Perfect is not obtainable here. We need mistakes so our Miss tries, Miss understandings, Miss leads Can then fix and stop behind Miss takes.
Superficial smiles and Clever complements Plague the imperfect people Wandering the wide world: This eccentric earth filled with Rock and Roll. Too many people roll away From any truth left, Gauging themselves, Their gluttony filled with Their fake friends that are Too much. Too much like those that roll. If the world was in a race for The devil's lair of despair, They would win-- They are well rounded in that area.
If I was more like myself, Would people still be my friend?
Whine all you want, The world will not change if We can't take the change from our pockets And cause it to go for a Better cause than our own Messed up feelings. Cause you to change first, So you can help the big problem In the world.
Deckle Definition: The rough edge of hand-made paper