthology of poetry. The editor who was dismissed from co-editing wrote a very damning review of said anthology on amazon(dot)com. The original editor was very upset by his words and a battle of counter-reviews began. This poem is a satire of critics in general, especially self-styled poetry critics.