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May 2014
Beneath the stars at night
I feel light, vacuously transcendent.
With only one request
Floating in my mind:
Breathe me.
So I will flow into
Your lungsโ€”a vivifying expansion
Leading to the fleeting journey;
Something called โ€œgiving of lifeโ€
Where I circulate through your
Veins and be with you.
Yet I know that this
Moment is not to last;
In a few seconds you
Exhaleโ€”an action that is
Now perfunctory, flushing me out
Of your system without thinking
Twice about it at all.

But I leave happy.
For I have done my part
To keep you alive
For your next breath.
I submitted this one to a contest
William Riley Plath
Written by
William Riley Plath
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