***** purple prose Who does it think it is, Looking all beautiful just because Of flowery, sugar-coated words Someone plucked from a thesaurus?
It's very much like a woman Who, let's say, in one man's eyes Is very pretty if and only if Makeup cakes her face To conceal dull features underneath
And that's where we writers are wrong, see Your message can still be portrayed beautifully Without long words one would find difficult to spell or pronounce It's all about the raw emotion And how we can manipulate a reader's feelings
Now, I'm not trying to say That our generation is a dumbed-down audience Keeping it to the point is what really gets us on our toes But I guess if purple prose is your thing Well, each to his/her own
This is the side of me ranting on how much I dislike purple prose. I'll also have you know that another side of me adores it (especially if it's written skillfully) and sometimes tries to write in it. Love-hate relationship. I know.